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PAO Graphics Gestion de disques Ligne de Commandes (RSX) Listings de magazines Déplombage Télématique/Communication/Radio Amateur Bureautique Music/Audio Programmation Freeware ou Shareware CP/M Freewares Commerciale

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2023-10-29Datagenerator (Computer Schau)1985
2023-10-29Datagen (CPC Amstrad International)1987
2023-10-29Professioneller Button-Designer1990
2023-10-29Formel-Sammlung (CPC Amstrad International)1990
2023-10-29Zeichensatz CPC-464 (Computer Schau)1985
2023-10-29Deutscher Zeichensatz (Computer Schau) 1985
2023-10-29RSX Printer Status (Computer Schau)1985
2023-10-29Analog-uhr (Computer Schau) 1985
2023-10-29Eng-Lister (Computer Schau)1985
2023-10-29Zahlenwandler (Computer Schau)1985
2023-10-29Bankswap (Computer Schau) 1985/1986
2023-10-30CPC-Weltzeituhr (Computer Schau)1985/1986
2023-10-30Datei Codierer-Decodierer (Computer Schau) 1985/1986
2023-10-30Rund um den Kalender (Computer Schau)1985/1986
2023-10-31Memory Check (Computer Schau) 1986
2023-10-31Keylist (Computer Schau) 1986
2023-10-31DIN-Tastatur unter CP/M 2.2 (Computer Schau) 1986
2023-10-31COMDIN (Computer Schau) 1986
2023-10-31Kompaktor (Computer Schau)1985/1986
2023-11-01CTLOFF: Steuerzeichen abgeblockt (Happy Computer)1986
2023-11-10Areas (Type and Run) 1985
2023-11-19Estrellas (Type and Run) 1985
2023-11-27Personal Excellence Package 1988
2023-11-30Geoff's Printer Filter (Amstrad Computer User)1991
2023-11-30Super Zoomer (Power Zoomer)1991
2023-11-30Underliner (Amstrad Computer User)1991
2023-11-30Big Stuff (Amstrad Computer User)1991
2023-11-30Call Cost (Amstrad Computer User) 1991
2023-11-30Timer (Amstrad Computer User)1991
2023-11-30Digital Countdown (Amstrad Computer User)1990/1991
2023-11-30Times Tables Tester (Amstrad Computer User)1990/1991
2023-12-01Roman Numeral Generator (Amstrad Computer User)1990/1991
2023-12-01Omega Scroll (Amstrad Computer User)1991
2023-12-01Caps On (Amstrad Computer User)1991
2023-12-01Shopping Master (Amstrad Computer User) 1991
2023-12-01Inlay-Print (Amstrad Computer User)1991
2023-12-01Teldir (Amstrad Computer User)1991
2023-12-01RSX BOX (Amstrad Computer User)1991
2023-12-01Typewriter (Amstrad Computer User)1990
2023-12-02Design Grid Generator (Amstrad Computer User)1990/1991
2023-12-02Trig (Amstrad Computer User)1990/1991
2023-12-02The Record Files (Amstrad Computer User)1990/1991
2023-12-02ACU Proofreader (Amstrad Computer User)198x
2023-12-02RSX Menu (Amstrad Computer User)1991
2023-12-02Number Base Changer (Amstrad Computer User)1991/1992
2023-12-0224 Hour Clock (Amstrad Computer User)1991/1992
2023-12-02Two-value simultaneous linear equations (Amstrad Computer User)1991/1992
2023-12-02Memory Display (Amstrad Computer User)1991/1992
2023-12-02Alpha Scroll (Amstrad Computer User)1991
2023-12-02Character Set Designer1990/1992
2023-12-033D Mapper (Amstrad Computer User)1991/1992
2023-12-03RSX - SCNSV and SCNLD1992/1991
2023-12-03464 Screen Divider (Amstrad Computer User)1992
2023-12-03Knightmoves (Amstrad Computer User)1992
2023-12-033'' Disc Inlay Printer (Amstrad Computer User)1991/1992
