APPLICATIONS | Conlog  | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Spectre  | 1987 |
GAMELIST | Captain America  | 1986 |
GAMELIST | Taquin Alphabétique  | 1987 |
GAMELIST | 3D Snakes II  | 19xx |
GAMELIST | Monnaie  | 1986/1987 |
GAMELIST | Ordipuz  | 1987 |
GAMELIST | Memory Educatif  | 1987 |
GAMELIST | 3D-4 en ligne-3D  | 198x |
GAMELIST | Devil Highway  | 1987 |
GAMELIST | Labyrinthe  | 1987 |
GAMELIST | Alpha Bug  | 1985/1986/1987 |
GAMELIST | Othellus  | 198x |
APPLICATIONS | Gestion d'Entreprise (CORE)  | 1985 |
APPLICATIONS | Planificador (Amstrad User)  | 1985/1986 |
APPLICATIONS | Amstrad Header Reader / Head 'x' Analysis (Australian Personal Computer)  | 1985 |
APPLICATIONS | Gemstone collection (Living Image)  | 1988 |
GAMELIST | Yahtzee (Computing with the Amstrad)  | 1986 |
DEMOSCENE | Renderfast | 2024 |
GAMELIST | Euro Test | 19xx |
APPLICATIONS | Pack Facturación-Recibos (Enrique Pino) | 1987/1989 |
GAMELIST | Latin: Curso elemental de morfología latina | 19xx |
GAMELIST | Le Tombeau Perdu Pharaoh's Tomb | 1984/1985 |
GAMELIST | Town Clerk | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Gift Finding Quiz | 2024 |
CODING SRC'S | 3D-Draw (Amstrad Games Book) | 1985 |
CODING SRC'S | Patterns (Amstrad Games Book) | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Crystal Place | 2024 |
GAMELIST | House Mouse | 1985 |
GAMELIST | The Mystery of the Java Star | 1984/1985 |
APPLICATIONS | Amstrad Database (Personal Computer World)  | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Radius Caver: le Voyageur du Temps | 1986 |
DEMOSCENE | Concours ''cartes de voeux'' (Retropoke) | 2024 |
DEMOSCENE | 25 ans d' (Retropoke) | 2024 |
GAMELIST | 421 (Micro Switch)  | 1990 |
DEMOSCENE | Montagne (Retropoke) | 2024 |
GAMELIST | Mr Cube | 2024 |
GAMELIST | Chasm Capers | 1985/2024 |
GAMELIST | Sir Bob | 1986 |
GAMELIST | Da Bells | 1986 |
GAMELIST | Exchange (Disk 50) | 1985/1986 |
GAMELIST | Exchange | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Monopolic | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Carré Magix | 2024 |
GAMELIST | Deathkick | 1984 |
APPLICATIONS | Micro'Gestion (Cobra Soft) | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Ellen: For the Love of a Girl | 1988 |
GAMELIST | Krack It! | 1987 |
GAMELIST | Laser Cycles | 198x |
GAMELIST | Space Lords | 1987 |
GAMELIST | Intergalactic Stunt Parrot  | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Digger | 1987/1985 |
GAMELIST | Roulette | 1987 |
GAMELIST | Pontoon | 1986/1985 |
APPLICATIONS | Sort the Rainbow (Computing With the Amstrad) | 1985/1986 |
GAMELIST | The Dizzy Starline and the Gowong Computer Dizzy Starline | 1986 |
GAMELIST | Space Base | 1985/1986 |
GAMELIST | Spider's Web | 1986 |
GAMELIST | Spelling Quiz | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Othello (Computing with the Amstrad) | 1986 |
GAMELIST | Santas Grotty Haggie | 1985 |
APPLICATIONS | Amateur Radio Station Information  | 1988 |
APPLICATIONS | Paquete integrado de Estadística (Idealogic/DimensionNew) | 198x |
GAMELIST | Spaceways Shoppingtown | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Nightmare Park La Forêt Infernale | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Bolide | 2024 |
DEMOSCENE | Plein les yeux | 2024 |
GAMELIST | Premier II | 1987 |
APPLICATIONS | 7 Runes de Caracteres (Sept-rune) | 2024 |
GAMELIST | Eliza | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Eliza | 1986 |
APPLICATIONS | ARTWORX - Verbesserte Druckqualität für ARTWORX-Grafiken (CPC Amstrad International) | 1991 |
APPLICATIONS | Umsatzsteverberechnung (Schneider CPC-Welt)  | 1988 |
GAMELIST | Labyrinthe (Jouez avec Amstrad) | 198x |
DEMOSCENE | The MATRIX In Ten Lines of BASIC | 2024 |
GAMELIST | Blockhaus | 1986 |
GAMELIST | Casse-tête | 1985/1986 |
GAMELIST | Mirage IV | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Boulder Crash | 1987 |
GAMELIST | Solitario (Software Editores) | 198x |
GAMELIST | Rubicubo (Software Editores) | 198x |
GAMELIST | Rubik's Clock Solver | 1988 |
GAMELIST | Super Rubik's Cube (Schneider Magazin) SupCube | 1988/1989 |
GAMELIST | Moon Rescue | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Dama (Software Editores) | 198x |
GAMELIST | Carreras de Caballos (Software Editores) | 198x |
GAMELIST | Balística (Software Editores) | 19xx |
GAMELIST | Pontoon | 1984 |
GAMELIST | Pontoon (Software Editores) | 198x |
GAMELIST | Pontoon (Home Computing Weekly)  | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Pontoon (Computer Gamer) | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Tesoro Azteca | 198x |
GAMELIST | Robot Ron vs the Evil Weevils | 1986 |
APPLICATIONS | Sprite Routines (Computing with the Amstrad) | 1985 |
APPLICATIONS | Prácticas de teclado (Amstrad Semanal)  | 1987 |
GAMELIST | Smiley v the Grumpies Smiley Smiley und die Grumpies | 1985/1986/1987 |
GAMELIST | Tronn Cycles Tron | 1985 |
GAMELIST | Life Juego de la vida | 1986/1987 |
APPLICATIONS | Guitarra Ritmica (Amstrad Semanal) | 1987 |