2021-08-31 | Luftballon Ein Lernspiel | Cpc Amstrad International | 1986/1987 |
2021-08-27 | Khandal II : Return to a Legend | Popular Computing Weekly | 1987 |
2021-08-27 | Terra Cognita | Codemasters | 1987 |
2021-08-27 | Glider Rider | Quicksilva | 1986 |
2021-08-26 | Johnny Reb 2 | Mc Lothlorien | 1986 |
2021-08-26 | Colossus 4 Bridge Colossus Bridge 4 | CDS Software | 1986 |
2021-08-26 | Castle Blackstar | CDS Software | 1984 |
2021-08-26 | Buster Block | Kuma | 1986 |
2021-08-26 | Storm 1: Una's Lair | Mastertronic | 1986 |
2021-08-26 | Defend or Die | Alligata | 1985 |
2021-08-26 | Heroes of Karn | Interceptor Software | 1985 |
2021-08-26 | Angelique: a Grief Encounter | Nemesis | 1985 |
2021-08-25 | The Hobbit | Melbourne House | 1985 |
2021-08-25 | Alex Higgins' World Snooker Snooker | Amsoft / GEM Software | 1985 |
2021-08-25 | Alex Higgins' World Pool Pool Billard | Amsoft | 1985 |
2021-08-25 | Nemesis Adventures | Advantage / Cascade Games | 1986 |
2021-08-24 | Zombie | Amstradebdo | 1986 |
2021-08-24 | Android 1: Operation Reactor Run Android One: The Reactor Run | Vortex Software | 1985 |
2021-08-24 | Dragon's Gold L'Or des Dragons | Amsoft / Romik Software | 1985 |
2021-08-24 | Jonah Barringtons Squash | Mastertronic Plus | 1985 |
2021-08-24 | Brawn Free: A Western Adventure The Adventure of Johnny Backwater | Nemesis | 1985 |
2021-08-24 | The Survivor | Anirog | 1984 |
2021-08-24 | Interdictor Pilot | Supersoft | 1985 |
2021-08-22 | Heartland | Odin Computer Graphics | 1986 |
2021-08-22 | Jara-tava: The Isle Of Fire | Satchel Software | 1988 |
2021-08-22 | Jet Set Willy 2: The Final Frontier | Software Projects | 1985 |
2021-08-21 | Bomb-Pac | Compute Mit | 1988 |
2021-08-19 | Graham Gooch's Test Cricket Graham Gooch's Match Cricket | Audiogenic | 1985 |
2021-08-19 | Draughts Dames | CP Software | 1985 |
2021-08-18 | Project Future | Gremlin Graphics | 1985 |
2021-08-18 | Steve Davis Snooker | Blue Ribbon / CDS Software | 1985 |
2021-08-18 | Everyone's a Wally: Meet The Gang | Mikrogen | 1985 |
2021-08-18 | Fu-kung in Las Vegas | Amsoft | 1985 |
2021-08-18 | Roland Goes Square Bashing Roland Y Los Cubos | Amsoft | 1984 |
2021-08-18 | Superchess | CP Software | 1984 |
2021-08-18 | Battle Stars 3d Space Ranger | Microbyte Software | 1985 |
2021-08-18 | Bridge Player Juego De Bridge | CP Software | 1985 |
2021-08-18 | Football Manager 1 | Addictive Games | 1984 |
2021-08-18 | Fantasia Diamond | Hewson | 1984 |
2021-08-18 | Fruit Machine | Amsoft | 1984 |
2021-08-18 | Flight Path 737 Flugsimulator 737 Flight Path 737: Simulador de Vuelo | Anirog | 1984 |
2021-08-18 | Crystal Theft | Wicca Soft | 1984 |
2021-08-18 | War Zone | CCS | 1984 |
2021-08-18 | The Battle of Britain La Bataille d'Angleterre La Batalla de Inglaterra | PSS Software | 1985 |
2021-08-17 | Quack A Jack Jeannot Le Rouge | Amsoft | 1984 |
2021-08-17 | The Moors Challenge | Timeslip Software / Strategy Software | 1984 |
2021-08-17 | Rollaball Cyclons (Disk 50) | Timeslip Software / Cascade Games / Strategy Software | 1984/1985 |
2021-08-17 | Flashman | AMSTRAD COMPUTER USER | 1985 |
2021-08-15 | Le voyage de Néphi | | 2021 |
2021-08-15 | Pontoon - A Fairer Version | The Amstrad User / Amsoft | 1984 |
