2012-12-15 | Zehnkampf | Cpc Amstrad International | 1985 |
2012-12-15 | Master-mind | CPC Amstrad International | 1985 |
2012-12-15 | Superder | Cpc Amstrad International | 1985 |
2012-12-14 | Estimator Racer | Ask Software | 1985 |
2012-12-14 | 3D Monster Chase | Romik Software | 1985 |
2012-12-14 | La Cuisine | CPC Amstrad International / Thom Software | 1988 |
2012-12-14 | Minnie's Flight | CPC AMSTRAD INTERNATIONAL | 1985 |
2012-12-14 | Quo Vadis | Data Media | 1985 |
2012-12-12 | Chass'lettres | Tilt | 1985 |
2012-12-12 | Amstrad Mind | Tilt | 1985 |
2012-12-12 | Morpion | Tilt | 1985 |
2012-12-12 | Cata-tir | Tilt | 1985 |
2012-12-12 | Mots Caches (Tilt) | Tilt | 1985 |
2012-12-12 | Les Ascii Attaquent | Tilt | 1985 |
2012-12-12 | Un Pont, Ca Va, Trois Ponts... | Tilt | 1985 |
2012-12-09 | Wolfman | CRL | 1987 |
2012-11-30 | Geography Quiz | School Software | 1987 |
2012-11-30 | Mapwork Quiz Map Work Quiz | School Software | 1987 |
2012-11-23 | Bounce | Skyslip Computers | 1988 |
2012-11-23 | Dusk Over Elfinton | Skyslip Computers | 1988 |
2012-11-23 | Solar Warrior | Optimus Software / SkySlip Computer | 1988 |
2012-11-17 | Le Dernier Métro | Ushas Pacifique / Micro Programmes 5 | 1985 |
2012-11-16 | Saigon Combat Unit | Players | 1989 |
2012-10-21 | Minder | Dk Tronics | 1985 |
2012-10-17 | The Match | Cult | 1991 |
2012-10-17 | League Football | Cult | 1991 |
2012-10-17 | International Manager | Cult | 19xx |
2012-10-17 | Boxing Manager | Cult | 1988 |
2012-10-17 | Software House | Cult | 1988 |
2012-10-17 | Paclone | Amstrad Computer User | 1991 |
2012-10-17 | Santa's Christmas Capers Santa's Xmas Caper | Zeppelin Games | 1990 |
2012-10-16 | Wallbuster | Amstrad Computer User | 1990/1991 |
2012-10-16 | Killer Gorilla | Micro Power | 1984 |
2012-10-15 | Top Of the League | Data PD | 1990 |
2012-10-15 | European Superleague | CDS Software | 1991 |
2012-10-15 | Talisman of Lost Souls | Data PD | 1991 |
2012-10-15 | Zupple | Tradinformatique | 1992 |
2012-10-15 | Storm Mountain | Data PD / Adventure PD | 19xx |
2012-10-15 | Rebound | Skull PD | 1991 |
2012-10-15 | Bandit | Skull PD | 1991 |
2012-10-15 | Crossword Compiler | Data PD / Scull PD | 1991 |
2012-10-15 | Maths Quiz | Amstrad Computer User | 1991 |
2012-10-14 | A Question Of Scruples | Leisure Genius | 1987 |
2012-10-14 | Jinks | Rainbow Arts / Euro Gold | 1988 |
2012-10-11 | Havoc | Players | 1990 |
2012-10-11 | World Champions | Challenge Software | 19xx |
2012-10-11 | Up The Ladder | Amstrad Computer User | 1990 |
2012-10-11 | Dice | Amstrad Computer User | 1990 |
2012-10-10 | Judge Dredd | Virgin Games | 1990 |
2012-10-10 | Puzzle (Amstrad Computer User) | Amstrad Computer User | 1990 |
2012-10-10 | Connect 4 | Amstrad Computer User | 1990 |
2012-10-08 | Squeaker | Amstrad Computer User | 1990 |
