★ AMSTRAD CPC ★ OCR 'CPC Amstrad International' ★

AllemandsOCR : CPC Amstrad International

OCR : Schneider Aktiv OCR : Computronic OCR : Schneider Magazin OCR : Schneider CPC-Welt OCR : German OCR : CPC Magazin OCR : Compute Mit OCR : Aktueller Software Markt OCR : Mein Home-Computer OCR : Happy Computer OCR : Computer Schau OCR : Computer Partner

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GAMELIST The Sacred Armour of Antiriad
L'armure Sacrée d'Antiriad
Die Heilige Rustung des Antiriad
La Armadura Sacrada de Antiriad
APPLICATIONSTelecom 1000 1986
APPLICATIONSTextretter (CPC Amstrad International)1989
GAMELIST Mission Wega 1988
APPLICATIONSTeleport (Woerl Tronic)1984/1985
Supercalc 2
APPLICATIONSARTWORX - Verbesserte Druckqualität für ARTWORX-Grafiken (CPC Amstrad International)1991
APPLICATIONSGAC : The Graphic Adventure Creator1985
GAMELIST Smiley v the Grumpies
Smiley und die Grumpies
APPLICATIONSStop Press Desktop Publishing1987
APPLICATIONSProfi Painter1986
LITTÉRATUREDas große Computerschachbuch198x
APPLICATIONSVereinsverwaltung Bm 1986
APPLICATIONSTopdat (acw-Soft) 1989
GAMELIST Rob the Roboter 1987
APPLICATIONSThe Music System1986
HARDWAREAutres - Wd20 Hard - Disk Subsystem1986
APPLICATIONSPrint-Manager (RSE Software) 1987/1988
GAMELIST Solitaire (Ralf Brostedt/CPC Amstrad International) 1992
APPLICATIONSMultiadressen 464 1985
APPLICATIONSPrommer 80 (Computer Technik)1986
LITTÉRATURESchneider CPC 464, 664, 6128 Programmbegleiter1986
LITTÉRATUREJoyce für Einsteiger1986
LITTÉRATUREWas der CPC 464 alles kann1985
LITTÉRATUREV24/RS-232 Kommunikation1984
APPLICATIONSEPROM-Simulator PEPS (CPC Amstrad International)1985/1986
APPLICATIONSDeutsche Fehlermeldungen (CPC Amstrad International)1986
APPLICATIONSStaticad (CPC Amstrad International)1986
GAMELIST Waage-Problem 1986
APPLICATIONSTranstex (CPC Amstrad International)1986
APPLICATIONSSchneider - Boersenmakler (CPC Amstrad International)1986
GAMELIST Tipsi 198x
APPLICATIONSSAGS (CPC Amstrad International)1986
APPLICATIONSRSX Screen-Part (CPC Amstrad International)1987/1986
GAMELIST Speedy-Bricks 1986
APPLICATIONSPrinter-Protokoll (CPC Amstrad International)1986
APPLICATIONSBack Up Hilfe (CPC Amstrad International)1986
GAMELIST Der Fluch des Pharao 1986
GAMELIST Dops 1986
GAMELIST Hopper 1986
APPLICATIONSClac Datenprozessor (CPC Amstrad International)1986
APPLICATIONSPhoenix Soft - Basic Compiler v1 (CPC Amstrad International)1986
APPLICATIONS3-Axis (CPC Amstrad International)1986
APPLICATIONS3D Plot 86 (CPC Amstrad International)1986
GAMELIST 3D Ballhunter 1989
GAMELIST Ballhunter 198x
GAMELIST Runner 1987/1988
SLIDESHOWBlazing Demo2024
GAMELIST Crazy Stamps 1986
GAMELIST Memory (Werner Schmidt/CPC Amstrad International) 1986
GAMELIST Schlumpis Horror-Trip (CPC Amstrad International) 1987
APPLICATIONSUNILAB v2 (CPC Amstrad International) 1987
GAMELIST Guazuela 1987
GAMELIST Mensch (Werner Schmidt) 1987
GAMELIST Tennis-Manager (CPC Amstrad International) 1986/1987
GAMELIST Secret Cavern 1987
GAMELIST Poker 1986/1987
GAMELIST Vier Gewinnt 1986/1987
CODING SRC'SWindows (Hans-Werner Fromme/CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSDeluxe Data System (CPC Amstrad International) 1987
APPLICATIONSTonkopfjustage (CPC Amstrad International) 1987
APPLICATIONSLister (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSSuper Trace (CPC Amstrad International) 1987
APPLICATIONSEdit-List (CPC Amstrad International) 1987
CODING SRC'SDrucken mit dem 8. Bit (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSExtended F1-X DOS : Befehlserweiterung für F1-X (CPC Amstrad International)1987
CODING SRC'SSUB SLIME (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSWertpapierbilanz (CPC Amstrad International)1987
CODING SRC'SSUB TIMER: Digital Realtime Clock (CPC Amstrad International)1987
CODING SRC'SSieve of Erastosthenes (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSVortex Disktool (CPC Amstrad International) 1987
APPLICATIONSCONVERT.BAS (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSCopy Tool (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSChecksum v2 (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSDCF-77 Zeitsignal (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSBundesliga (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSPSG-Programmer (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSTimeout (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSDefprint (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSTilgugsplan (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSMorse (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSColfunkt (CPC Amstrad International)1987
CODING SRC'SSound-Demo (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSEnvpro (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSCPC-Term (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSGBasic (CPC Amstrad International)1986
GAMELIST Domingo 1986
APPLICATIONSThe Soundtrakker 64K / 128k/ (BSC)1992/1993
HARDWAREX-Drive (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSThe Animator (CPC Amstrad International)1985
GAMELIST Solitaire (Hans Müller/CPC Amstrad International) 1985
APPLICATIONSRSX Line (Computer Schau) 1985/1986

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.