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GAMELIST Gunfighter 1988
GAMELIST Gunfight 1986
GAMELIST Gunboats (Home Computing Weekly) 1985/1984
GAMELIST Gunboat: River Combat Simulation 1990
GAMELIST Guitar Trainer 1989
APPLICATIONSGuitar Companion (Computing With the Amstrad)1986
LITTÉRATUREGuide to Logo1985
GAMELIST Guess The Word 198x
GAMELIST Guerrilla War 1988
GAMELIST Guardians 1991
GAMELIST Guardian 2: Revenge Of the Mutants
Guardian II
GAMELIST Guard the Castle (CPCRetroDev 2023) 2023
GAMELIST Guante Blanco
Arsene Lupin
GAMELIST Guadalcanal 1987
GAMELIST Gryzor 1987
GAMELIST Gryphon 1985
GAMELIST Grue-Knapped! 1990
GAMELIST Grow-worm 1987
GAMELIST Ground Zero 1986
GAMELIST Groops 2007
GAMELIST Grimwold's Big Adventure 1992/1993
APPLICATIONSGrid (Amstrad Action)1991
GAMELIST Gridtrap 1984
GAMELIST Gridrider 1990
GAMELIST Grid Warrior 1985
GAMELIST Grid Iron 2
Grid Iron II
GAMELIST Grid Iron 1
Touchdown USA
GAMELIST Gribbet (Amstrad Action) 1991
GAMELIST Greyfell: The Legend of Norman 1987
GAMELIST Gremlins: The Adventure
Gremlins: La Aventura
GAMELIST Gremlins II: The New Batch
Gremlins 2: La Nueva Generación
CODINGGremlin Serial Communications v11986/1987
GAMELIST Gremlin Hunt 1986
APPLICATIONSGremlin Ghostwriter 199x
GAMELIST Grell & Falla
Grell and Fella In the Enchanted Gardens
GAMELIST Gregory Loses His Clock 1989
DEMOSCENEGreensleeves (Amstrad Computer User)1991
GAMELIST Green's Strip Pontoon 1987
GAMELIST Green Planet 1987
GAMELIST Green Falls 2016/2006
GAMELIST Green Beret 1986
DEMOSCENEGreek Meeting Demo 21996
DEMOSCENEGreek Meeting Demo 11994
GAMELIST Grebit 19xx
GAMELIST Great Gurianos 1987
GAMELIST Great Courts
Pro Tennis Tour
GAMELIST Gravity (Schneider Magazin) 1988
GAMELIST Gravity (Amstrad Computer User) 1990
CODING SRC'SGrapics (Computing With the Amstrad)1988
CODING SRC'SGraphic (Mark Holmes/Amstrad Action)1993
APPLICATIONSGraphics, The Universe and Everything on PCW 8256/8512 version 21989
APPLICATIONSGraphics Galore 1990
APPLICATIONSGraphics Extensions (Your Computer)1985
APPLICATIONSGraphics Display 1 (Amstrad Action)1991/1990
APPLICATIONSGraphics Designer (Your Computer)1986
APPLICATIONSGraphics Designer (VisioData)1985
CODING SRC'SGraphic Designer: April Fool (Computer Gamer)1985
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Vector Graphics (The Amstrad User)1986/1988
APPLICATIONSGraphic - Stretch your Characters-double height basic loader (Personal Computer News)1985
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Star-Dot (Amstrad Action)1990
APPLICATIONSGraphic - Split Modes (Computing With the Amstrad)1986
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Snowstorm1986/1987
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Smoothly Scrolling1987
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Skulls (Amstrad Computer User)19xx
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Scroll Demo (The Amstrad User)1987
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Screens And Wimps (The Amstrad User)1988
APPLICATIONSGraphic - Screen Invert (Amstrad Computer User)1990
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Scr2bmp1997
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Random Symmetrical Pattern Generators1987
APPLICATIONSGraphic - Pull Down Menu (Amstrad Action)1988
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Psychedelic Strobe1987
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Pattern Plotter1987/1988
APPLICATIONSGraphic - Mandelbrot Set (Computing With the Amstrad) 1987
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Hardware Scroll (The Amstrad User)1986
APPLICATIONSGraphic - Double Height Characters (The Amstrad User)1986/1988
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Crtc - On - Screen Effects On the CPC464 (Popular Computing Weekly)1984
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Controlling Patterns1987
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Circle (The Amstrad User)1987
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Circle Writer (Amstrad Computer User)19xx
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Broken Tv Screen Clear (Amstrad Computer User)1989/1990
CODING SRC'SGraphic - 3-D Cube on Amstrad1985
APPLICATIONSGraph-it: Game for a Graph 1985
APPLICATIONSGraph Plotter1985
APPLICATIONSGraph Plotter 1985/1990
APPLICATIONSGraph Master199x
GAMELIST Granny's Garden 1987
GAMELIST Grange Hill: The Computer Game 1987
GAMELIST Grand-Prix 1985
GAMELIST Grand Prix Simulator 2 1989
GAMELIST Grand Prix Simulator 1 1987
GAMELIST Grand Prix Driver 1984

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★ AMSTRAD CPC ★ A voir aussi sur CPCrulez , les sujets suivants pourront vous intéresser...

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» Info » Ocean
» Info » The Bugs
» Info » Action Byte
» Info » Amstrad Action: 1985
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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.