Waccifest 96Demoscene Party
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Amost others, Angela Cook attended the WACCI Convention last year and pronises (threatens) to attend this year too. He thought she vas the ideal person to ansver the question, "Why Should I Go To The WACCI Convention".


Not everybody was able to attend the last year's "do". Those that did will tell you what a good tine they had, even with all the hard work and the getting up early in the morning. For months after last year's gathering, Fair Comaent was filled with letters singing praises about every aspect. If you want to really know what went on last year, you'll need issue 94 of WACCI for the report, photo's and cornents about the convention.


Last year was really very experimental. A WACCI Convention had never been held before. Jeff Walker, Steve Willians and Uncle Clive Bellaby all had stalls at Computer Fairs in various parts of the country and there were also the numerous gatherings at friends houses, but nothing on the scale of the WACCI Convention before.

Angie Hardwick decided that talking just wasn't enough and she actually had to do something. Angie is also organising this year's convention. "We've learnt a lot from last year." She says. Improvements will be welcome, but don't let that make you think we all met in a stinking hole. The rooms were actually very nice, most people commented too hot and a little dark, but nicely furnished. There were two large rooms connected by an open bar along with various smaller roois along the hallway.

Last year various people inhabited these rooms and one was for smokers as this was not aloud in the two main halls due to fire risks. This year one of the rooms is going to be a IACCI office that should be manned all day. You'll be able to pay up subs and get PD discs as and when you want them.


Last year there were a few demonstrations on different CPC related topics. Amongst others, Ian Neill showed people his Rom Blowing Kit and Richard Fairhurst talked to us all about the amount of work he put in to RoutePlanner. These demonstrations seemed to be a success and most of you have asked for some more this year.

So, more demonstrations are being organised this time round. Perhaps the most interesting will be Brian Watsons talk about the various elements of the Protext suite. Knowing Brians humour, there will also be chance for a bit of a giggle too.

There are more demos planned but not yet finalised, I would hate to tell you them now and then for you to be disappointed at the end of this month.

There will also be a question and answer session with the WACCI officers at some point, although this isn't expected to be a 100 per cent serious discussion. I warn you, WACCI Officers are preparing some witty responses to clever questions.


Any body who attends can have a piece of the huge 10th Birthday cake that's being made. Judging by the turn out last year, that is going to be a big cake. Will the Editor jump out of it and surprise us all? Beware, it's exactly the kind of thing he would do.

The only real problem last year was the money with which to hire the rooms. An anonymous donor saved the day, our thanks went to Hr. X last year, but they rust also do so for this year's event. Without last September's convention WACCI would not have been able to raise the money to finance this years jaunt.


The publicised times for the Convention was 10.00am until 4.00pm for members (opening a little earlier for those people setting up). This has been put back by half an hour for this year. Doors will open at 10.30 and we'll all be kicked out at 4.30 (although I don't think I left until gone 6.00pm last year). These adjusted timings enable people setting up their tables an extra half an hour to do their stuff.

The general consensus last year was that, for some, it was hard work, but still very enjoyable. It was great to meet old friends and make new. It was also great to have so many suppliers in one place. ComSoft and Herline-Serve will definitely be attending this year and the Trading Post are yet to confirm. Many of the itens on sale at the convention are much cheaper than normal. This is partly because there will be no carriage charges and secondly, no one wants to carry everything back down the steps and through the stadium to go home with.


Hy mum has just added "Anybody going will certainly meet Angela, Arthur and Philip." That's three very good reasons not to attend then. Mum has also just added that I was on a high for weeks after the event. Anybody who still needs convincing, call "Mother".


Tickets for the convention are going quite fast, so please get them as soon as possible. Tickets are available from Paul Dwerryhouse at £2 a head.

Cheques should be made payable to "WACCI' please and Pauls address is on the inside back cover.

If you would like to book a meal for the day, then please do so with Angie Hardwick. I am told that last year the meals were very generous and tasty.


★ YEAR: 1996

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.