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GAMELIST The Undersea Adventure 199x
GAMELIST The Unborn One 198x
DEMOSCENEThe Ultra Sound Sampler1992
SLIDESHOWThe Ultimo Demo1989
GAMELIST The Ultimate Tetris 1994
GAMELIST The Ultimate Fight 1987
INFOThe Twins
DISCMAGThe Twilight-Strad 1199x
GAMELIST The Twelve Days of Christmas 1986
SLIDESHOWThe Turtlemuck slideshow19xx
GAMELIST The Trouble with Trolls 2018/1996
HARDWAREThe Trojan Phazer199x
GAMELIST The Tripods 1984
GAMELIST The Trial Of Arnold Blackwood 1984
APPLICATIONSThe Treble A Demo-Maker1989
GAMELIST The Treasure of McDooby's Mansion 2016
GAMELIST The Treasure of Elgon 2017
GAMELIST The Traveller 19xx
GAMELIST The Trap Door 1986
GAMELIST The Trans-atlantic Balloon Challenge
Transatlantic Balloon Challenge
GAMELIST The Train 1988
GAMELIST The Trading Game 198x
DEMOSCENEThe Toxic One!199x
GAMELIST The Tower of Hanoi
The Hanoi's Tower
GAMELIST The Tower Of Fear 1985
GAMELIST The Tomb Of Kuslak 1985
GAMELIST The Tiny Skweeks 1991
GAMELIST The Times Computer Crossword volume 6 1989
GAMELIST The Times Computer Crossword volume 5 1989
GAMELIST The Times Computer Crossword volume 4 19xx
GAMELIST The Times Computer Crossword volume 3 1989
GAMELIST The Times Computer Crossword volume 2 1989
GAMELIST The Times Computer Crossword volume 1 1989
GAMELIST The Three Musketeers 198x
GAMELIST The Three Bears 1987
DEMOSCENEThe Third Kind (3rd @ Revision 2019 Oldskool 4K Intro)2019
GAMELIST The Thing 1986
GAMELIST The Thief Runner (9TH @ CPCRETRODEV 2014) 2014
GAMELIST The Test 1990
GAMELIST The Terror of Innsmouth 19xx
DEMOSCENEThe Ten Years of CPC1994
GAMELIST The Taxman Cometh 1991
GAMELIST The Talisman Of Power 1990/1991
GAMELIST The Sword Of Truth 19xx
GAMELIST The Sword Of the Samurai 1992
GAMELIST The Sword of IANNA 2020
GAMELIST The Survivor 1984
LITTÉRATUREThe Supercalc Super Book1989
GAMELIST The Sun Computer Crossword volume 5 1988
GAMELIST The Sun Computer Crossword volume 4 1988
GAMELIST The Sun Computer Crossword volume 3 1988
GAMELIST The Sun Computer Crossword volume 2 1988
GAMELIST The Sun Computer Crossword volume 1 1988
GAMELIST The Sultan's Curse 1985
DEMOSCENEThe Strange Demo1995
APPLICATIONSThe StoryMaker1987
LITTÉRATUREThe Story of U.S. Gold2014
LITTÉRATUREThe Story of the Oliver Twins2016
DEMOSCENEThe Story of Ma Baker1986
HARDWAREThe Stick198x
GAMELIST The Staff of Power 199x
GAMELIST The Spy from the North 1985/1984/
GAMELIST The Spiro Legacy 1991
GAMELIST The Spirit of Halloween (18th CPCRetroDev 2018) 2018
DEMOSCENEThe Spirit Demo 11990
GAMELIST The Spectre of castle Coris 19xx
APPLICATIONSThe Speaker (CPC Infos)1990/1991
GAMELIST The Spanish Tutor 1986
DEMOSCENEThe Spaghetti Party 11991
DEMOSCENEThe Spaghetti Part II199x
GAMELIST The Space Duel 1990
DEMOSCENEThe Space Age Demo1991
APPLICATIONSThe Soundtrakker Player2003
DEMOSCENEThe SoundTrakker Demo19xx
APPLICATIONSThe Soundtrakker 64K / 128k/ (BSC)1992/1993
DEMOSCENEThe Sound ripped of Castle Demo199x
GAMELIST The Soul Hunter 19xx
DEMOSCENEThe Sorcerer Demo 11990
DEMOSCENEThe Sons chapitre 3 : House Music1989
DEMOSCENEThe Sons chapitre 11989
LITTÉRATUREThe Software Business1986
GAMELIST The Snow Queen 1986
GAMELIST The Snake 1988
GAMELIST The Smirking Horror 2004/1991
GAMELIST The Smiley Affair 1993
SLIDESHOWThe Small Vanessa Paradis Show-Remixed199x
GAMELIST The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants 1991
GAMELIST The Shoe People
First Class With the Shoe People
GAMELIST The Shadows of Sergoth 2018
GAMELIST The Shadows Of Mordor
Game Two Of Lord Of the Rings
GAMELIST The Shadow Of the Bear 1985
DEMOSCENEThe Shadow Demo1990
GAMELIST The Sex Game 19xx
GAMELIST The Sentinel 1987
GAMELIST The Secrets of Ur 19xx
GAMELIST The Secret Of St Bride's 1986
DEMOSCENEThe Secret Of Monkey Island Musicdisk (Epyteor)2016

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.