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GAMELIST Australian Rules Football 1990
GAMELIST Aussie Games
Australian Games
Africa Games
GAMELIST Aunt Velma's Coming to Tea! 199x
CODING SRC'SAuld Lang Syne (Amstrad Computer User)1991/1992
GAMELIST Auld Lang Syne 1985
GAMELIST Auf Wiedersehen Monty
Au Revoir Monty
HARDWAREAudio - Synthetiseur Vocal SSA-11985
APPLICATIONSAudio - Speech - Swift Software 1990
HARDWAREAudio - Music Machine1987
HARDWAREAudio - Interface Miditrack Performer1986
HARDWAREAudio - DK'Tronics Speech Synthesiser (CPC Revue)198x
HARDWAREAudio - Cheetah Mk5 Midi Keyboard (Amstrad Computer User)1986
GAMELIST ATV Simulator 1988
GAMELIST Attacker (Disk 50) 1986
GAMELIST Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
Massacre à la Tomate
GAMELIST Atomic Battle 1987
GAMELIST Atomic 1992
GAMELIST Atom Smasher
Briseur D'atomes
GAMELIST Atom Bunker 1988
GAMELIST Atom Ant 1990
APPLICATIONSATM Lottery Predictor1997
DISCMAGATM 2 (Amstrad Technical Magazine issue #2)1998
DISCMAGATM 1 (Amstrad Technical Magazine issue #1)1997
DISCMAGATM #5: Amstrad technical Magazine issue #51995
DISCMAGATM #4: Amstrad technical Magazine issue #4199x
APPLICATIONSAtlast Plus/AtLast v21987
APPLICATIONSAtlast : Database Manager1986
GAMELIST Atlantis (Anirog) 1985
GAMELIST Atic Atac 2020
GAMELIST Athena 1986
GAMELIST Athanor 2: La légende des Hommes-Oiseaux
Athanor II: Legend of the Birdmen
GAMELIST Athanor 1: L'Éveil 2014
A.T.F: Advanced Tactical Fighter
GAMELIST Atari Adventures of 1983
Chateau Gaillard+The Citadel of Pershu+The Aftermath of the Asimovian Disaster+Werewolves and Wanderer - Improved version
GAMELIST Atalan 1988
GAMELIST Astromus-rythmamus 1985
APPLICATIONSAstrology For Beginners (Amstrad Action) 1988
GAMELIST Astrocop 2022
APPLICATIONSAstrocalc: Astrology for beginners (PCW) 1987
APPLICATIONSAstrocalc: Astrology for beginners (CPC) 1984/1987
GAMELIST Astroblast (Amstrad Action) 1993
GAMELIST Astroball 1988
GAMELIST Astro-pac 1985
GAMELIST Astro Plumber 1985
GAMELIST Astro Attack
Attaque Astrale
GAMELIST Astro 1986
GAMELIST Astral Plain 19xx
GAMELIST Asteroid Strike 2022
GAMELIST Asteroid Storm 1984
GAMELIST Asteroid Lander 1985
GAMELIST Asteroid Invasion (Amstrad Games Book) 1985
GAMELIST Asteroid 19xx
GAMELIST Asterix and the Magic Cauldron
Asterix y el Caldero Magico
GAMELIST Astéroïdes (Sybex) 1986
DEMOSCENEAst Demo #31990
GAMELIST Asset Stripper 1984
LITTÉRATUREAssembly Language Programming For the Amstrad CPC 464 664 And 6128 (Amstrad Action)1988
APPLICATIONSAssembleur Basic1985
GAMELIST Assault On Port Stanley
GAMELIST Assault Course 1990
GAMELIST Aspar GP Master
Aspar Grand Prix Master
Aspar G.P. Master
Grand Prix Master
APPLICATIONSAsmcom Software - Making the Amstrad Rs232 User Friendly (The Amstrad User) 1986
GAMELIST Ashkeron 1985
APPLICATIONSASCII to Mini Office II converter 1988
APPLICATIONSAscii File Protector (Amstrad Action)1989/1990
APPLICATIONSAscii - Read1992
GAMELIST Ascend 2022
DEMOSCENEAs Yet Untitled2020
GAMELIST Aryan 2022
APPLICATIONSArt (The Electric Studio) 1986
SLIDESHOWArtwork 219xx
GAMELIST Artura 1988
APPLICATIONSArtist (Popular Computing Weekly) 1985
APPLICATIONSArtist (Amstrad Action)1988
APPLICATIONSArtists Only (Your Computer) 1985
PAPERMAGArtificial Intelligence #81992
PAPERMAGArtificial Intelligence #71992
PAPERMAGArtificial Intelligence #61992
PAPERMAGArtificial Intelligence #51992
PAPERMAGArtificial Intelligence #41991
PAPERMAGArtificial Intelligence #31991
PAPERMAGArtificial Intelligence #21991
GAMELIST Arthur's Day Out (PunyJam #1) 2021
GAMELIST Art War 2021
APPLICATIONSArt Studio (Amstrad Action)1992
APPLICATIONSArt Studio to Stop Press19xx
APPLICATIONSArt Studio Loader for ROMDOS mk 2 1992
APPLICATIONSArt Studio Loader for ROMDOS 1992
GAMELIST Art of War (6th @ Vintage Computing Carinthia $27) 2024
APPLICATIONSArt Gallery : Fantasy198x
APPLICATIONSArt Gallery : American History198x
APPLICATIONSArt Gallery 2198x
APPLICATIONSArt Gallery 1198x
CODING SRC'SArt and the Amstrad (Computing Today)1984
GAMELIST Arrow Shot 1986
GAMELIST Arquimedes XXI 2011/1986

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.