2016-03-29 | Mathematic's Baby II | Science et Vie | 1990 |
2016-03-29 | Base orbitale | Science et Vie | 1989 |
2016-03-29 | Mathematic's Baby | Science et Vie | 1989 |
2016-03-25 | Les mots du lapin | Science et Vie | 1989 |
2016-03-23 | The Adventure of Amy - A Prelude to Chaos | | 2016 |
2016-03-11 | Jouons au Jack-pot | Science et Vie | 1987 |
2016-03-11 | Jouons au Mastermind | Science et Vie | 1988 |
2016-03-11 | Complétez la série | Science et Vie | 1988 |
2016-03-11 | Le lac des tortues | Science et Vie | 1988 |
2016-03-10 | Out of this World (Andrew Richards) | Boxsoft | 1987/2016/ |
2016-03-09 | Le jeu du lapin bleu | Science et Vie | 1986 |
2016-03-09 | Jouons au 421 | Science et Vie | 1986 |
2016-03-09 | Jouons au super Simon | Science et Vie | 1986 |
2016-03-09 | Tapis vert | Science et Vie | 1988 |
2016-03-09 | Panique au pôle | Science et Vie | 1987 |
2016-03-09 | La bataille navale | Science et Vie | 1987 |
2016-03-09 | La guerre du rail | Science et Vie | 1987 |
2016-03-09 | La phrase cachée | Science et Vie | 1987 |
2016-03-09 | Arrosez votre champignon | Science et Vie | 1987 |
2016-03-09 | Léonce le Fermier | Science et Vie | 1986 |
2016-02-20 | Langue Francaise Ecole CM1 | Nathan | 1989 |
2016-02-19 | Le Sceptre d'Anubis | Micro Programmes 5 | 1985 |
2016-02-18 | Mutante Montoya | | 2016 |
2016-02-18 | Critical Mass (Ozzard) | | 1987 |
2016-02-16 | Der Rote Rubin | Sand-Rabbit-Software | 2016/1987 |
2016-02-16 | Venturemax | | 2016/1987 |
2016-02-15 | The Crystal of Nebumeth | | 2016 |
2016-02-10 | Timeman Two L'horloger 2 | Amsoft | 1984 |
2016-02-08 | Jumping Jack | Imagine Software | 1983/2016 |
2016-02-07 | TVball | | 2016 |
2016-02-07 | Railways | Trewdbal Productions | 2016 |
2016-01-29 | ELF: La aventura ELF: The Adventure | Defecto Digital Studios | 2016 |
2016-01-11 | Jeu du Pouce-Pousse | | 198x |
2016-01-11 | Grand Prix Driver | Amsoft | 1984 |
2016-01-11 | Johnny Reb 1 | Mc Lothlorien | 1984 |
2016-01-09 | Protector | Cunning-Soft | 198x |
2016-01-02 | Am-Crade Connection | | 19xx |
2016-01-01 | Kung-fu | Ocean / Bug-byte Software / Amstrad Action | 1985 |
2015-12-31 | Number 1 | Ocean / Bug-byte Software / Amstrad Action | 1985 |
2015-12-28 | Starting Blocks | Coktel Vision | 1988 |
2015-12-25 | Potato Rescue | | 2013 |
2015-12-16 | Bartrek | | 1988 |
2015-12-16 | Quiwi | Kingsoft | 1986 |
2015-12-16 | Priz (Philip Tate) | Amstrad Action | 1990 |
2015-12-16 | The Official Father Christmas Official Father Christmas Game | Alternative Software | 1989 |
2015-12-15 | 3D Noughts And Crosses | Amstrad Action | 1991 |
2015-12-08 | Kim-Mots | | 19xx |
2015-12-08 | Les Etiquettes | | 19xx |
2015-12-08 | Areu-Areu | | 19xx |
2015-12-08 | Multiplication | | 19xx |
2015-12-08 | Les Couleurs | | 19xx |
2015-12-08 | Au Feu! | | 19xx |
2015-12-08 | Babyplus | | 19xx |
2015-12-08 | Amsplus | | 19xx |
2015-12-07 | Synthé-Nombres | | 19xx |
2015-12-07 | L'École des Lettres | | 19xx |
2015-11-22 | Amscrabble | | 1985 |
2015-11-22 | Duel 3D | Amstradebdo | 1986 |
2015-11-22 | La Pyramide de Cheops | Amstradebdo / Sofstrad | 1986 |
2015-11-22 | Galaxie 6 | Amstradebdo | 1987 |
2015-11-22 | Manic | Amstradebdo | 1986 |
2015-11-22 | Couleur 6 | Amstradebdo | 198x |
2015-11-22 | Roller Ball | Amstradebdo | 1986 |
2015-11-22 | Mots en désordre Mots Cachés | | 1986 |
2015-11-22 | Surrounded | | 1986 |
2015-11-22 | Dragona-Maze | | 198x |
2015-11-20 | Meteorites | | 198x |
2015-11-20 | Machines | CPC Revue | 1987 |
2015-11-19 | Pieges | Amstar | 1987 |
2015-11-19 | Speed-Way | Amstar | 1987 |
2015-11-19 | Cortex | Amstar | 1986 |
2015-11-19 | La Chasse aux Canards | Amstar | 1986 |
2015-11-16 | Relief de France | CPC Revue | 1987 |
2015-11-16 | Frappe au Clavier | CPC Revue | 1985 |
2015-11-16 | Blackjack | | 19xx |
2015-11-05 | Robot Messiah | Alphabatim | 198x |
2015-11-04 | True Colors (26th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | Junior! (19th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | I Walk Alone (36th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | Snake Amstrad (35th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | Scape (34th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | Endless Brawl! (33th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | 2Legends (32th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | Super Thordercam (31th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 1995 |
2015-11-02 | Drain (30th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | Noxtale2 | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | World Threat (29th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | Hero Warrior (28th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | NWO (27th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | Gamestorming | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | CPC Tanks (25th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | Color Crabs (24th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | Lounge Gladiator (23th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | Grupo.Pyxis | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | Back to the Disco (22th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | Redemption (21th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | CPC Legends (20th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | Monje Saki | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | Bonfire (18th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | MythiaFire / Pyxis | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | VoidHawk Z (16th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | Caliv Games | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | More Than a Prison (14th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | Super Wrestle (13th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | Regreso al CPC (12th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | | 2015 |
2015-11-02 | The Walking Mummies (11th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) | CocoCode | 2015 |