Pipeline Software Tutorials (Amstrad Action)Code breaking (Amstrad Action)
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Books on machine code are notoriously unhelpful. Simon Forrester has finally found one he can recommend.

Ever wanted to learn machine code? Were the tutorials we ran a while back any use to you at all? Well, to make things even easier for you, Robin Gilbert from Pipeline Software has stepped in with a complete guide to machine coding.

The guide comes in 15 parts, reasonably priced at £3 each (that's £45 the lot if you're arithmetically challenged). Each guide has around 20-30 pages, with the last 9 containing complete documentation of all jumpblock entries concerned with that particular topic and loads of nice examples of how to use them. The sections highlighted with a are accompanied by a disc, costing a further £3, though the disc is optional. The sections are made up as follows:

  • An introduction to assembly language : These first two guides explain exactly what the inside of your CPC looks like from a machine code point of view, what assembly language actually is, and how you'll be using it.
  • Implementing data structures : This section deals with advanced methods of storing data and information, for use in more serious applications.
  • Sorting Techniques : Here we see how to sort and order data (stored in the previous instalment) using machine code, and algorithmic theory.
  • BASIC keywords in assembly language : Funnily enough, this is the first time we've seen this kind of angle on machine code. This section deals with replacing BASIC keywords with machine code routines.
  • Techniques used in writing games : Design, modules, testing, construction, structure, etc.
  • The keyboard manager and the firmware : This and the following sections deal with the layout, structure, internal routines, and firmware indirections of the CPC. As you can see, there's rather a lot, and they're all well documented.
  • The text VDU and the firmware
  • The graphics VDU and the firmware
  • The screen manager and the firmware
  • The cassette/disc manager and the firmware
  • The sound manager and the firmware
  • The kernel entries and the firmware
  • The machine pack and the firmware
  • The upper and lower jumpblocks, RSTs and indirections

As tutorials, they work well. The first sections explain to the total novice exactly how machine code is structured, where it lives in the computer's memory, what techniques are used in writing code, and what software is needed before you start. These tutorials do not, however, explain the fundamentals of your machine, so it'd be wise to have a general understanding of BASIC before you start thinking about these tutorials (or, in fact, machine code at all).


The sections are as follows:

An introduction to assembly language (2 parts)
Implementing data structures Sorting Techniques
BASIC keywords in assembly language
Techniques used in writing games
The keyboard manager and the firmware
The text VDU and the firmware
The graphics VDU and the firmware
The screen manager and the firmware
The cassette/disc manager and the firmware
The sound manager and the firmware
The kernel entries and the firmware
The machine pack and the firmware
The upper and lower jumpblocks, RSTs and indirections

The writing style is clear and concise, with very little left uncovered, and no ambiguity. If something is relevant, it's in there. As well as being clear, the main copy is also informative. Loads of useful information is buried in each section, so even if you've got a good understanding of code, the tutorials are well worth reading.

So how well do they teach you to code? Of all the guides, books, tutorials, etc. released on coding the CPC, these tutorials have got to be by far the best. There's no official wording, complex technical jargon, or any other bumf to turn you cold. It's just plain English all the way.

As any experienced coder will tell you, Z80 machine code is well worth learning. There's nothing quite like sitting back after several weeks of hard toil and seeing some beautifully running program as a reward for your efforts. Machine code is the industry standard as far as CPC software goes, and the tutorials from Pipeline have to be the easiest way to learn this noble art.

To cut a long story short, these books have to be the best machine code guide so far, and are well worthy of the price. You may find you don't need all of them, and it would be wise to buy only the guides you really need at first, and build up your collection later, but it's well worth getting the whole lot at some point or other, as everyone can learn something from them.


For anyone who thinks they've got this whole coding thing covered, think again. There's more than just the bog standard information here. These guides seem to » # have more useful stuff than the official firmware guides we've all grown to love, cherish, and use (Amstrad flatly refuse to print them any more, so just give up).


★ PUBLISHER: Pipeline Software
★ YEAR: 199X
★ CONFIG: ???
  • The Pipeline Software Tutorials were published some years ago for the Amstrad CPC series of computers. They also act as a series of introductory guides to computer programming generally. The range comprises a very comprehensive series of assembly language and BASIC tutorials and a series of CPC Firmware Guides. Under an licence agreement with the previous distributors, Sentinel Software, they are now available exclusively from Brian Watson. Copyright remains with Robin Gilbert, user support is available from Richard Wildey (author of Inventory Master), and the CPC club WACCI will be running a series referring to the tutorials.
  • All the Tutorials have been substantially re-edited and re-compiled and are now printed on A4 paper with acetate and card covers and are 'comb-bound' to lie flat in use as several of the previous users of the series had requested this. It is more expensive, but felt to be worthwhile to make the range even more attractive.
  • This is a very significant rescue and reissue. Pipeline Tutorials have long been respected as the definitive series for CPC users who wish to take their computer use beyond running ‘off the shelf programs and into BASIC and other techniques of programming. There are associated disc files available for some of the tutorials. When the series was first issued these files cost extra; now they are supplied free onto the purchaser's own discs.
  • Each Pipeline Tutorial costs £5, including postage in the UK. Orders from outside the UK should include £3 extra per order, regardless of the quantity ordered. A full catalogue of the Pipeline Tutorials series and other software and support for CPC & PCW users may be obtained from the publisher, Brian Watson, in return for a stamped, addressed, A4 envelope.
  • Since the Pipeline tutorials review a few issues back, Robin Gilbert has added a few more titles to the collection. The extra titles are 'The World Of Sprites' and 'Techniques In Demo Writing'. Pipeline are also offering a range of BASIC tutorial packages.


» Pipeline  Software-Tutorials    ENGLISHDATE: 2023-12-18
DL: 32
TYPE: image
SiZE: 979Ko
NOTE: w2333*h3250
» Pipeline  Software  Tutorials    ENGLISHDATE: 2023-12-18
DL: 26
TYPE: image
SiZE: 69Ko
NOTE: w499*h675

» Pipeline  Software    (Original  CPC  Software  and  Firmware  Tutorials  Guides)    ENGLISHDATE: 2023-12-18
DL: 26
TYPE: image
SiZE: 141Ko
NOTE: w1099*h772

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.