CPC Amstrad International

1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992/1993 Sonderheft

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APPLICATIONSBackup - Cat (CPC Amstrad International)1989
CODING SRC'SHeute: The BASIC String Orchestra & The Assembler Punks (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSRSX Disk-Katalog (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSBruchrechnenprogramm (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSSpooler (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSSuper Katalog (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSShape - Editor (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSBank - Rsx (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSKleinschrift (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSPagemaker Directory/Directory Pagemaker (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSUmrisse (CPC Amstrad International)1989
GAMELIST Skiller 1989
APPLICATIONSKleinschrift (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSBigbox (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSUtility Für Videoverwaltung (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSUniv-Rsx (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSThreed (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSZeitschriften - Verwaltung (CPC Amstrad International)1989
GAMELIST Boing! 1989
CODING SRC'SWindow-Routinen (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSHappy Calendar (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSMiniscript (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSRSX INTP (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSMultiColourScreen (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSInvers - Spielende Bits (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSLaurel 2 (CPC Amstrad International) 1989
APPLICATIONSKasslab (CPC Amstrad International) 1989
APPLICATIONSGraphic - Fast Screen Filler (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSMorsen (CPC Amstrad International)1989
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Rosette (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSRSX- CLS : Der Saubermacher (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSRSX Input (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSUNI-RSX (CPC Amstrad International)1989
GAMELIST Sequence (CPC Amstrad International) 1989
APPLICATIONSMini - Spiel (CPC Amstrad International)1989
GAMELIST Gitter 1989
APPLICATIONSTilgungsberechnung (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSTastaturübersetzung - Keytrans (CPC Amstrad International)1989
CODING SRC'SGummi Script (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSHardcopy für Den Seikosha 180ai (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSDiskettenroutinen (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSRSX Comfort (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSDirstart (CPC Amstrad International)1989
GAMELIST Reaktion (CPC Amstrad International) 1989
GAMELIST Singolo 1989
APPLICATIONSRSX Bexec (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSAMX-Print (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSTurbo - Relocator (CPC Amstrad International) 1989
APPLICATIONSRAM-Dump (CPC Amstrad International)1989
GAMELIST 3D Ballhunter 1989
GAMELIST Space-collision
GAMELIST Mercator 1989
GAMELIST Hopping mad 1989
GAMELIST Flying Jack 1989
APPLICATIONSSilbentrennung (CPC Amstrad International)1989
GAMELIST Reaktionstest 1989
GAMELIST Tabak und banditen 1989
GAMELIST Ringkampf 1989
GAMELIST Take it 1989
GAMELIST Troff 1989
GAMELIST Base 2014 1989
GAMELIST Catch It! 1989
APPLICATIONSStrich-Grafik-Programm (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSFlying Strypes (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSLissajous-Generator (CPC Amstrad International)1989
GAMELIST U-Boot (CPC Amstrad International) 1989
APPLICATIONSZMON (CPC Amstrad International)1989
GAMELIST 1KB-Super Master (CPC Amstrad International) 1989
GAMELIST Corner 1989
GAMELIST Madword 1989
APPLICATIONSZeichensätze (CPC Amstrad International)1989
GAMELIST Kreisel 1989
APPLICATIONSCPC-Orgel (CPC Amstrad International)1989
CODING SRC'SFast-Plot (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSAdreßverwaltung (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSQuadratische Gleichungen (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSInterpolation (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSSpeedy Letters (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSParabeln (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSDimmerScript (CPC Amstrad International)1989
CODING SRC'STauschen (CPC Amstrad International)1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Databox Sonderheft 8-89/90 1989
APPLICATIONSTilgungsberechnung (CPC Amstrad International)1989
GAMELIST CPC Selektor (CPC Amstrad International) 1989
GAMELIST Vier Gewinnt 1989
APPLICATIONSHypertext (CPC Amstrad International)1989
CODING SRC'SGraphik (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSRemark-Vernichter (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSARTWORX und der NLQ401 (CPC Amstrad International)1989
CODING SRC'SHypnotische Grafiken (CPC Amstrad International)1989
CODING SRC'SBaum des Pythagoras (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSList (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSKey-Help (CPC Amstrad International)1989
CODING SRC'SGrafiken (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSUtilities Daniel Audiffren (CPC Amstrad International)1989
HARDWAREMOS6581 - Der Soundchip des C-64 am CPC (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSDichter (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSMicrosymb (CPC Amstrad International)1989
APPLICATIONSIdeal für Erwachsene (CPC Amstrad International)1989

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.