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GAMELIST The Dragontorc Of Avalon
Dragontorc: the Lost Of Realms
GAMELIST The Dragnet Case 2023
DEMOSCENEThe Double Swords1990
INFOThe Doodler
GAMELIST The Domes of Sha 199x
GAMELIST The Dogboy 2018/1985
GAMELIST The Dizzy Starline and the Gowong Computer
Dizzy Starline
PEOPLESThe disk version of Sir Clive's old stalwart has had its chips (New Computer Express)1990
GAMELIST The Diamond Ring 1986
GAMELIST The Devils Crown 1985
INFOThe Devil's Crackers (TDC)
APPLICATIONSThe Desktop Publisher (DTP PAO)1987
APPLICATIONSThe Designer (CPC Amstrad International)1986
SLIDESHOWThe Design EP (Micro Design clipart collection)19xx
DEMOSCENEThe Desaster Demo: Copy Party Warrior1989
DEMOSCENEThe Depeche Mode Mix volume 31988
DEMOSCENEThe Depeche Mode Mix volume 219xx
DEMOSCENEThe Depeche Mode Mix volume 119xx
DEMOSCENEThe Demo (Logon System)1991
DEMOSCENEThe Demoniaks19xx
DEMOSCENEThe Demo part #07 : Nega part1991
DEMOSCENEThe Demo part #06 : Balls Balls Balls1990
DEMOSCENEThe Demo part #05 : 3D Scroll1990
DEMOSCENEThe Demo part #04 : Phoenix Demo1990
DEMOSCENEThe Demo part #03 : Megalomaniak1990
DEMOSCENEThe Demo part #02 : Lobotomia1990
DEMOSCENEThe Demo part #01 : The Take It Easy Demo1990
DEMOSCENEThe Demo of A.F.C Expo #11992
DEMOSCENEThe Demo Number 319xx
DEMOSCENEThe Demo : Turndisc1990
DEMOSCENEThe Demo : Menu part1990
DEMOSCENEThe Delta Demo1991
GAMELIST The Deep 1989
GAMELIST The Death Zone  1987
GAMELIST The Deadly Mission 1986
GAMELIST The Dawn of Kernel 2018
GAMESThe Darlings set up independent label (Popular Computing Weekly) 1986
GAMELIST The Darkest Road 19xx
GAMELIST The Dark Tower 19xx
GAMELIST The Dark Tower 19xx
GAMELIST The Dark Knight: Shadow of Madness 2024
GAMELIST The Dark Gladiator 19xx
DEMOSCENEThe Dancing Pumpkin and his old Friend the Skull1987
GAMELIST The Dam Busters
GAMELIST The Cycles 1989
GAMELIST The Custard Pie Factory 1985
GAMELIST The Cursed Fort (37th @ CPCRetroDev 2020) 2020
GAMELIST The Curse of Trasmoz 202x
GAMELIST The Curse Of Sherwood 1987
GAMELIST The Curse of Rabenstein 2020/2023
GAMELIST The Cup 19xx
GAMELIST The Cube 1986
GAMELIST The Crystal of Nebumeth 2016
GAMELIST The Crystal Cavern 19xx
GAMELIST The Crypt (19th CPCRetroDev 2018) 2018
GAMESThe Cricklewood Dream Factory
DEMOSCENEThe Cranium - Number One Demo1990
INFOThe Cranium
APPLICATIONSThe Cracker (Amstrad Action) 1986
APPLICATIONSThe Cracker 2/Cracker2 1987
APPLICATIONSThe CPC Connection by Andreas Stroiczek (CPC Amstrad International)1991
LITTÉRATUREThe CP/M Handbook with MP/M1985
GAMELIST The Covenant
Le Survivant
INFOThe Cool
DEMOSCENEThe Cookie 20172017
APPLICATIONSThe Complete Machine Code Tutor1985
APPLICATIONSThe Complete Introduction - Amstrad CPC 6128 1988
LITTÉRATUREThe Complete CPC 464 Operating System Firmware Specification (CPC464 Firmware ROM routines and explanations)1984
GAMELIST The Commodore Bashing Experience (10lignopat 2021) 2021
INFOThe Comics Band
GAMELIST The Comet Game 1986
GAMELIST The Colour of Magic 1986
GAMELIST The Coin 19xx
APPLICATIONSThe Code Machine1985
GAMELIST The City of Shadows 1992
SLIDESHOWThe Chicken Gallery19xx
GAMELIST The Chessmaster 2000 1990
GAMELIST The Cheap Detective (Amstrad Games Book) 1985
GAMELIST The Chaos Maze 19xx
GAMELIST The Chaos Factor 1985
DEMOSCENEThe Chaos Engine - World 1 - Level 1 (Epyteor)2023
GAMELIST The Champ 1990
GAMELIST The Chameleon Key 19xx
GAMELIST The Challenge 19xx
GAMELIST The Caves of Skull 19xx
GAMELIST The Caves Of Horwar 1989
GAMELIST The Caves Of Doom 1985
GAMELIST The Caves 19xx
GAMELIST The Castle of Desolation 1984
GAMELIST The Castle 1985
GAMELIST The Castaway of Valhalla (26th @ CPCRetroDev 2020) 2020
GAMELIST The Case Of The Obscene Mural
The Mural
GAMELIST The Case Of the Mixed Up Shymer 1987
GAMELIST The Case of the Missing Adventure
GAMELIST The Capeture (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST The Burglar Maze 2013
DEMOSCENEThe Bugs Demo1991
INFOThe Bugs
GAMELIST The Bug 1992

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.