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APPLICATIONSFutureOS 71989/1990/1991/1992/...
DEMOSCENECroco Meeting 41992
PAPERMAGAm' Crazy 31992
PAPERMAGA-Ok (Amstrad Computer User)1992/1991
PAPERMAGCroco World 41992
DISCMAGCroco Passion 81992
DISCMAGCroco Passion 61992
PAPERMAGThe New Mag n011992
PAPERMAGCPC Mag n1 (CPC the Best)1992
PAPERMAGAm' Crazy1992/1993
PAPERMAGBulletin de liaison de l'AFC1992
GAMELIST The Gerbil Riot of '67 1992
PAPERMAGPresto News #41992
DEMOSCENEFeggloader Two the Revenge1992
PAPERMAGInput #11992
PAPERMAGArtificial Intelligence #81992
PAPERMAGArtificial Intelligence #51992
PAPERMAGArtificial Intelligence #61992
PAPERMAGArtificial Intelligence #71992
GAMELIST Space Crusade 1992
GAMELIST Playdays 1992
DISCMAGAtlantis 41992
DEMOSCENEAnimation X1992
SLIDESHOWLes Arènes de l'info sur CPC1992
SLIDESHOWAtlantis Madchen1992
GAMELIST Steg the Slug 1992
GAMELIST Solitaire (Ralf Brostedt/CPC Amstrad International) 1992
INFOCPC Amstrad International1985/1986/1987/1988/...
PEOPLESAmstrad joue la carte Intel1992
APPLICATIONSThe Soundtrakker 64K / 128k/ (BSC)1992/1993
GAMELIST The Shoe People
First Class With the Shoe People
GAMELIST Bunny Bricks 1992
DEMOSCENEThe Demo of A.F.C Expo #11992
DISCMAGCrack'n Rom 61992
APPLICATIONS40 Multi-Coloured Characters across the screen in Mode 0! (Amstrad Computer User)1992
GAMELIST Dais'cin with Death 1992
GAMELIST Rune Magik 1992
GAMELIST Justice 1991/1992
GAMELIST Sector 5 1992
GAMELIST Cloaker 1992
GAMELIST Mantis 1992
INFOListings CPCInfos - 19921992
GAMELIST Helloween 1994/1992
GAMELIST Skoda Simulator 1991/1992/1993
APPLICATIONSPenrose Triangle (Amstrad Action)1992/1993
APPLICATIONSCATPrint (Amstrad Action)1992/1993
GAMELIST Blob Dodger (Amstrad Action) 1992/1993
GAMELIST SuperSnakes 1993/1992
GAMELIST Pilltris 1993/1992
GAMELIST Magic Square (Amstrad Action) 1993/1992
GAMELIST AhMaze (Amstrad Action) 1993/1992
DEMOSCENEFlags (Amstrad Action)1993/1992
APPLICATIONSHeight (Amstrad Action)1992/1993
GAMELIST Number Scoffer (Amstrad Action) 1992/1993
GAMELIST Pair Shape (Amstrad Action) 1991/1992
GAMELIST Light Cycles (Amstrad Action) 1992
GAMELIST Boulders (Amstrad Action) 1991/1992
DEMOSCENEMetro (Amstrad Action)1992/1991
GAMELIST Tracker (Amstrad Action) 1992/1991
APPLICATIONSDisc (Amstrad Action)1992
APPLICATIONSBin-Dig (Amstrad Action)1992
CODING SRC'SRayScope (Amstrad Action)1992
APPLICATIONSPassword Protection Routine (Amstrad Action)1992
APPLICATIONSDeluxe Word Print - Word Processer (Amstrad Action)1992
APPLICATIONSKwik Musique 2 (Amstrad Action)1992
APPLICATIONSDisk Cat (Amstrad Action)1989/1990/1992
GAMELIST Balldozer 2 1992
APPLICATIONSExtended Basic v2 (E-Basic v2.0)1991/1992
APPLICATIONS360 Degrees (Amstrad Action) 1992
APPLICATIONSPeter Davis Word-Processor (Amstrad Action)1991/1992
APPLICATIONSLedger (Amstrad Action)1991/1992
APPLICATIONSDATA/SYSTEM/IBM DISC Graphic Layout (Amstrad Action)1992
APPLICATIONSSimpson s rule or the Trapezium rule (Amstrad Action)1992
GAMELIST Puzzle 1992
DEMOSCENEHey Jude (Amstrad Action)1992
APPLICATIONSArt Studio Loader for ROMDOS 1992
GAMELIST Star-Dodger v2 1992
APPLICATIONSMultiface Cat (Amstrad Action)1992
INFOAmstrad Action: 19921992
GAMELIST Blocks 1992/1993
APPLICATIONSInflation Calculator (Amstrad Action)1992
GAMELIST Penguins 1992
APPLICATIONSType-Writer (Amstrad Action)1989/1992
APPLICATIONSTimes Tables (Amstrad Action)1992
APPLICATIONSComputer Calender (Amstrad Action)1992
APPLICATIONSArt Studio (Amstrad Action)1992
APPLICATIONSComputer Calculator (Amstrad Action)1992
APPLICATIONSText Sheet (Amstrad Action)1992
GAMELIST Pakman 1992
APPLICATIONSNotepad (Amstrad Action)1992
APPLICATIONSClock v2 (Amstrad Action)1992

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Page précédente : 1991

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.