2012-10-08 | Kleine Porsche | Amstrad Computer User | 1990 |
2012-10-08 | Soccer 6128 | Strategy Software | 198x |
2012-10-08 | Kursk: the Clash Of Armour | Strategy Software | 198x |
2012-10-08 | Tower Of Brahma | Amstrad Computer User | 1990 |
2012-10-07 | Football & Tag | Amstrad Computer User | 1989 |
2012-10-07 | Whack Attack | Amstrad Computer User | 1989 |
2012-10-06 | Escape From Stingy's Castle | Amstrad Computer User | 1989 |
2012-10-06 | South of Heaven | Amstrad Computer User | 1989 |
2012-10-06 | Hell Awaits | Amstrad Computer User | 1989 |
2012-10-06 | Amstrad Unlocked | Strategy Software / David Computer Software | 1984 |
2012-10-05 | Brainstorm | Firebird / Silverbird | 1987 |
2012-10-04 | Super Ball | Amstrad Computer User | 1987/1988 |
2012-10-04 | World War 2 | Amstrad Computer User | 1988 |
2012-10-04 | Mad Jock's Family Reunion | Dented Designs | 1988 |
2012-10-04 | Isobot | Amstrad Computer User | 1988 |
2012-10-04 | Polar | Amstrad Computer User | 1986 |
2012-10-04 | Creeper | Amstrad Computer User | 1988 |
2012-10-03 | Dik Browne's Haegar the Horrible | The Electric Monk | 1993 |
2012-10-03 | Blowaway Bob | TGS | 1995 |
2012-10-03 | Total Reality Delusion T.R.D | Wow Software | 1991 |
2012-10-03 | The Sandman: Love And Magic The Sandman: Magie Und Liebe | The Electric Monk | 1995 |
2012-10-03 | Roog | | 19xx |
2012-10-03 | A Magician's Apprentice | Wow Software | 1990 |
2012-10-03 | Boredom | | 19xx |
2012-10-03 | Adult One | | 19xx |
2012-10-03 | The Hitchhiker's Guide to London | The Electric Monk | 1994 |
2012-10-01 | Khandal | Popular Computing Weekly | 1986 |
2012-09-30 | Race Advisor | Popular Computing Weekly | 1986 |
2012-09-29 | Stock Market | Popular Computing Weekly | 1985 |
2012-09-29 | Early Maths | Willow Software | 1986 |
2012-09-29 | Early Words | Willow Software | 1986 |
2012-09-28 | Nellie's Anagrams | Popular Computing Weekly | 1984 |
2012-09-28 | Lunar Lander | Popular Computing Weekly | 1984 |
2012-09-28 | Smasher | Popular Computing Weekly | 1985 |
2012-09-28 | Man O'war | Popular Computing Weekly | 1985 |
2012-09-27 | Away And Up, Up | AMSTRAD COMPUTER USER | 1985 |
2012-09-27 | Helicopter Fury Bomb Drop | Popular Computing Weekly | 1984 |
2012-09-27 | Amstrad Scribble | Popular Computing Weekly | 1984 |
2012-09-27 | Fishpond | Popular Computing Weekly | 1984 |
2012-09-27 | The Sultan's Curse | Computer Gamer | 1985 |
2012-09-26 | Crawler | Amstrad Computer User | 1986 |
2012-09-26 | Plumber Droid | Amstrad Computer User | 1987 |
2012-09-25 | Interceptor | Amstrad Computer User | 1986 |
2012-09-24 | Bang Wollop | Amstrad Computer User | 1986 |
2012-09-24 | Space Mania | Amstrad Computer User | 1986 |
2012-09-23 | Racer | Amstrad Computer User | 1986 |
2012-09-22 | Naughty Freddy | AMSTRAD COMPUTER USER | 1986 |
2012-09-22 | The Thing | AMSTRAD COMPUTER USER | 1986 |