Ten Facts : you didn t know about Alan Sugar (New Computer Express) | Peoples Cpc Staff |
you didn t know about Alan Sugar 1. Six months-odd after the launch of the Amstrad CPC, Sugar was asked whether his teenage son had a computer, 'Er, yes,' quoth the great man, with a tad less confidence than is the norm, And it's a 464, is it? A pause was followed swiftly by another pause, before the reply, “Er, no - it's a Spectrum." From this embarrassing episode came old Shoog's burning desire to buy up Sinclair Research (are you sure about this? - Ed). 2. Sugar s firm does not run its new Bulletin Board Service on an Opus PC, despite the shockingly inaccurate indications to the contrary in The Guardian. Opus is the software for the system, and has nothing to do with Opus the PC clones firm. The actual system runs on genuine Amstrad PC 1512s. Knuckles are currently being rapped at The Guard... -oh, and at Express as well. There was a passing reference to the Opus business somewhere in last week s issue. (A Lawyer Writes: Thais not an apology. Grovel immediately.) 3-10 Unfortunately, there now isn t quite room for all the other fascinating Sugar facts. New Computer Express #2