2021-08-15 | Bombardier Bombardero Bomber | Amsoft / Amstrad Computer User | 1984 |
2021-08-15 | Bustout | Amstrad Computer User | 1984 |
2021-08-15 | The Monster's Final Hour | Amstrad Computer User | 1984/1985 |
2021-08-14 | Galaxian's Revenge Galaxian Revenge Galaxian Revenge's | Amstrad Computer User | 1986 |
2021-08-13 | Trapped Trap | Computing with the Amstrad | 1987 |
2021-08-13 | Espionage | Computing with the Amstrad | 1987 |
2021-08-13 | United Kingdom Fishing Contest | Computing with the Amstrad | 1987 |
2021-08-12 | Mensch ärgere dich nicht | CPC Amstrad International | 1986/1987 |
2021-08-12 | Formel 1 | CPC Amstrad International | 1987 |
2021-08-12 | L'affaire Vera Cruz The Vera Cruz Affair El Caso Vera Cruz Die Affaire Vera Cruz | Infogrames | 1986 |
2021-08-11 | Bowling | CPC Amstrad International / Databox | 1998 |
2021-08-11 | Brain | CPC Amstrad International | 1988 |
2021-08-11 | LDC | CPC Amstrad International | 1988 |
2021-08-11 | Spaceworm | CPC Amstrad International | 1988 |
2021-08-11 | Ice-glider | CPC Amstrad International | 1988 |
2021-08-11 | Spaceworld | CPC Amstrad International | 1988 |
2021-08-11 | Autorennen | CPC Amstrad International | 1988 |
2021-08-11 | Cave Flight | CPC Amstrad International | 1988 |
2021-08-10 | Taxi | CPC Amstrad International | 1988 |
2021-08-10 | Meine Klasse | CPC Amstrad International / Databox | 1988 |
2021-08-10 | Schwimmen | CPC Amstrad International / Databox | 1988 |
2021-08-10 | Look (Markus Breunig) | CPC Amstrad International | 1987/1988 |
2021-08-10 | Minensuche | CPC Amstrad International | 1988 |
2021-08-10 | Die Berlinerin | CPC Amstrad International | 1988 |
2021-08-10 | Backgammon (CPC Amstrad International) | CPC Amstrad International | 1987/1988 |
2021-08-09 | Minigolf | CPC Magazin | 1986 |
2021-08-09 | Wizardy | CPC Amstrad International / Databox | 1988 |
2021-08-09 | Minigolf | CPC Amstrad International / Databox | 1988 |
2021-08-09 | Ball Cracker II: The Construction Set | CPC Amstrad International / Databox | 1987/1988 |
2021-08-09 | Ball Cracker | | 198x |
2021-08-09 | Mad Maze | CPC Amstrad International | 1988 |
2021-08-09 | Ringschießen | CPC Amstrad International | 1988 |
2021-08-08 | Ratis | CPC Amstrad International | 1988 |
2021-08-08 | Schlange | CPC Amstrad International | 1987/1988 |
2021-08-08 | Throne of Fire | Melbourne House | 1987 |
2021-08-08 | Jungle Warfare | Mastertronic / Virgin Games | 1989 |
2021-08-08 | Mausefalle | CPC Amstrad International | 1988 |
2021-08-08 | Rotormania Copter | CPC Amstrad International | 1987/1988 |
2021-08-08 | Hexen Müssen Brennen | | 2021/1985 |
2021-08-07 | R-Type Clone | | 1992 |
2021-08-07 | Finish | Schneider Aktiv | 1986/1987 |
2021-08-07 | Zurück in die Zukunft | Compute Mit | 1988 |
2021-08-07 | The Expedition | Compute Mit | 1987/1988 |
2021-08-07 | Trick by Trees | Compute Mit | 1987/1988 |
2021-08-07 | Tron-Tornado | Compute Mit | 1987/1988 |
2021-08-07 | Light-Gunner | Compute Mit | 1987 |
2021-08-07 | Asteroids | Compute Mit | 1987/1988 |
2021-08-07 | Windfall | Compute Mit | 1987 |
2021-08-07 | Prostar | Compute Mit | 1987 |
2021-08-07 | Syndrom's Message Syndrome's Message | Compute Mit | 1987 |