CPC Amstrad International

1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992/1993 Sonderheft

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GAMELIST Spaceworm 1988
GAMELIST Spaceworld 1988
GAMELIST Spacetacker 1987/
GAMELIST Spaceball 1989/1990
GAMELIST Space-collision
GAMELIST Space Shooting 1990
GAMELIST Space Glider
APPLICATIONSSoundmanager (CPC Amstrad International)1988/1989
CODING SRC'SSound-Demo (CPC Amstrad International)1987
GAMELIST Sound-Check 1991
GAMELIST Sonde 1990
GAMELIST Solitaire (Ralf Brostedt/CPC Amstrad International) 1992
GAMELIST Solitaire (Hans Müller/CPC Amstrad International) 1985
GAMELIST Solitaer 1992
APPLICATIONSSoftwareFreezer (CPC Amstrad International)1988/1987
APPLICATIONSSoftware-Manager (CPC Amstrad International)1992
GAMELIST Soft-chef 1986
GAMELIST Snake (Petr Potuznik/CPC Amstrad International) 1991
GAMELIST Snake (CPC Amstrad International) 1987/1986
GAMELIST Smiling-Ball 1987/
GAMELIST Smiley v the Grumpies
Smiley und die Grumpies
GAMELIST Sly Sprite 1989/1990
APPLICATIONSSLOAD (CPC Amstrad International)1990
GAMELIST Skiller 1989
GAMELIST Singolo 1989
APPLICATIONSSimulations-Plot (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSSilbentrennung (CPC Amstrad International)1989
CODING SRC'SSieve of Erastosthenes (CPC Amstrad International)1987
CODING SRC'SSierpinski-Dreiecke (CPC Amstrad International)1991
GAMELIST Shift 1990
APPLICATIONSShape - Editor (CPC Amstrad International)1989
GAMELIST Sequence (CPC Amstrad International) 1989
GAMELIST Sensor 1991
GAMELIST Senso 1989/1988
APPLICATIONSSeikosha Printer Improvement (CPC Amstrad International)1986
APPLICATIONSSector Editor (CPC Amstrad International)1988/1989/1992
GAMELIST Secret Cavern 1987
GAMELIST Searchy 1986/1985
APPLICATIONSSearch and Hide (CPC Amstrad International)1992
CODING SRC'SScroll Message : Laufschriften in Assembler (CPC Amstrad International)1986/1987
APPLICATIONSScript (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSScript & Scroll (CPC Amstrad International)1991
APPLICATIONSScreenScroll (CPC Amstrad International)1992
APPLICATIONSScreenmix (CPC Amstrad International)1988
APPLICATIONSScreenlocker (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSScreencopy (CPC Amstrad International)1988
APPLICATIONSScreencopy - Bankdateien Als Binardatei (CPC Amstrad International)1986
APPLICATIONSScreen-Save (CPC Amstrad International)1988
APPLICATIONSScreen-Manager (CPC Amstrad International)1992
APPLICATIONSScreen Compressor (CPC Amstrad International)1986
CODING SRC'SSCRCOPY (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSSCR-Part (CPC Amstrad International)1991
GAMELIST Schwimmen 1988
APPLICATIONSSchrift (CPC Amstrad International)1991
APPLICATIONSSchriftsetzer : Seikosha GP 500 CPC (CPC Amstrad International)1990
APPLICATIONSSchreibtrainer (CPC Amstrad International)1988/1989
CODING SRC'SSchnellerer Graphics-Pen (CPC Amstrad International)1992/1991
CODING SRC'SSchnelle Zeichenausgabe in Mode 2 (CPC Amstrad International)1988
APPLICATIONSSchneider - Boersenmakler (CPC Amstrad International)1986
GAMELIST Schlumpis Horror-Trip (CPC Amstrad International) 1987
GAMELIST Schlange 1987/1988
APPLICATIONSSchildchen - Drucker (CPC Amstrad International)1988/1989
GAMELIST Schiffe versenken (CPC Amstrad International) 1991/1992
APPLICATIONSSchichtzulagenberechnung (CPC Amstrad International)1992
APPLICATIONSSchattenschrift (CPC Amstrad International)1989/1988
APPLICATIONSSchaltplaner (CPC Amstrad International) 1990
APPLICATIONSSAGS (CPC Amstrad International)1986
GAMELIST Runner 1987/1988
APPLICATIONSRunge und Gauss (CPC Amstrad International)1991
APPLICATIONSRSX-Symbol-Designer (CPC Amstrad International)1988
APPLICATIONSRSX-Druck (CPC Amstrad International)1988/1987
APPLICATIONSRSX-Compiler (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSRSX- CLS : Der Saubermacher (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSRSX X-Basic - Graphikerweiterung (CPC Amstrad International) 1986
APPLICATIONSRSX TestFile (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSRSX Subscript / Superscript (CPC Amstrad International)1986
APPLICATIONSRSX Scroll (CPC Amstrad International)1986
APPLICATIONSRSX Screen-Part (CPC Amstrad International)1987/1986
APPLICATIONSRSX Repeat (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSRSX Protokoll (CPC Amstrad International)1992/1991
APPLICATIONSRSX Professional1990/1991
APPLICATIONSRSX Printtrans (CPC Amstrad International)1988
APPLICATIONSRSX Kreis (CPC Amstrad International)1985
APPLICATIONSRSX INTP (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSRSX Input (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSRSX Help (CPC Amstrad International)1990
APPLICATIONSRSX Find (CPC Amstrad International)1990
APPLICATIONSRsx Editor (CPC Amstrad International)1987
APPLICATIONSRSX Drucker-Spooler (CPC Amstrad International)1987/1988
APPLICATIONSRSX Display1985/1989
APPLICATIONSRSX Disk-Katalog (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSRSX Disc Basic (CPC Amstrad International)1985
APPLICATIONSRSX Directory Manager (CPC Amstrad International) 1990
APPLICATIONSRSX Comfort (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSRSX Check / Checksummer (CPC Amstrad International)1990/1991
APPLICATIONSRSX Change (CPC Amstrad International)1990
APPLICATIONSRSX Binking (CPC Amstrad International)1991
APPLICATIONSRSX Bexec (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSRSX Bef (CPC Amstrad International)1990

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.