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GAMELIST Tours de Pékin 198x
GAMELIST Quatuor 19xx
GAMELIST Dupond et Dupont en Folie 1987
GAMELIST Star Trader 198x
GAMELIST Video-Poker 1986
GAMELIST El Mejor Amstrad #1: Alien 1987
GAMELIST Frogalot (2nd @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015/2016
GAMELIST El Firmamento 198x
GAMELIST El Cuerpo Humano: Aparato Urinario 198x
GAMELIST El Cuerpo Humano: Sistema Circulatorio 198x
GAMELIST Hyper Attack 1987
GAMELIST Maths o Level Revision 1 1984
GAMELIST Langue Francaise Ecole CM2 1989
GAMELIST Znax (5th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015/2019
GAMELIST RunCPC (6th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Space Pest Control (7th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Paranormal Outbreak (8th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST 4 to 4 Back to the future (4th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Space Moves (1st @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Top Top (3rd @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015/2018
GAMELIST Mas To The Past (17th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST True Colors (26th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST The Adventure of Amy Concave (9th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Space Rivals (10th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST The Walking Mummies (11th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Regreso al CPC (12th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Super Wrestle (13th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST More Than a Prison (14th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Fly Board (15th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST VoidHawk Z (16th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Bonfire (18th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Junior! (19th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST CPC Legends (20th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Redemption (21th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Back to the Disco (22th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Lounge Gladiator (23th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Color Crabs (24th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST CPC Tanks (25th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST NWO (27th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Hero Warrior (28th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST World Threat (29th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Drain (30th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Super Thordercam (31th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 1995
GAMELIST 2Legends (32th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Endless Brawl! (33th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Scape (34th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Snake Amstrad (35th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST I Walk Alone (36th @ CPCRetroDev 2015) 2015
GAMELIST Robot Messiah 198x
GAMELIST The Return of Traxtor 2015
GAMELIST Juegue con su Amstrad #5: Aerojet 1987
GAMELIST Push It 2021
GAMELIST Blackjack 19xx
GAMELIST Relief de France 1987
GAMELIST Frappe au Clavier 1985
GAMELIST Louisiane 1986
GAMELIST La Chasse aux Canards 1986
GAMELIST Tankatak 1986
GAMELIST Speed-Way 1987
GAMELIST Pieges 1987
GAMELIST James Bond 1987
GAMELIST Puzzle 14-15 1987
GAMELIST Vampire 1987
GAMELIST Fünf in einer Reihe 1987
GAMELIST Machines 1987
GAMELIST Meteorites 198x
GAMELIST Le complot d'Ihlün 1986
GAMELIST Pousse-Pousse 1986
GAMELIST Surrounded 1986
GAMELIST Chemin de fer 1987
GAMELIST Mots en désordre
Mots Cachés
GAMELIST Flash Fire 1986
GAMELIST Roller Ball 1986
GAMELIST Couleur 6 198x
GAMELIST Manic 1986
GAMELIST Casse-Tête Ferroviaire 198x
GAMELIST Galaxie 6 1987
GAMELIST La Pyramide de Cheops 1986
GAMELIST Les Crepes 1986
GAMELIST Racer Conduite 1986
GAMELIST Forêt 1987
GAMELIST Amscrabble 1985
GAMELIST Super Arco (Amstrad Semanal) 1986
GAMELIST Synthé-Nombres 19xx
GAMELIST L'École des Lettres 19xx
GAMELIST Amsplus 19xx
GAMELIST Babyplus 19xx
GAMELIST Au Feu! 19xx
GAMELIST Les Couleurs 19xx
GAMELIST Multiplication 19xx
GAMELIST Areu-Areu 19xx
GAMELIST Les Etiquettes 19xx
GAMELIST Kim-Mots 19xx
GAMELIST Breaker 1987
GAMELIST Bartrek 1988
GAMELIST Adiós a la Casta Episode 1 2015
GAMELIST Ghosts'n Goblins
An unofficial, rewritten version of the commercial game Ghosts'n Goblins by Golem13
GAMELIST Base orbitale 1989
GAMELIST Jouons au Mastermind 1988

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.