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GAMELIST Number Shooter (Amstrad Action) 1993
APPLICATIONSFunction Keys Definer and Reader (Amstrad Action)1993
GAMELIST Professional Lawnmower Simulator (Amstrad Action) 1993
APPLICATIONSHeight (Amstrad Action)1993
APPLICATIONSComputer Cook Book (Amstrad Action)1993
GAMELIST Dinosaur (Amstrad Action) 1993
DEMOSCENEThe (I can t think of a name) Demo (Amstrad Action)1993
GAMELIST Lion (Amstrad Action) 1993/1991
DEMOSCENEFlags (Amstrad Action)1993/1992
GAMELIST The Last Lark (Amstrad Action) 1993/1994
GAMELIST Mini Cars Racer (Amstrad Action) 1993/1994
GAMELIST Chala 1994
GAMELIST Platform Game 1994
GAMELIST Crusher 1994
GAMELIST Letter Puzzle 1994
APPLICATIONSA Font of Your Very Own (Amstrad Action)1994
APPLICATIONSAnimator (Amstrad Action)1994
GAMELIST Car Ralley (Amstrad Action) 1994
APPLICATIONSPlus Colour Selector (Amstrad Action) 1994
GAMELIST Warx (Amstrad Action) 1994/1993
GAMELIST Air Attack (Amstrad Action) 1994/1993
GAMELIST Westfront to Apse II 1994/2002/2020
GAMELIST National Lottery 1995
GAMELIST Rebotes 3: the Final Battle 1997
GAMELIST Crazyfruit 1998
GAMELIST Baca 1998
GAMELIST Dragon Ball: The Adventure Game 1998
GAMELIST West Duel 1998
GAMELIST Pac-man Alpha 1998
GAMELIST Bowling 1998
GAMELIST Casino 1998
GAMELIST Vol en Plein Pacifique 1998/1999
GAMELIST Buxton Railfreight Control 199x
GAMELIST Compilation: Adventure PD 199x
GAMELIST Compilation : 10100 AMSDOS Educational 199x
GAMELIST Speedway - World Cup Knockout
The 1991 World Cup Knockout
GAMELIST Ethnocide 199x
GAMELIST R.T.C Glasgow Queen Street
Queen Street Control
GAMELIST The Lost Crown 19xx
GAMELIST Anduril 19xx
GAMELIST Breakout 19xx
GAMELIST Midnight Express 19xx
APPLICATIONSModelos de Radio19xx
GAMELIST Ali-baba 19xx
GAMELIST Arthur 19xx
GAMELIST Bebert Boy 19xx
GAMELIST Hypnose 19xx
GAMELIST Snapman 19xx
GAMELIST Abalone 19xx
GAMELIST Glissando 19xx
GAMELIST The Way of the Sucess (Vincent Bouvelle) 19xx
APPLICATIONSText Adventure Write19xx
GAMELIST Capital Cities 19xx
GAMELIST La Guerra Civil Espanola 19xx
GAMELIST Numerik 19xx
GAMELIST Pecheur 19xx
GAMELIST Simon 19xx
GAMELIST Cave Crusade 19xx
GAMELIST Destructboll 19xx
GAMELIST Tictac 19xx
GAMELIST Pentominoes 19xx
GAMELIST Reflector (Scull PD) 19xx
GAMELIST Tiles! 19xx
GAMELIST Sexopoly 19xx
GAMELIST Elisa Creativ Computing 19xx
GAMELIST Ferrari 19xx
GAMELIST El Solitario 19xx
GAMELIST Compilation: Videoamstrad 06
Backgammon (Software Editores)+Banco+Desensamblador+Ser Padres+Agenda (Febrero)+Truco+Hablon+Evolucion+Chomper (Software Editores)
GAMELIST Compilation: Videoamstrad 07 19xx
GAMELIST Compilation: Videoamstrad 08
GAMELIST Compilation: Videoamstrad 01
Relieve + Simon Relieve + Super-Saltarin + Sopa De Letras + Agenda + Cultez + Sintetizador Musical + Fuego Cruzado + Artist CPC + Concurso + Gusanos Luminosos + Tiro Al Blanco + Oferta Y Demanda
GAMELIST Le Retour D'ali Gator 19xx
GAMELIST Reflector 19xx
GAMELIST Flip Flop 19xx
GAMELIST Taquin Alphabetique 19xx
GAMELIST Compilation: VideoAmstrad 02 19xx
GAMELIST 3D Snakes II 19xx
GAMELIST Heli-go 19xx
GAMELIST 3D Madness 19xx
GAMELIST Pomm's 19xx
GAMELIST Incogito 19xx
GAMELIST Crash Down 19xx
GAMELIST Compilation: Club Amstrad #04
Golf (Software Editores)+Combiloto-3 (Combiloto-2)+El Loto+Loteria aka Dataloto+El Amuleto+Listin+Biorritmos+Deduccion
GAMELIST Compilation: Club Amstrad #01
El Loto+Graficos+Puzzletras+Reliflejos+TV Privada+Horoscopos
GAMELIST Compilation: Club Amstrad #03
Mach-4+Espiragrafo+Combiloto 2+El Loto+Loteria (Dataloto)+Stranded+Bronceado+Batalla Naval+Papel Pintado+Pintor 1+Pintor 2
GAMELIST Tarok 19xx
GAMELIST Ciencias 19xx
GAMELIST Jumper (Club Amstrad) 19xx
GAMELIST Menu del Dia (Azar-Menu) 19xx
GAMELIST Indigestion 19xx
GAMELIST Backgammon (Club Amstrad/Software Editores) 19xx
GAMELIST Balística (Software Editores) 19xx
GAMELIST Incógnitas y Pirámide (Frame) 19xx
GAMELIST Teclado del Amstrad 19xx
GAMELIST Cuadrado Maldito 19xx
GAMELIST Blackjack 19xx
GAMELIST Gusano Gigante 19xx
GAMELIST Bingo 19xx

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.