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GAMELIST The Khangrin Plans 199x
GAMELIST The Key to Paradox 1987
GAMELIST The Key Factor 1985
GAMELIST The Key 2024
GAMELIST The Jungle Book
El Libro de la Jungla
GAMELIST The Journey of Marco Polo, 1271 2017/1986
GAMELIST The Job (PunyJam #1) 2021
GAMELIST The Jewels of Babylon
Les Joyaux de Babylone
GAMELIST The Jetsons 1991
GAMELIST The Jade Stone 19xx
GAMELIST The Jade Necklace 19xx
GAMELIST The Italian Tutor 1985
GAMELIST The Islands of Sinbad 2018
GAMELIST The Island of Riddles 1985
GAMELIST The Island Of Dr Destructo
GAMELIST The Island 19xx
GAMELIST The Invisible Mr Men 1985
LITTÉRATUREThe Ins & Outs of the Amstrad1984
GAMELIST The Inner Lakes 19xx
GAMELIST The Inflagranti 198x
APPLICATIONSThe Independent198x
DEMOSCENEThe Imperator's Demo 11989
APPLICATIONSThe Image System1986
APPLICATIONSThe Illustrator1985
GAMELIST The Ice Temple 1989
GAMELIST The Ice Guardian
Ice Wizard
Ice Warrior
Behind Closed Doors 0.25
GAMELIST The Hunt For Red October: the Ultimate Submarine Combat Simulation
La Caza Del Octubre Rojo
Jagd Auf Roter Oktober: Das Offizielle Computerspiel
A la Poursuite d'Octobre Rouge
GAMELIST The Hunt For Red October: The Movie
La Caza Del Octubre Rojo
Jagd Auf Roter Oktober
A la Poursuite D'octobre Rouge
APPLICATIONSThe Humour File volume 119xx
GAMELIST The House That Jack Built /1984/1985/
GAMELIST The House Out of Town 1991
GAMELIST The House Of Horrors 1985
GAMELIST The Hollow 1985
GAMELIST The Holiday 19xx
GAMELIST The Hobbit 1985
GAMELIST The Hitchhiker's Guide to London 1994
GAMELIST The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy 1986
GAMELIST The Hitchhiker's Guide to Prague 1993
LITTÉRATUREThe Hitch-hikers Guide to Artificial Intelligence (AMSTRAD BASIC version)1985
GAMELIST The Hit Squad
Hit Squad
GAMELIST The Hero (28th @ CPCRetroDev 2020) 2020
GAMELIST The Hermitage 1987
GAMELIST The Heart of Salamanderland 2024
GAMELIST The Heart Of Gern 1987
GAMELIST The Hammer of Grimmold 199x
GAMELIST The Gunpowder Plot 1986/1987
GAMELIST The Guild Of Thieves 1987
GAMELIST The Guardian (John Betteridge) 1986
GAMELIST The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole 1986
GAMELIST The Grim Marshes 1988
GAMELIST The Grenades Conquest (6th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST The Great Giana Sisters 1988
GAMELIST The Great Escape 1986
GAMELIST The Great Caravan Caper 2019/1991
GAMELIST The Great Battles of Magistar (20th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
APPLICATIONSThe Graphologist /1990/
GAMELIST The Goonies 1986
APPLICATIONSThe Goldmark Club : Tape One198x
GAMELIST The Gods of War 1987/1990/2018
PAPERMAGThe Goblin Gazzette199x
GAMELIST The Gladiator (Alex Gough) 19xx
GAMELIST The Ghosts of Blackwood Manor  2023/2024
GAMELIST The German Master 1985/1986
GAMELIST The Gerbil Riot of '67  1992
APPLICATIONSThe Genesis of Nemesis
GAMELIST The Games: Winter Edition 1988
GAMELIST The Games: Summer Edition
Go For Gold
GAMELIST The Games (Amstrad Computer User) 1986
APPLICATIONSThe Gamer's Trainer v2 (Amstrad Action)1993
GAMELIST The Galactic Plague
La Peste Interstellaire
La Plaga Galactica
DEMOSCENEThe Future1996
GAMELIST The Fury 1988
GAMELIST The Further Adventures of Fred 1989
DEMOSCENEThe Full Metal Jacked Demo 21989
GAMELIST The Frontier Of Warriors 19xx
GAMELIST The French Mistress 1985
LITTÉRATUREThe Free Software Handbook (Amstrad Action)1986
APPLICATIONSThe Fractal Show/Mandelbrot19xx
GAMELIST The Four Symbols 19xx
GAMELIST The Forgotten Past 19xx
GAMELIST The Forest at World's End 1985
GAMELIST The Footballer 1990
GAMELIST The Flintstones
Los Picapiedra
les Pierrafeu
GAMELIST The Fishing Day 1988
GAMELIST The First World War 19xx
GAMESThe first Grand CPC464 User Club competition1984
APPLICATIONSThe Firmware Guide's (W.A.C.C.I)1992
GAMELIST The Firestone 1990
SLIDESHOWThe Fire Engine Demo198x
GAMELIST The Final Matrix 1987
GAMELIST The Final Conflict 198x
GAMELIST The Fifth Quadrant
5th Quadrant
GAMELIST The Fantasy Dimension (PunyJam #3) 2023
GAMELIST The Fantastic Voyage
Voyage Fantastique
GAMELIST The Fantastic Adventures of Redhawk 1986
GAMELIST The Famous Five: Five on a Treasure Island 1991
GAMELIST The Fall Of France 198x

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.