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Amstrad owners may not be very familiar with Zim Sala Bim, a Melbourne House program that attempted to enhance the role of graphics in an adventure by animating them and linking them to the player's inputs. In ZSB, if you typed 'Look*, the hero would cautiously look from one side of the screen to the other, and if you moved location the graphics would scroll accordingly.

Zim Sala Bim was not, in the Pilg's view, a terribly successful game, but now Melbourne House have come up with another new idea which hops onto the shelves this month under the name Redhawk.

Redhawkis, and I quote the blurb, 'a continuous comic strip which unfolds as the game is played. The game has text input, with a unique comic-based graphics output system.'

Hmmm...sounds positively Marvellous, doesn't it? Unfortunately, my fellow Pilgs, this new direction in adventuring does not, in my humble opinion, actually get us anywhere very interesting.

However, it's certainly original. The screen format boasts three square windows in a row on the top half of the screen, which represent three consecutive 'frames'of a comic strip. Action takes place in the window on the extreme right and as new events occur the pictures shift along. This means that by looking at the picture on the extreme left you can still see the events that transpired a few moments before.

The story that's sketched out on these pages concerns one Kevin, who can't remember anything except the word 'Kwah' which, if he says it (or rather, if you type it) transforms him into a superhero - Redhawk. Redhawk's mission in the game is to stop a team of super-baddies (including Merlin, Fusor, and The Rat) from blowing up the local power-station.

You play by entering text commands as normal in a window below the comic strip, which are then either acted on or rejected by the program. The parser is rather mysterious - it appears to be impressive at first by swallowing some very complex inputs, such as SAY "HELLO" TO LESLEY but then rather spoils this impression by responding "OPEN" CONFUSES KEVIN when you enter OPEN DOOR. Other, similarly basic commands are sometimes likewise rejected and the feeling after playing for a while is that the input system is somewhat frustrating and the real vocabulary rather small.

Apart from trying to stop the baddies, Redhawk/Kevin has to increase his local street credibility by nabbing the occasional baddie. There's a small meter that shows how popular you are, and the level rises when you, say, arrest a mugger and take him to the police station. Popularity is essential otherwise certain characters will not co-operate and life becomes rather difficult.

You also have to keep a close eye on your energy level. Kevin, paradoxically, appears to have unlimited energy whereas Redhawk soon runs out of steam, especially if you try 'flying' everywhere instead of walking.

At this point the Pilg casts his eyse back over the lines above and realises that it all sounds terribly impressive. Unfortunately in practice the game just didn't grab me at all. First, it's slow. In any normal adventure it's a drag to be told 'You can't go in that direction', but in Redhawk it's a positive annoyance as you have to wait for a new picture to be drawn, with the caption 'Kevin tries to go north but doesn't succeed'.

The constant redrawing of the pictures would be OK if the graphics were something to write home about, but they're not. They're rather crude line drawings that seem acceptable for the first five minutes but, after you've seen them several times, become almost unbearably monotonous. The most successful comic strips nowadays tend to be well drawn - that's part of their appeal, but Redhawk misses out badly here.

Occasional speech bubbles are drawn above appropriate characters and some of these show glimmerings of humour. ARREST ME, REDDUCK shouts a mugger defiantly in the park, which might raise a smile the first time, but elicits only a groan the second time, and after the third time (and the third wait while the message is printed) the Pilg felt like switching off.

I persevered however. There are some reasonable puzzles to be solved here, and the novelty of the comic strip approach holds up for a while. But in the end the poor graphics begin to win out over the mediocre text, the slow pace becomes a major irritation, the erratic parser becomes simply a frustration, and you're left wondering what else you might have spent your £8.95 on.

...And you're also left wondering what someone like Mike Singleton of Lords of Midnight fame could have done with an idea like this. Ah well...



Developer: Silhouette Software
Authors: Simon Price , Mike Lewis , Carl Cropley
Cover Illustration: Steinar Lund

★ INFO: Dossier BD A100%

★ YEAR: 1986




» Redhawk    ENGLISHDATE: 2014-05-10
DL: 290
TYPE: image
SiZE: 245Ko
NOTE: w928*h1363

» Redhawk    ITALIANDATE: 2014-01-11
DL: 247
TYPE: image
SiZE: 200Ko
NOTE: w620*h872

» Redhawk    (Release  TAPE)    ENGLISHDATE: 2018-03-02
DL: 198
TYPE: image
SiZE: 343Ko
NOTE: Scan by Abraxas ; w2412*h1174

» Redhawk    (Release  TAPE-MICROPOOL)    ENGLISHDATE: 2017-06-10
DL: 223
TYPE: image
SiZE: 79Ko
NOTE: Uploaded by CPCLOV ; w790*h322

Dumps disks:
» Redhawk    (2020-04-28)    ENGLISH    NICHDATE: 2020-04-29
DL: 288
SiZE: 47Ko
NOTE: Uploaded by Nicholas CAMPBELL ; Comprend la démonstration de la cassette originale. Les parties peuvent être sauvegardés sur disk. ; 40 Cyls
» Redhawk    ENGLISHDATE: 2010-12-10
DL: 317
SiZE: 40Ko
NOTE: 42 Cyls

Dump cassette (version commerciale):
» Redhawk    ENGLISHDATE: 2010-03-29
DL: 339
SiZE: 55Ko
NOTE: Loader Ricochet
.CDT: 2

» Redhawk    (Release  TAPE)    ENGLISHDATE: 2017-12-19
DL: 144
TYPE: image
SiZE: 289Ko
NOTE: Scan by Abraxas ; w2430*h780

Notices d'utilisation:
» Redhawk    (Release  TAPE)    ENGLISHDATE: 2019-01-31
DL: 258
SiZE: 2428Ko
NOTE: Scan by Abraxas ; 3 pages/PDFlib v1.6

» Redhawk    ENGLISHDATE: 2003-11-23
DL: 392
TYPE: text
SiZE: 17Ko

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.