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APPLICATIONSGrafikbär 1986
HARDWAREBee card1986
HARDWAREFarbdigitizer (Füle Electronic)1986
LITTÉRATUREApprenez l'Electronique sur Amstrad1986
LITTÉRATURESybex - Amstrad Locoscript1986
LITTÉRATURERSX et routines assembleur sur l'Amstrad CPC (P.S.I)1986
APPLICATIONSNomina (Amstrad User) 1986
GAMELIST Camino Insalvable 1986
GAMELIST Marble Madness
Marble Madness Construction Set
Marble Madness Deluxe Edition
GAMELIST Manhattan 95
Manhattan Light
GAMELIST Mag Max: Robo Centurion 1986
GAMELIST Livingstone Supongo 1
Livingstone, I Presume
GAMELIST Lightforce 1986
GAMELIST The Last V8 1986
GAMELIST Knight Rider 1986
GAMELIST Knight Games 1986
GAMELIST Kettle 1986
GAMELIST Kung-fu Master 1986
GAMELIST Killapede 1986
GAMELIST Kane 1986
GAMELIST Joust 1986
GAMELIST Jolly Jump 1986
GAMELIST James Debug: le Grand Saut 1986
GAMELIST James Debug dans le Mystère de l'ile Perdue
James Debug El Misterio de la Isla Perdida
GAMELIST Jail Break 1986
GAMELIST Impossaball 1986
GAMELIST Ikari Warriors 1986
GAMELIST Impossible Mission 1 1986
APPLICATIONSNewcastle Database1986
CODING SRC'SGraphic - Planets (Your Computer)1986
APPLICATIONSSybex - Startext1986
GAMELIST Verflixte 15 1986
APPLICATIONSSage Communications Pack 1986
GAMELIST La Ruleta 1986
APPLICATIONSSorcery Plus Hack1986
APPLICATIONSAmstrad Utilities (Your Computer) 1986
APPLICATIONSAmstrad Forth (Computing with the Amstrad)1986
APPLICATIONSReal Time Clock (Computing with the Amstrad)1986
APPLICATIONSEditor de Caracteres (Amstrad User) 1986
GAMELIST Puzzletras 1986
GAMELIST Reliflejos 1986
APPLICATIONSZelig Software - Bookkeeper v11986
GAMELIST Tv Privada 1986
GAMELIST Phanton en Ataque
Phantom en Ataque
Harrier Attack!
GAMELIST Space Base (Computer Gamer) 1986
GAMELIST Geo de France : Departements Francais 1986
APPLICATIONSCambio de Variables (Amstrad User)1986
APPLICATIONSScroll (Amstrad User) 1986
PEOPLESAmstrad Apoya el Automovilismo de Competicion (Amstrad User)1986
CODINGCPC464/664/6128 Firmware ROM routines and explanations : 2. ROMs, RAM and the Restart Instructions.1986
CODING SRC'SOnda Senoidal Tridimensional (Amstrad User)1986
APPLICATIONSMultitarea (Amstrad User)1986
APPLICATIONSScroll Magico (Amstrad User)1986
GAMELIST Compilation: DIMensionNEW 4 Juegos
CODING SRC'SDisc - Header Reader (Your Computer)1986
APPLICATIONSRepresentacion de Funciones (Amstrad User)1986
APPLICATIONSHi-Res Draw (Your Computer)1986
APPLICATIONSSecured System Database (Your Computer) 1986
APPLICATIONSSound Designer (Your Computer) 1986
APPLICATIONSRSX Controladores de Modo 3 (Amstrad User)1986
GAMELIST Numbers Up 1986
GAMELIST Castle 1986
GAMELIST Arnold Quest 1986
GAMELIST Master-Mind (Your Computer) 1986
APPLICATIONSTransformers (Your Computer)1986
LITTÉRATUREWargaming on the Amstrad1986
APPLICATIONSRSX Multicolor (Amstrad User)1986
GAMELIST Compilation: Club Amstrad #02 1986
CODING SRC'SBig Scroll (Computing With the Amstrad)1986
GAMELIST Fronton 1986
APPLICATIONSCompressor de Pantallas (Amstrad User)1986
HARDWARERichtige CPC 6128 schnittstellen-belegung (Schneider Aktiv)1986
APPLICATIONSGewicht (Schneider Aktiv)1986
HARDWAREUpgrading the DMP 2000 printer (Computing With the Amstrad)1986
APPLICATIONSMail Box (Megahertz) 1986
APPLICATIONSRSX Page Utility (Computing with the Amstrad)1986
SALONAmstrad Northern - 1986 (Computing with the Amstrad)1986
APPLICATIONSAmstrad Block Graphics (Computing with the Amstrad)1986
GAMELIST Timetester 1986
APPLICATIONSRSX - Switch DK'Tronic Bank (Computing With the Amstrad) 1986
GAMELIST Salto de Dama (Amstrad Semanal) 1986
GAMELIST The Dizzy Starline and the Gowong Computer
Dizzy Starline
APPLICATIONSBach to basics (Computing With the Amstrad)1986
GAMELIST Othello (Computing with the Amstrad) 1986
GAMELIST Marching Order 1986
GAMELIST Yahtzee 1986
APPLICATIONSCashbook Accounts1986
GAMELIST Claustrophobia 1986
APPLICATIONSArchiver (Computing With the Amstrad)1986
APPLICATIONSProfiler (Computing With the Amstrad)1986
GAMELIST Spider's Web 1986
CODING SRC'S3D Graphics (Computing With the Amstrad)1986
APPLICATIONSFirstbase (Computing with the Amstrad) 1986
HARDWARESouris - Kempston Mouse (Computing With the Amstrad)1986

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.