Sources Gaming Sources Demos Sources magazines

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CODING SRC'SDump ROM Multiface II (Grimware)20xx
APPLICATIONS7 Runes de Caracteres (Sept-rune)2024
DEMOSCENEConscience (4th @ Lovebyte 2024 oldskool 1k compo)2024
DEMOSCENEPlasmine (6th @ Lovebyte 2024 oldskool 256 bytes compo)2024
GAMELIST Antiair 2024
DEMOSCENERoberts (10th @ Lovebyte 2024 wild showcase compo)2024
GAMELIST Léon Marchand's Olympic Challenge  2024
DEMOSCENEPeriergoid (13th @ Lovebyte 2024 oldskool 128 bytes compo)2024
DEMOSCENETLICD: The Least I Can Do (19th @ Lovebyte 2024 oldskool 16 bytes compo)2024
DEMOSCENEFizzy (9th @ Lovebyte 2024 oldskool 32 bytes compo)2024
DEMOSCENEChernobyl Z86 (9th @ Lovebyte 2024 new talent compo)2024
DEMOSCENELogonite (5th @ Lovebyte 2024 oldskool 256 bytes compo)2024
DEMOSCENESeaPyra (5th @ Lovebyte 2024 oldskool 64 bytes compo)2024
DEMOSCENEPond (7th @ Lovebyte 2024 oldskool 128 bytes compo)2024
GAMELIST Paulina's Potions (CPCRetroDev 2023) 2023/2024
APPLICATIONSFIOLIB (C library for FutureOS)2023
GAMELIST Mr Og: The Sampler (CPCRetroDev 2023) 2023
GAMELIST Booty: The Remake 2023
DEMOSCENEChristmas Diamonds (VCCC 2023)2023
GAMELIST Yewdow 2023
GAMELIST Alloy Box (CPCRetroDev 2023) 2023
GAMELIST Rail Runner: Miner's Quest (CPCRetroDev 2023) 2023
GAMELIST Final War (CPCRetroDev 2023) 2023
GAMELIST Sugar City (CPCRetroDev 2023) 2023
GAMELIST Roberto ''El Gorras'' (CPCRetroDev 2023) 2023
GAMELIST Sheriff Duty (CPCRetroDev 2023) 2023
GAMELIST Top Goal (CPCRetroDev 2023) 2023
DEMOSCENEWaves (Optimus)2023
APPLICATIONSRODOS v2.20: Romatic rObot Disc Operating System (Patched version)2023
GAMELIST Space-Hockey v2023 2023
GAMELIST Castaway (1st @ CPCRetroDev 2022) 2022
GAMELIST Morris.exe 2022
GAMELIST DES Adventure 2022
APPLICATIONSGame of Life2022
GAMELIST Red Planet 2022
GAMELIST Fitzroy and the Confounding Labyrinth 2022
APPLICATIONSDobbertin HD20 Hard Disc Backup Application (Image Manager v1.00 for the Dobbertin HD20 hard disc)2022
GAMELIST Dire Dare (2nd @ CPCRetroDev 2022) 2022
GAMELIST Penguin Attack (2nd @ CPCRetroDev 2022) 2022
GAMELIST Zombie Disco 2022
GAMELIST Space Avocados 2022
GAMELIST Goatfish 2 2022
GAMELIST Cacorm 2022
GAMELIST Paco el Hombre 2022
GAMELIST Guntus 2022
GAMELIST Aryan 2022
DEMOSCENEChristmas Star Challenge (VCCC 2022)2022
DEMOSCENE10 Print Orthogonal 11b (Lovebyte 2022)2022
GAMELIST Ascend 2022
CODINGWAV2AY (WAV conversion to PSG register list, Amstrad Plus DMA-list..)2021/2023
GAMELIST Dark Passage (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Snake Clone 2021
GAMELIST Snake (Resistance) 2021
GAMELIST Survive the week (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST A Knights Travel (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Froggo Hop (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Cosmic Gatlin (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Wizard Dash (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST The Last Fungus (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Loopworlds (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
APPLICATIONSZX0 : Optimal data compressor2021
GAMELIST Doom 3D 2021
GAMELIST Aliens'n Tanks (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Dr. Roland 2021
GAMELIST Wireware (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Perched (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Castle Kid (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Jump Maniac (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Cloud Sailor (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Gem Jam: A Bejeweled Clone 2021
GAMELIST Moonsters (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Exodus Eskpe (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
CODING SRC'SSmooth CRTC Register 3 scrolling test (Odiesoft)2021
GAMELIST Wrecking Ball (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Into The Darkness (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Sokoban for SymbOS 2021
GAMELIST Dining with the fishes (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Inside the Anthill (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Fitzroy Feels the Heat (CPCRetroDev 2023) 2021
GAMELIST Open Tower Defense 2021
SLIDESHOWChristmas Tree (Arnolde de Leosoft) (VCCC 2021)2021
GAMELIST Get Out of my Store (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST 8bit Wars (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Ultimate Ace Fighter (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Fitzroy Dives Deep (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
APPLICATIONSAmstrad Diagnostics2021
GAMELIST Viking Hangover (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Amstred (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Shovel Adventure (1st @ CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Xenomorfism (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Cownight (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST The Capeture (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Mimo's Quest 2020/2022/2023/2024
GAMELIST CPC Invaders (36h @ CPCRetroDev 2020) 2020/2022

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.