2014-03-22 | #Pirate 7.6 | 1989 |
2014-06-09 | ΣtatiΣtikh (Pixel)  | 1985 |
2014-07-10 | προ-πο  | 198x |
2014-06-09 | προ-πο  | 1985 |
2014-07-10 | προ-πο 2  | 198x |
2022-06-14 | ΔΤ | 198x |
2014-07-28 | Écriture Evoluée sur Amstrad CPC (CPC Revue) | 1987 |
2024-05-16 | ¡A la carga! (Amstrad Personal) | 1988 |
2022-03-28 | Μισθοδοσια  | 1986 |
2022-06-14 | ΠΕΛΑΤΕΣ | 198x |
2022-06-14 | ΣΕΟΔΑ-ΣΘΟΔΑ | 198x |
2022-08-10 | Überweisungen Schreiben (Schneider Aktiv) | 1985/1986/1987 |
2021-06-21 | Überweisungen (Schneider Aktiv)  | 1987 |
2018-10-02 | ,,Unprotect'' für den Schneider CPC 464  | 1985 |
2015-02-09 | .PT3 Module Player for PlayCity | 2015 |
2019-03-04 | 0K-Free-Maker | 1995 |
2020-04-19 | 1-kByte-Tester (CPC Amstrad International) | 1990 |
0000-00-00 | 10 Tipos de Letras | 19xx |
2013-12-10 | 10-Liner Artificial Intelligence | 19xx |
2024-09-14 | 12 Utilities | 1985 |
2021-02-07 | 128K Memory Swapper | 1989 |
2021-08-05 | 16 RSX Befehle by Alexander Bloss (Compute Mit) | 1987 |
2024-09-14 | 16 Utilities | 1986 |
2017-12-21 | 16-Shade Screendump | 1987 |
2021-02-05 | 1988 | 1988 |
2013-07-22 | 1n2 | 1987 |
2020-08-05 | 200k Disc Formatter (Computing with the Amstrad) | 1987 |
2023-12-02 | 24 Hour Clock (Amstrad Computer User) | 1991/1992 |
2023-12-05 | 2D/3D Fractal Landscape (Amstrad Computer User) | 1988/1989 |
2019-03-04 | 2H: 208K Utility | |
2019-03-04 | 2in1 | 1989 |
2023-12-03 | 3'' Disc Inlay Printer (Amstrad Computer User) | 1991/1992 |
2020-06-15 | 3"-Etiketten-Designer (Computer Partner)  | 1988/1989 |
2024-03-04 | 3-Axis (CPC Amstrad International) | 1986 |
2020-06-14 | 3-D-Apfelmännchen (Schneider Magazin) | 1988 |
2020-06-17 | 3-D-Funktionsplotter (Computer Partner)  | 1989 |
2021-08-13 | 3-Flasher (Computing with the Amstrad) | 1987 |
2020-04-25 | 32-ROMs Booster | 1996 |
2023-12-09 | 360 Degrees (Amstrad Action)  | 1992 |
2019-03-04 | 3615 Microcharge (Kit de Téléchargement MICROMAG) | 1991 |
2018-08-06 | 3D Character Design | 1987 |
2018-05-13 | 3D Construction Kit | 1990/1991 |
2018-08-04 | 3D Hidden Line Removal Graph | 1988 |
2021-02-09 | 3D Landscape Designer (Amstrad Action) | 1990 |
2021-02-09 | 3D Mandelbrot Generator (Amstrad Action) | 1990 |
2023-12-03 | 3D Mapper (Amstrad Computer User) | 1991/1992 |
2017-05-09 | 3D Megacode | 198x |
2020-06-21 | 3D Mini-Painter (CPC Amstrad International) | 1988/1989 |
2018-11-24 | 3D Plot 4 | 1985 |
2024-03-04 | 3D Plot 86 (CPC Amstrad International) | 1986 |
2012-07-19 | 3D Studio | 1987 |
2020-08-04 | 3D Surface Plotter (Computing with the Amstrad) | 1987 |
