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GAMELIST Cave Capers 19xx
GAMELIST Diamond Quest 19xx
GAMELIST Amstrad Action Adventure 19xx
GAMELIST Dictator 19xx
GAMELIST City of Flames 19xx
GAMELIST Yawn 19xx
GAMELIST Drake 19xx
GAMELIST Quest 19xx
GAMELIST Witch Hunter 19xx
GAMELIST Dungeons Of Hell 19xx
GAMELIST Golden Ikon of Ramisis 19xx
GAMELIST Ship Wrecked 19xx
GAMELIST Satan's Domain 19xx
GAMELIST Steinburg Files 19xx
GAMELIST Crash Landing 19xx
GAMELIST Escape: Planet of Death 19xx
GAMELIST Traekk 19xx
GAMELIST The Caves 19xx
GAMELIST Mell 19xx
GAMELIST Supastore 19xx
GAMELIST Agatha's folly 19xx
GAMELIST Dragon Slayer 19xx
GAMELIST The Spectre of castle Coris 19xx
GAMELIST The Four Symbols 19xx
GAMELIST Sherlock Holmes in the Case of The Beheaded Smuggler 19xx
GAMELIST Dance of vampires 19xx
GAMELIST Crown Jewels 19xx
GAMELIST Hero Select 19xx
GAMELIST The Inner Lakes 19xx
GAMELIST Mansions 19xx
GAMELIST Hobble Hunter 19xx
GAMELIST Captain Kook 19xx
GAMELIST Homicide Hotel 19xx
GAMELIST The Darkest Road 19xx
GAMELIST The Jade Stone 19xx
GAMELIST Compilation: The Undead & Tommyrot Epoch 19xx
GAMELIST COMPILATION: Phill Ramsay Collection 19xx
GAMELIST Run Bronwynn Run!! 19xx
GAMELIST Death or Glory (Martin Freemantle) 19xx
GAMELIST The Knights Abode 19xx
GAMELIST Frogger 19xx
GAMELIST Compilation: 2 Por 1 (Deflektor+Masters of the Univers) 19xx
GAMELIST Asteroid 19xx
PAPERMAGThe Zok News 419xx
DEMOSCENECPC-Mike Demo 119xx
SLIDESHOWDia Show 319xx
GAMELIST Labyrinth (Bollaware) 19xx
GAMELIST Compilation: Codemasters Megastar Quattro Vol 16 19xx
DEMOSCENEAmiga Emulator v119xx
APPLICATIONSLe Hacker / Hackit ROM19xx
SLIDESHOWArchie Picture Show 119xx
SLIDESHOWArchie Picture Show 219xx
GAMELIST Compilation: Imagine's Arcade Giants
Arkanoid 1+Galivan+Slap Fight+Mag Max+Game Over 1
APPLICATIONSCoros Propedeutico in 3 Cassettte+Data Base Archivio+Scatola Originale 19xx
PAPERMAGSoft Mag 119xx
DEMOSCENE3D Demo Preview19xx
PAPERMAGDead Player 319xx
GAMELIST Compilation: ¡Busca la Accion!
Pack Xam
DEMOSCENERobot PD Library Demo19xx
APPLICATIONSPersonal Accounts v119xx
GAMELIST Compilation: Classic Arcadia 3
Microball+Moon Cresta+Star Raiders II
GAMELIST Compilation: 2 Por 1 (Forgotten Worlds+Super Scramble Simulator) 19xx
DEMOSCENEAnimated Escher19xx
GAMELIST Compilation: Ediciones Manali Amstrad Cassette 1
Y'ahtzee+Othelo+Conver+Operacion Neptuno
GAMELIST Compilation: Ediciones Manali Amstrad Disco 1
Y'ahtzee+Othelo+Conver+Operacion Neptuno
GAMELIST O'thelo 19xx
GAMELIST Y'ahtzee 19xx
HARDWAREQuickshot RobotArm19xx
PAPERMAGPeek Poket19xx
DISCMAGQuick 119xx
DEMOSCENEBuckdemo (Micro Escape Demo VII)19xx
DEMOSCENEInfull Effect Cracktro19xx
DEMOSCENEA Graphic Demo19xx
SLIDESHOWAlice Cooper19xx
SLIDESHOWAmiga Digi Show19xx
DEMOSCENEAntrax Intro19xx
SLIDESHOWArtwork 219xx
PAPERMAGDead Player 219xx
PAPERMAGDead Player 419xx
PAPERMAGDirty Style 219xx
PAPERMAGCanaramsclub 219xx
PAPERMAGLe Kamikaze19xx
PAPERMAGCroky 119xx
PAPERMAGCroky 219xx
PAPERMAGStar Games 119xx
PAPERMAGStar Games 319xx
DISCMAGEscape 2 19xx
SLIDESHOWDas A-Team 19xx
DEMOSCENECPC-Lord Helmchen's Introducing Intro (CLH Introducing Intro)19xx
PAPERMAGHacker Mag 119xx
LITTÉRATUREDas Schneider CPC Grafikbuch19xx
LITTÉRATURESchneider CPC - Einführung in Wordstar19xx
GAMELIST Compilation: Mortadelo y Filemon 1+Pink Panther 19xx
DEMOSCENEEurostrad Advert19xx

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.