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GAMELIST Spaghetti Western Simulator 1990
GAMELIST Space Rider Jet Pack co. 1990
GAMELIST Space Harrier 2
Space Harrier II
GAMELIST Saint Dragon
St Dragon
GAMELIST Superted: The Search for Spot 1990
GAMELIST Superkid 1990
GAMELIST Super Ali (Claude le Moullec) 1990
GAMELIST Tetris (Frederic Poesy) 1990
GAMELIST Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles 1
Les Tortues Ninja 1
Las Tortugas Ninja 1
GAMELIST Turrican 1 1990
GAMELIST Tuma 7 1990
GAMELIST Vengeur 1990
GAMELIST Un Squadron 1990
GAMELIST The Wombles 1990
GAMELIST Wipeout 1990
GAMELIST Zampabolas 1990
GAMELIST Shift 1990
GAMELIST Space Shooting 1990
GAMELIST Yogi's Great Escape 1990
GAMELIST Yogi Bear and Friends in The Greed Monster: A Treasure Hunt 1990
GAMELIST Mano Negra 1990
GAMELIST Gryzor Clone 1990
GAMELIST Blackwyche Clone 1990
GAMELIST Master Mind 1990
GAMELIST I Ball Clone 1990
GAMELIST Mini-Ball 1990
GAMELIST Maffia: Tueurs en liberté 1990
GAMELIST Mad Mix Game 2
Mad Mix Game 2: El Castillo De Los Fantasmas
GAMELIST Jolly Roger's Dungeon Escape 1990
GAMELIST Lorna 1990
Dizzy Kwiksnax
GAMELIST Klax 1990
GAMELIST Jungle Warrior 1990
GAMELIST J.T 37 (Black System) 1990
GAMELIST Los Inhumanos 1990
GAMELIST Impossamole 1990
GAMELIST DrehDriss 1990
GAMELIST Tortilla de Letras 1990
GAMELIST Spectre 1990
GAMELIST Mathematic's Baby III 1990
GAMELIST Mathematic's Baby II 1990
GAMELIST Puzzle (MegaOcio) 1990
GAMELIST Letter-riddle 1990
GAMELIST Sonde 1990
GAMELIST Bombarderos 1990
GAMELIST Alpha Color 1990
GAMELIST De-Placer 1990
GAMELIST Diams n' Diams 1990
GAMELIST Mr. Crunch 1990
GAMELIST Word Riddle 1990
GAMELIST Super Spud 1990
GAMELIST Mastermind Junior 1990
GAMELIST Tragoncete 198x, 1987
GAMELIST Stranted (Software Editores) 198x
GAMELIST Amsilvania Castle 198x
GAMELIST Sectar 7 198x
GAMELIST Invasion Galactic 198x
GAMELIST Amstrad Edisoft: Escape 198x
GAMELIST Voca-chiffres: Enseignement des Chiffres de 0 a 9999999
GAMELIST Amstrad Games #2: S.O.S 198x
GAMELIST Mach-4 198x
GAMELIST El Mejor Amstrad #2: Ana la rana 198x
GAMELIST Capp-Ball 198x
GAMELIST Rubicubo (Software Editores) 198x
GAMELIST Tartan Tangle 198x
GAMELIST Ghosts Revenge 198x
GAMELIST Alphabet Alphabet 198x
GAMELIST Langolo Del Diavolo 198x
GAMELIST Fun School (Spanish) 198x
GAMELIST Amstrad (P.P.P Ediciones) 2: El Caldero Magico 198x
GAMELIST Eat the Shnoobles! 198x
GAMELIST Esp Tester (Amstrad Computer User) 198x
GAMELIST Picture Pairs 198x
GAMELIST Pac-ed 198x
GAMELIST Gran Slalon 198x
GAMELIST Tesoro Azteca 198x
GAMELIST Baloncesto 198x
GAMELIST Romod 198x
GAMELIST Tune 198x
GAMELIST Le Dernier Défilé
Le Dernier Defile
GAMELIST Compilation: The Trap Door+Through The Trapdoor - Two games on one cassette 198x
GAMELIST Spot Ghost 198x
GAMELIST Guerrero Espacial 198x
GAMELIST Las Joyas Del Nio 198x
GAMELIST Formula 198x
GAMELIST Nocturno 198x
GAMELIST Mr. Foo 198x
GAMELIST Skip 198x
GAMELIST Sade 198x
GAMELIST Boss 198x
GAMELIST Bright 198x
GAMELIST Choix 198x
GAMELIST Parabola 198x
GAMELIST Tragon 198x
GAMELIST Fuego Cruzado 198x
GAMELIST Sopa de Letras 198x

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.