2020-05-17 | 3D-Balkendiagramme (Computer Kontakt)  | 1985 |
2021-03-18 | 3D-Dreh (Happy Computer) | 1986 |
2021-08-12 | 3D-Filmerzeugung (CPC Amstrad International) | 1986/1987 |
2023-02-17 | 3D-Plot (Computer Team)  | 1985 |
2020-05-19 | 3D-Processor (CPC Magazin) | 1986 |
2022-07-08 | 3D-Road (Sizin Amstrad) | 1989 |
2021-08-10 | 3D-Script v2 (CPC Amstrad International) | 1988 |
2022-09-14 | 3Mode | 198x |
2025-01-19 | 4 Color Char Editor  | 2025 |
2023-12-10 | 4 Line Doodle (Amstrad Action) | 1991 |
2023-12-18 | 40 Multi-Coloured Characters across the screen in Mode 0! (Amstrad Computer User) | 1992 |
2016-06-01 | 400 K/s  | 199x |
2023-12-03 | 464 Screen Divider (Amstrad Computer User) | 1992 |
2013-12-10 | 464 Tape Utility | 1989 |
2022-01-05 | 464 To 664 - 6128 (The Amstrad User)  | 1988 |
2021-06-10 | 464-Speed-Tape (Schneider Aktiv)  | 1986 |
2021-06-10 | 464/664/6128 Biorhytm  | 1986 |
2020-06-16 | 60 Hertz (Schneider Magazin)  | 1988 |
0000-00-00 | 60 Rsx Commands | 1985 |
2020-07-08 | 60hz (CPC Amstrad International) | 1987/1991 |
2023-12-10 | 6128 Command Emulator v1 (Amstrad Action)  | 1991 |
2019-03-04 | 6128 Emulation RSXxs | 1996 |
2020-04-20 | 664 - 6128 - Emulator für den CPC 464 (CPC Amstrad International) | 1986 |
2019-03-05 | 664-464 Converter | |
2024-02-29 | 7 Fontes de Caracteres | 2024 |
2024-06-24 | 7 Runes de Caracteres (Sept-rune) | 2024 |
2019-03-06 | 7-Seg | 1990 |
2021-03-19 | 738 KByte auf vortex-Laufwerk (CPC Magazin)  | 1987 |
2017-06-16 | 8 and 12 Track MIDI Sequencers  | 1987 |
2024-03-09 | 8 Bit Centronics Output (Computer Technik) | 1985 |
2018-08-25 | 8 Octave Organ (Amstrad Action) | 1989/1990 |
2022-07-06 | 8-bit Print Routine (Amstrad Computer User) | 1989 |
2020-05-29 | 8-Bit-Drucker-Port (CPC Magazin) | 1987 |
2020-04-28 | 8-Bit-Druckerporttreiber (CPC Amstrad International) | 1992 |
2020-06-06 | 8-Bit-Hardcopy DIN A4/A5 (CPC Magazin)  | 1987 |
2020-06-11 | 8-Bit-Zelchen (Schneider Magazin)  | 1988 |
2022-08-03 | 8-spur-Sequenzer (CPC Amstrad International) | 1987 |
2015-07-02 | 8080 Fig Forth  | 198x |
2017-06-22 | 8256UKM7  | 1987 |
2018-09-03 | 90 colunas no ecrã (Amstrad Magazine) | 1989 |
2018-09-02 | A Arte Moderna por Compotador (Amstrad Magazine)  | 1988 |
2023-12-12 | A Font of Your Very Own (Amstrad Action) | 1994 |
2013-08-17 | A la Recherche de l'Enregistrement Perdu | |
2022-05-24 | A-Edit (Les Cahiers de l'Amstrad) | 1986 |
2020-05-24 | A-Sort (CPC Magazin) | 1987 |
2017-04-23 | A.M.C: Advanced Music Creator | 1996 |
2021-02-05 | AA Sprite Editor | 1989 |