2023-12-03Character Designer (Amstrad Computer User)1990/1992
2023-12-03Travel-Calc (Amstrad Computer User)1991/1992
2023-12-03Disc Memo (Amstrad Computer User)1991
2023-12-03Morse Code Teletype (Amstrad Computer User)1989/1990
2023-12-03Disc Menu (Amstrad Computer User)1990
2023-12-03Key Set (Amstrad Computer User)1990
2023-12-03Graphic - Screen Invert (Amstrad Computer User)1990
2023-12-03Singer (Amstrad Computer User)1990
2023-12-03Alphabetical Sorting (Amstrad Computer User)1990
2023-12-04Dom-S-Dos '981996
2023-12-04Screen Squash (Amstrad Action)1987
2023-12-04Metric/Imperial Conversion (Amstrad Computer User)1990
2023-12-04New Character Sets (Amstrad Action)1988
2023-12-04Quadratic Equation Solver (Amstrad Computer User)1990
2023-12-04Printer Control RSXs (Amstrad Computer User)1990
2023-12-05Screen Compress (Amstrad Computer User)1989
2023-12-05Italics (Amstrad Computer User)1989
2023-12-05Upsidedown Characters (Amstrad Computer User)1989
2023-12-05Bigprint (Amstrad Computer User)1989
2023-12-06Temperature Converter (Amstrad Computer User)1989/1990
2023-12-06Selection Sort (Amstrad Computer User)1989/1990
2023-12-06Type (Amstrad Computer User)1989
2023-12-07Utilities Unlimitted (Amstrad Computer User)1988
2023-12-08Art Studio Loader for ROMDOS mk 2 1992
2023-12-08GPaint Hard Copy (Amstrad Action)1992
2023-12-08Screen Compressor (Amstrad Action)1992
2023-12-08Clock v2 (Amstrad Action)1992
2023-12-08Notepad (Amstrad Action)1992
2023-12-08Computer Calculator (Amstrad Action)1992
2023-12-08Computer Calender (Amstrad Action)1992
2023-12-08Times Tables (Amstrad Action)1992
2023-12-08Type-Writer (Amstrad Action)1989/1992
2023-12-08Inflation Calculator (Amstrad Action)1992
2023-12-08Art Studio Loader for ROMDOS 1992
2023-12-08Simpson s rule or the Trapezium rule (Amstrad Action)1992
2023-12-09Draw Utility for Kempston Mouse (Amstrad Action) 1991
2023-12-09Display (Amstrad Action)1991
2023-12-09Big Dump (Amstrad Action)1991
2023-12-09Cursor (Amstrad Action)1991
2023-12-09Message Sparkler (Amstrad Action)1991
2023-12-10Number Extension (Amstrad Action)1991
2023-12-106128 Command Emulator v1 (Amstrad Action) 1991
2023-12-10Morse Code Generator (Morse Code)198x
2023-12-10Morse Code Generator (Amstrad Action)1991

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» DOWNLOAD - Emulateur CPC pour PC
» DOWNLOAD - Les utilitaires de gestion de fichiers sur PC
» DOWNLOAD - Les utilitaires de convertion d'images sur PC

» Le CP/M sur CPC
» Les autres languages de programmation du CPC ...

» Classeurs WEKA - Section CPM
» Applications AMSTRAD CPC - Compacteurs d'executables
» Applications AMSTRAD CPC - Copieur & transfert de fichiers
» Applications AMSTRAD CPC


Educatifs et petite enfance
Création graphique - Création de jeux
Utilitaires disque
Audio / Création musical
RSX (Ligne de commandes)
Bureautique et logiciels de compta, budget, bourse ...
Presse / PAO
Communication / Télématique
Logiciels sous CP/M
Autres plateforme , divers et compilations ...
Livres et documents ...
Les peoples Amstrad CPC

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.