Amstrad Action Discourse - Fermat's Algorithm to Find a Prime Factor of a Number
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If CPC techie-talk is all Greek to you, let JAMES WILSON, in the second of this series, demonstrate why.

Euclid's Algorithm brings to light a remarkable property of the Highest Common Factor (HCF) which is not obvious if the H.C.F. is determined by factorisation into primes. This property is that the highest common factor, h, of two natural numbers a and b is representable as the difference between a multiple of a and a multiple of b, that is

h = ax - by

where x and y are natural numbers.

One reason why this property is so interesting is that equations of this form were extensively studied by Diophantus (ca. 180 AD), probably the best, ancient algebraist, and are today often referred to as Diophantine Equations.

The only known woman mathematician of the ancient Alexandrian school, Hypatia, recognised this (alas, she was battered to death by Christian fanatics in about 415 AD).

Diophantus was the first to employ signs (for positive and negative) systematically and he also used symbols for unknowns, powers and so on He solved linear, quadratic and at least one cubic equation.

In some of his methods he effectively used the device of approximating to limits, a method eventually systematized by Sir Issac Newton in the 1670's as Calculus.

Using his limit technique, Diophantus attempted to divide 13 into two square numbers, each of which is to be greater than 6. He arrived at squares with sides of 258/101 and 257/101.

Clearly, in all these matters, the knowledge as to whether any given number is prime (that is. divisible by only itself and 1) or not is of utmost importance. If any number is not divisible by any prime number in the range 2 up to its square root then that number itself must be prime. The process of checking the divisibility

of a number by the primes is very laborious and many mathematicians have developed methods to reduce this labour.

Gauss (1777-1855) and Pierre Format (1601-1665) were quite successful and Fermat's method, which is extremely simple in principle, is explained below.

Let P be the number we wish to test and

let n be the lowest number such that n2 > P. All we have to do now is form the series of numbers

n2 - P , ( n + 1) 2 - P , ( n + 2 ) 2 - P ...

If a number is reached which is a perfect square then we have

x2 - p = y2 and thus P = X2 - Y2 = (X = y);

If P is prime then the solution we reach gives x + y-Pand x - y = 1.

The difference between each term of the series is 2n = m wherein is 1,3.5.... as the algorithm progresses.

An example illustrates this best. Let P = 9271. This lies between 962 and 972 , so that n = 97. Our series is thus

n2 — P 972 - 9271 = 9409 - 9271 = 138
+ 2n + 1       = 333
+ 2n + 3       = 530
+ 2n + 5       = 729
+ 2n + 7       = 930

but 729 is the perfect square of 27, thus we have x2 - 9271 = 729. Therefore x=100 and, from above , P = (x + y)(x - y) , 9271 = 123 x 73.

The program below docs exactly this. Line 90 takes on the number to be factorised, which should be greater than 1000, and as an integer, less than 32767.

Line 110 calculates the starting value of n. e is the integer value to test if the value of the series member r is a perfect square, which is done in the gosub 300 routine. If r is a perfect square the subroutine returns f = 1 and drops to Line 250, when the Factors are calculated and printed in Line 280.


★ YEAR: 1989
★ AUTHOR: James Wilson

Page précédente : Amstrad Action Discourse - Euclid's Algorith to Calculate the H.C.F of Two Numbers

» Fermat  s  Algorithm  to  Find  a  Prime  Factor  of  a  Number    (Amstrad  Action)    ENGLISHDATE: 2021-02-06
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» Fermat  s  Algorithm  to  Find  a  Prime  Factor  of  a  Number    (Amstrad  Action)    ENGLISH    LISTINGDATE: 2021-02-06
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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.