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GAMELIST Cap sur Dakar  1986
GAMELIST Sudoku (SymbOS)  2024
GAMELIST Saint and Greavsie
Saint & Greavsie
GAMELIST Pontoon 1986/1985
GAMELIST Othello (Computing with the Amstrad) 1986
GAMELIST Enchanted 1989
GAMELIST The Krypton Factor 1987
GAMELIST Small Games for Smart Minds 2008
GAMELIST Detective 1984
GAMELIST Casse-tête 1985/1986
GAMELIST Tres en Raya (Software Editores) 1986
GAMELIST Solitario (Software Editores) 198x
GAMELIST Super Rubik's Cube (Schneider Magazin)
GAMELIST Dame 1989
GAMELIST Dama (Software Editores) 198x
GAMELIST Microball 1988
GAMELIST Pontoon 1984
GAMELIST Pontoon (Software Editores) 198x
GAMELIST Pontoon (Home Computing Weekly) 1985
GAMELIST Pontoon (Computer Gamer) 1985
GAMELIST Pub Games 1987
APPLICATIONSPrácticas de teclado (Amstrad Semanal) 1987
GAMELIST Master-Ruleta 1986
GAMELIST Backgammon (Amstrad Semanal) 1987
GAMELIST MasterBingo 1986
GAMELIST Fision (Amstrad Semanal)
GAMELIST Cinco en Linea (Amstrad Semanal) 1986
GAMELIST Master-Mind (Amstrad Semanal) 1986
GAMELIST Salto de Dama (Amstrad Semanal) 1986
GAMELIST Plato 1986
GAMELIST Domino (Amstrad Semanal) 1986
GAMELIST Scra⬧ble 1985
GAMELIST Pentomania 1986
GAMELIST Hollywood Poker 1987
GAMELIST Crimebusters 1986
GAMELIST Battelships (The Amstrad User) 1987
GAMELIST Propos 19xx
GAMELIST Powerplay: The Game Of the Gods
Powerplay: Le Jeu des Dieux
GAMELIST Macadam Bumper 1985
GAMELIST Minesweeper 2024
GAMELIST Mike Read's Computer Pop Quiz 1988
GAMELIST Trivial Pursuit: A New Beginning
Trivial Pursuit: Nouvelle Generation
GAMELIST Trivial Pursuit: Baby Boomer Edition 1988
GAMELIST Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition
Trivial Pursuit: Edition Genius
GAMELIST Trivial Pursuit: Edition Revolution Francaise 1989
GAMELIST Mensch (Werner Schmidt) 1987
GAMELIST Domingo 1986
GAMELIST Cloaker 1992
GAMELIST Trouble in Space 1988
GAMELIST Parrot (Amstrad Action) 1993/1994
GAMELIST Minehunt (Amstrad Action) 1993/1994
GAMELIST Codebreaker 1986
GAMELIST Magic Square (Amstrad Action) 1993/1992
GAMELIST Swap (Amstrad Action) 1993
GAMELIST Swap 1991
GAMELIST Pair Shape (Amstrad Action) 1991/1992
GAMELIST Forex (Amstrad Action) 1991
GAMELIST Battleships (Amstrad Action) 1991
GAMELIST Pyramids 1991
GAMELIST Piramide 1991
GAMELIST Tetris (Adrian Hyland) 1990
GAMELIST Master Word 1990
GAMELIST Solitaire (Vincent D'Haeyere/Amstrad Computer User) 1985
GAMELIST Blockades 1990
GAMELIST Solitaire (Amstar&CPC) 1989
GAMELIST Solitude 1990
GAMELIST Esp Tester (Amstrad Computer User) 198x
GAMELIST Ajedrez (Amstrad Especial) 198x
GAMELIST Ajedrez 1985
GAMELIST Master Mind (CPC Infos) 198x
GAMELIST Master Mind (Tilt) 1986
GAMELIST Master-Mind (Your Computer) 1986
GAMELIST Damas 1985
GAMELIST Micromind 1985
GAMELIST El Tute (Amstrad Manía) 1985
GAMELIST La Armada Contrataca (Amstrad Manía) 1986
GAMELIST Ajedrez (Amstrad Manía) 1986
GAMELIST La Armada Invencible (Amstrad Manía) 1986
GAMELIST Las Torres de Hanoi 1986
GAMELIST Pictionary 1989
GAMELIST Winkelzuege 1988
GAMELIST Roulette 1988
GAMELIST Schiffe Versenken (Schneider CPC-Welt) 1988
GAMELIST Nimm (Schneider CPC-Welt) 1988
GAMELIST Poker (Schneider CPC-Welt) 1988
GAMELIST Hyperinversi 1988
GAMELIST Solitaire (Schneider CPC-Welt) 1988
GAMELIST Miami Dice 1986
GAMELIST Every Second Counts 1988
GAMELIST Challenger
GAMELIST Tigres et Chèvres: Le Bagh Chal
Le Tigre Et Les Chevres De Bagh Chal
Le Bagh Chal Ou La Tactique Du Tigre
GAMELIST Mahjong 1986
GAMELIST Germaine 1986
GAMELIST Poker Patience 1986
GAMELIST Mahjong 2023
GAMELIST Y'ahtzee 19xx
GAMELIST Roland Goes Demining! 2023
GAMELIST S.A.M: Soustraction Addition Multiplication 1987
GAMELIST Oxygène 1987
GAMELIST Cubit! 1984

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.