2013-01-29 | PFC-PFS | | 199x |
2013-01-28 | Hold-up | ERE Informatique | 1984 |
2013-01-26 | Cavern Patrol | | 1985 |
2013-01-25 | Super Flippard | Free Game Blot | 1987 |
2013-01-25 | L'anniversaire de Bobby | Carraz Editions | 1988 |
2013-01-25 | Denver : Je Decouvre Les Animaux | Loriciel | 19xx |
2013-01-25 | Denver: Apprendre avec Denver | Loriciel | 19xx |
2013-01-25 | Denver: Je Memorise Avec Denver | Loriciel | 19xx |
2013-01-25 | Denver: Je Decouvre les Chiffres | Loriciel | 19xx |
2013-01-23 | The Invisible Mr Men | Mirrorsoft | 1985 |
2013-01-23 | Mr Men Magic Stortmaker | Mirrorsoft | 1985 |
2013-01-22 | Mega-boss | | |
2013-01-21 | Robo-cup | | 1989 |
2013-01-21 | Lights Out | DBT | 1997 |
2013-01-18 | Block-up | Glenco Software | 1990 |
2013-01-18 | Wipeout | Glenco Software | 1990 |
2013-01-18 | Chala | POW CREW | 1994 |
2013-01-18 | Escape From Wacci | Potplant Productions | 1989 |
2013-01-18 | Strandhotel | Cpc Amstrad International / Jacksoft | 1987 |
2013-01-17 | Defender Defender | CPC Amstrad International | 1986 |
2013-01-17 | Space Mission | Micro Application | 1984 |
2013-01-11 | Superchance | CPC Amstrad International | 1985 |
2013-01-11 | Vokabeltrainer (CPC Amstrad International) | CPC Amstrad International | 1985 |
2013-01-11 | Dreimal Eins | Cpc Amstrad International | 1985 |
2013-01-11 | Points | Cpc Amstrad International | 1985 |
2013-01-11 | Drei Haufen | Cpc Amstrad International | 1985 |
2013-01-11 | Zieh Oder Spring | Cpc Amstrad International | 1985 |
2013-01-11 | Super Saturn | Cpc Amstrad International | 1985 |
2013-01-11 | Zastermann | Cpc Amstrad International / Ratz Fatz Soft | 1985 |
2013-01-11 | Utopia | Cpc Amstrad International | 1985 |
2013-01-11 | Castle Grayscal | Cpc Amstrad International | 1985 |
2013-01-11 | Wallstreet Boersenspiel | CPC Amstrad International | 1985 |
2013-01-11 | Mercator | Cpc Amstrad International | 1989 |
2013-01-11 | Morderjagd | CPC Amstrad International / DMV-Verlag | |
2013-01-11 | Dungeon Doom | CPC Amstrad International / DMV-Verlag / Dinosoft | 1986 |
2013-01-10 | Mini-schach | CPC Amstrad International | 1986 |
2013-01-10 | Prokyon | Pride-soft / CPC Amstrad International | 1986 |
2013-01-09 | Space Attack (CPC Magazin Codex) | CPC Magazin Codex | 1985 |
2013-01-08 | Teodoro: No Sabe Volar | Retroworks | 2012/2013 |
2013-01-06 | Come-Bed School | The Electric Monk | 1993 |
2013-01-06 | Karatian | Wizcat | 1995 |
2013-01-04 | Chess For Three Schach für Drei | CPC Amstrad International | 1992/1991 |
2013-01-03 | Kuniberts Burg | CPC Amstrad International | 1992 |
2013-01-03 | Cyborgs | Starlight | 1991 |
2013-01-03 | Space Taxi | | 1987/1986 |
2013-01-03 | Striderblade | Cpcrulez | 2012 |
2013-01-02 | Sequence (CPC Amstrad International) | Cpc Amstrad International | 1989 |
2013-01-02 | Australien | Cpc Amstrad International | 1989 |
2013-01-02 | Lokomotive | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986 |
2013-01-01 | Wordmaster | CPC Amstrad International | 1987 |
2013-01-01 | Mars Depot | Cpc Amstrad International | 1987/1985 |
2013-01-01 | 3D-breakout | CPC Amstrad International | 1987 |
2013-01-01 | Hacker-test | Cpc Amstrad International / Galaxy-Soft | 1986 |
2013-01-01 | CPC-kalaha | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-29 | Feliz Navidad (Esp Soft) | ESP Soft | 2012 |
2012-12-28 | Partner-test | Cpc Amstrad International | 1989/1990 |
2012-12-27 | Space-collision Meteor | Cpc Amstrad International | 1989 |
2012-12-27 | Postman's Destiny | CPC Amstrad International | 1989 |
2012-12-27 | Buberleg Mal | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-27 | Oxi | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-27 | Mr. Pac | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-27 | Searchy | Cpc Amstrad International / Ducksoft | 1986/1985 |
2012-12-27 | 3D-Muhle 3D Muehle | CPC Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-27 | Panzerschlacht | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-27 | Merkedir | Cpc Amstrad International | 1985/1986 |
2012-12-27 | Konzert | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-27 | Digger (CPC Amstrad International) | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-27 | Skiller | Cpc Amstrad International | 1989 |
2012-12-27 | Intelligenz-test Iq-test | CPC Amstrad International / Leubi-soft | 1989/1988 |
2012-12-27 | Öl-manager Oel-manager Schwarzes Gold Der Traum vom Öl | CPC Amstrad International | 1989/2011 |
2012-12-27 | 3D-labyrinth | DMV-Verlag | |
2012-12-27 | 3d Light Cycle | DMV-Verlag / Andromeda-soft | 1988/1989 |
2012-12-26 | Cuistot | Amstar&cpc | 1987 |
2012-12-26 | Summer Games 2 | Usgold / Epyx | 1988 |
2012-12-23 | Mini-zeichengenerator | Cpc Amstrad International | 1992 |
2012-12-23 | Starlight | Cpc Amstrad International | |
2012-12-22 | Panik Im Tokio-Express | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-22 | Indoor Bowling | Advance Software | 1987 |
2012-12-22 | Faktor | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-22 | Wipo | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-22 | Monstergarten | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-22 | Gangster | CPC Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-20 | Ortwin's Run | Cpc Amstrad International / northern Software | 1986 |
2012-12-20 | I, Of the Mask | Electric Dreams | 1985/1986 |
2012-12-20 | Forces | northern Software / Cpc Amstrad International | 1987 |
2012-12-19 | Das Tron-spiel | MW-Soft | 1987 |
2012-12-19 | Manic | MW-Soft | 1985 |
2012-12-19 | Europa-spiel | MW-Soft | |
2012-12-19 | Blockrunner | MW-Soft | 1985 |
2012-12-18 | Tic-tac-toe | MW-Soft | 1987 |
2012-12-18 | Teaser | MW-Soft | 1988 |
2012-12-18 | Galaxis | MW-Soft | 1985 |
2012-12-18 | Cpc-vokabeltrainer | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-18 | Pergo | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-18 | Peter's Family | CPC Amstrad International / M-Soft | 1986 |
2012-12-16 | 007 - Im Dienste Seiner Majestaet | Cpc Amstrad International | 1985 |
2012-12-16 | Pingo (Werner Slabon) | Cpc Amstrad International | 1985 |
2012-12-16 | Mausefalle | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986 |
2012-12-16 | Der Lindwurm | Cpc Amstrad International | 1985 |
2012-12-15 | Marco Polo: Auf Dem Weg Zum Khan | Data Media | 1985 |