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GAMELIST The Galactic Plague
La Peste Interstellaire
La Plaga Galactica
DEMOSCENEThe Future1996
GAMELIST The Fury 1988
GAMELIST The Further Adventures of Fred 1989
DEMOSCENEThe Full Metal Jacked Demo 21989
GAMELIST The Frontier Of Warriors 19xx
GAMELIST The French Mistress 1985
INFOThe French Collection
LITTÉRATUREThe Free Software Handbook (Amstrad Action)1986
APPLICATIONSThe Fractal Show/Mandelbrot19xx
GAMELIST The Four Symbols 19xx
GAMELIST The Forgotten Past 19xx
GAMELIST The Forest at World's End 1985
GAMELIST The Footballer 1990
GAMELIST The Flintstones
Los Picapiedra
les Pierrafeu
DEMOSCENEThe Flash Demo1990
GAMELIST The Fishing Day 1988
GAMELIST The First World War 19xx
APPLICATIONSThe Firmware Guide's (W.A.C.C.I)1992
GAMELIST The Firestone 1990
SLIDESHOWThe Fire Engine Demo198x
GAMELIST The Final Matrix 1987
DEMOSCENEThe Final Demo1989
GAMELIST The Final Conflict 198x
GAMELIST The Fifth Quadrant
5th Quadrant
DISCMAGThe Fanzine199x
DISCMAGThe Fanz 1199x
GAMELIST The Fantasy Dimension (PunyJam #3) 2023
GAMELIST The Fantastic Voyage
Voyage Fantastique
DEMOSCENEThe Fantastic First Demo1989
GAMELIST The Fantastic Adventures of Redhawk 1986
DEMOSCENEThe Fanatic Demo 11989
GAMELIST The Famous Five: Five on a Treasure Island 1991
DEMOSCENEThe Famous C.A.C.H Cracktro 1219xx
DEMOSCENEThe Famous C.A.C.H Cracktro 1119xx
DEMOSCENEThe Famous C.A.C.H Cracktro 1019xx
DEMOSCENEThe Famous C.A.C.H Cracktro 0819xx
DEMOSCENEThe Famous C.A.C.H Cracktro 0719xx
DEMOSCENEThe Famous C.A.C.H Cracktro 0519xx
DEMOSCENEThe Famous C.A.C.H Cracktro 0419xx
DEMOSCENEThe Famous C.A.C.H Cracktro 0319xx
DEMOSCENEThe Famous C.A.C.H Cracktro 0219xx
DEMOSCENEThe Famous C.A.C.H Cracktro 0119xx
INFOThe Famous C.A.C.H
GAMELIST The Fall Of France 198x
DEMOSCENEThe Face's Demo1987
GAMELIST The Fabled Black Rose 19xx
DEMOSCENEThe Eye of the Tiger1988
GAMELIST The Eye 1988
GAMELIST The Experience 1986
GAMELIST The Expedition 1987/1988
GAMELIST The Eunuch's Ball 19xx
GAMELIST The Eternal Light 2
Eternal Light II
GAMELIST The Eternal Light 2008/2009
DEMOSCENEThe Essential Digitracker Selection volume 319xx
DEMOSCENEThe Essential Digitracker Selection volume 2199x
DEMOSCENEThe Essential Digitracker Selection volume 11995
DEMOSCENEThe Essential Amiga Grafix Selection1996
GAMELIST The Escaping Habit 199x
GAMELIST The Errand Boy 2021
DEMOSCENEThe Equalizor Demo (Malibu)1989
INFOThe Equalizor
DEMOSCENEThe Equalizer number 21991
GAMELIST The Enforcer (gx4000) 1990
GAMELIST The Energy of Wok 1990
GAMELIST The Enchanted Stones of Cameronne 2021
GAMELIST The Enchanted Cottage 199x
GAMELIST The Ellisnore Diamond 198x
GAMELIST The Eleventh Hour 19xx
SLIDESHOWThe Electric Porno Show198x
INFOThe Electric Monk (Neil Gaiman)
GAMELIST The Election Game 1992
GAMELIST The Eidolon 1986
INFOThe Edge
GAMELIST The Eastern Front 19xx
GAMELIST The Dungeon of Hell 1990/1991
GAMELIST The Duct 1988
INFOThe Duck
APPLICATIONSThe Drumming CPC (CPC Amstrad International)1991
APPLICATIONSThe Drum Studio (CPC Amstrad International)1990
GAMELIST The Drogna game 1985
SLIDESHOWThe drive belt exorcism ritual (4th @ Reset 2012 Graphics competition)2012
GAMELIST The Dragontorc Of Avalon
Dragontorc: the Lost Of Realms
GAMELIST The Dragnet Case 2023
DEMOSCENEThe Double Swords1990
GAMELIST The Domes of Sha 199x
GAMELIST The Dogboy 2018/1985
GAMELIST The Dizzy Starline and the Gowong Computer
Dizzy Starline
GAMELIST The Diamond Ring 1986
GAMELIST The Devils Crown 1985
INFOThe Devil's Crackers (TDC)
APPLICATIONSThe Desktop Publisher (DTP PAO)1987
APPLICATIONSThe Designer (CPC Amstrad International)1986
SLIDESHOWThe Design EP (Micro Design clipart collection)19xx
DEMOSCENEThe Desaster Demo: Copy Party Warrior1989
DEMOSCENEThe Depeche Mode Mix volume 31988
DEMOSCENEThe Depeche Mode Mix volume 219xx
DEMOSCENEThe Depeche Mode Mix volume 119xx

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.