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GAMELIST Compilation: ERBE 88
Titanic+Operation Wolf+Chicago 30+Colosseum+Psycho Pig UXB
GAMELIST Compilation: Dinamic 5e Aniversario
West Bank+Abu Simbel Profanation+Dustin+Freddy Hardest+Basket Master+Sgrizam+Hundra+Basket Master+Megacorp+Phantis+Meganova+Capitain Sevilla+Pepe Carvalho
GAMELIST Compilation: Coleccion Dinamic-90
Navy Moves+Rescate Atlantida+Aspar G. P. Master+Comando Tracer+Bestial Warrior
GAMELIST Compilation: Les Maîtres Ninja
Les Maîtres Ninjas
Last Ninja 2+Double Dragon 1
GAMELIST Compilation: Micro Club (Barbarian 1+Barbarian 2) 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Sporting Gold from EPYX
The Games Summer Edition+The Games Winter Edition+California Games
GAMELIST MicroBrevet: Français 1989
GAMELIST MicroBrevet: Histoire 1989
GAMELIST MicroBrevet: Algèbre 1989
GAMELIST MicroBrevet: Géographie 1989
GAMELIST MicroBrevet: Mathématique/Géométrie 1989
APPLICATIONSForm Master (Amstrad Action) 1989
APPLICATIONS#Pirate 7.61989
APPLICATIONSPage Publisher1989
GAMELIST Compilation: MegaPack
Rally 2+Mach 3+Matahari+Billy la banlieue 1+Le 5e Axe+Billy 2+Foot Marius Tresor+3D tennis
GAMELIST Compilation: Les Aventuriers (Série Limitée)
Eden Blues+Stryke+Dwarf+Pepe Bequilles+Momy+Electric Wonderland+Massacre à la Tomate+Marche à l'ombre
GAMELIST Compilation: 2x1 (Motor Massacre+Dark Fusion) 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Log'star 5
Activator+Thai Boxing+Warlock+Bobby Bearing
GAMELIST Compilation: 2x1 (Don Quijote de la Mancha+Megacorp) 1989
APPLICATIONSTraffic Émission 1989
GAMELIST Antago 1989
GAMELIST Mathématiques 3eme Algèbre 1989
GAMELIST Shuni Line Rax: L'Ultime Combat 1989
GAMELIST Langue Francaise Ecole CE1 1989
GAMELIST Langue Francaise Ecole CM1 1989
GAMELIST Mayday! 1989
APPLICATIONSFactures Faciles1989
GAMELIST Langue Francaise Ecole CM2 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Log'star 6
Quad+Raffles+Electric Wonderland+The Last v8+Transdisc
GAMELIST Compilation: Les Inédits 2
Skylab+Scientific+Atomic Fiction+Thunder Fighter
GAMELIST Compilation: Commando+Scooby-Doo 1989
HARDWAREAmstrad PC2086 S (Compatibles PC Magazine)1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Total Eclipse Special Edition 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: AMMag 39-40-41 1989
GAMELIST Orthogus tome 2 1989
GAMELIST Orthogus tome 3 1989
GAMELIST Orthogus tome 4 1989
APPLICATIONSCore - Gestion Familiale1989
GAMELIST Soccer Skills 1989
GAMELIST Mathématiques 3eme Géometrie 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: AMMag 30-31-32 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: AMMag 42-43-44 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: AMMag Hors-Série n10 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Micro Mag Hors-Series 2 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Micro Mag Hors-Series 6 1989
GAMELIST 11-A-Side Soccer 1989
GAMELIST Indoor Soccer (Codemasters) 1989
GAMELIST Street Soccer 1989
APPLICATIONSAMS Stop Press : Extra Fonts and Clip-Art1989
APPLICATIONSPersonal Computer Astrology 1989
APPLICATIONSChibase v3 1989
APPLICATIONSGraphics, The Universe and Everything on PCW 8256/8512 version 21989
LITTÉRATUREDesktop Publishing on a Shoestring1989
LITTÉRATUREThe Supercalc Super Book1989
APPLICATIONSPools Predictor 1989
APPLICATIONSCambase Serie 2 1989
APPLICATIONSForecaster 1989
GAMELIST Les 4 Saisons de l'écrit - 6eme / 3eme 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Micro Mag Hors-Series 7 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Micro Mag Hors-Series 10 1989
GAMELIST Langue Francaise Ecole CE2 1989
APPLICATIONSBonzo CPC Procopy & MiniDOS1989
GAMELIST Sharewatcher II 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Amstrad Action Covertape #049 - Birthday Gift Pack (October 1989)
Shinobi Demo+Daleks+DataMaker+WordFinder+Self Dest+Easisheet
GAMELIST Compilation: Amstrad Action Covertape #040 - Christmas Gift Pack (January 1989)
Total Eclipse Special Edition+Isotopes+Solar System+Perspective Art+Disk Library System+Gibberish+Reviews
GAMELIST Compilation: Fingerschonend Computer Partner 4/89 1989
GAMELIST The Times Computer Crossword volume 6 1989
HARDWAREAmstrad PC22861989
APPLICATIONSDiscology v61989
GAMELIST Compilation : Reading Pack 1
Splash Down+Firefight
GAMELIST Compilation : Reading Pack 2
APPLICATIONSPage Publisher Picture Disc1989
GAMELIST Fonctions Numeriques et géométrie Plane 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Fingerschonend Computer Partner 7/89 1989
CODINGAmstrad Action Discourse - Draim's Algorithm to Find a Prime Factor of a Number1989
APPLICATIONSNirvana v61989
GAMESOffensive US Gold advert hammered (New Computer Express)1989
GAMELIST Micro Mag : CPC Compilation 4, 5 , 6 et HS 3 1989
APPLICATIONSCompilation: RSX 1989
APPLICATIONSSpalten 10 1989
GAMELIST Micro Mag : CPC Compilation 1, 2, 3 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Fingerschonend Computer Partner 3/89 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Fingerschonend CPC-Magazin 1/89 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Fingerschonend Computer Partner 6/89 1989
CODINGAmstrad Action Discourse - Hero's Algorithm to Approximate the Square Root of a Number1989
CODINGAmstrad Action Discourse - Fermat's Algorithm to Find a Prime Factor of a Number1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Fingerschonend Computer Partner 8/89 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Fingerschonend Computer Partner 9/89 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Fingerschonend Computer Partner 2/89 1989
GAMELIST Compilation: Fingerschonend Computer Partner 5/89 1989

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.