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GAMELIST Baba's Palace (1st CPCRetroDev 2017) 2017
GAMELIST Cris, odd prelude (4th @ CPCRetroDev 2017) 2017
GAMELIST Compilation: CPC Retrodev Contest 2017 2017
GAMELIST Galactic Tomb 2018
GAMELIST Operation Alexandra (1st CPCRetroDev 2018) 2018
GAMELIST Robbie Strikes Back 2018
GAMELIST Pink Pills: Manic Moritz and the Med 2018
GAMELIST Snake Bubble (14th CPCRetroDev 2018) 2018
GAMELIST The Adventures of Timothy Gunn
Timmy Gun (4th CPCRetroDev 2018)
GAMELIST Jarlac (2nd CPCRetroDev 2018) 2018
GAMELIST Overheap (24th @ CPCRetroDev 2018) 2018
GAMELIST 77 Attempts (6th CPCRetroDev 2018) 2018
GAMELIST Compilation: CPC Retrodev Contest 2018 2018
GAMELIST Ghosts'n Goblins (GX4000)
Ghouls'n Goblins 2016
GAMELIST Sir Ababol NES-OM Edition 2018/2020
GAMELIST The Abduction of Oscar Z (1st @ CPCRetroDev 2020) 2018/2020/
GAMELIST New Zealand Story remake 2019
GAMELIST Compilation : Chronicles of Nanako
Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle+Nanako Descends To Hell
GAMELIST Nogalious 2019
GAMELIST Cheman 2019
GAMELIST Compilation: Repoker de Ases
Adiós a la Casta 1+Adiós a la Casta 2+Profanation 2 - Escape Abu Simbel+Baba's Palace*The Lost Treasure of Cuauhtemoc
GAMELIST Sonic GX 2019
GAMELIST Compilation: Accion y Aventura 2019
GAMELIST Shinobu (13th @ CPCRetroDev 2019) 2019
GAMELIST Fitzroy in the Dark (20th @ CPCRetroDev 2019) 2019
GAMELIST Runninja (21th @ CPCRetroDev 2019) 2019
GAMELIST Ronin Revenge (32th @ CPCRetroDev 2019) 2019
GAMELIST Compilation: CPC Retrodev Contest 2019 2019
GAMELIST Foggys Quest 2019/2020
GAMELIST Aeon 2019/2021
GAMELIST Foggy's Quest 2019/2024
GAMELIST Malasombra 201x
GAMELIST Raman (37h @ CPCRetroDev 2020) 2020
GAMELIST Ghosts'n Goblins
An unofficial, rewritten version of the commercial game Ghosts'n Goblins by Golem13
GAMELIST Kitsune's Curse 2020
GAMELIST Alcon2020 2020
GAMELIST Wonder Boy Remake 2020
GAMELIST Shinobi Remastered Edition 2020
GAMELIST Fips' Tale (11th @ CPCRetroDev 2020) 2020
GAMELIST The Sword of IANNA 2020
GAMELIST JumperMan (37th @ CPCRetroDev 2020) 2020
GAMELIST Fitzroy Goes Sweeping 2020
GAMELIST Go Away Viking (37th @ CPCRetroDev 2020) 2020
GAMELIST RYM: Alfred's Revenge (16th @ CPCRetroDev 2020) 2020
GAMELIST SetBack (27th @ CPCRetroDev 2020) 2020
GAMELIST The Castaway of Valhalla (26th @ CPCRetroDev 2020) 2020
GAMELIST The Hero (28th @ CPCRetroDev 2020) 2020
GAMELIST VandalBox (21th @ CPCRetroDev 2020) 2020
GAMELIST Space Moves 2020
GAMELIST Brick Rick 2020
GAMELIST Fitzroy Feels the Heat (CPCRetroDev 2023) 2021
GAMELIST Fitzroy Dives Deep (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Siemb Chronicles: Arkos the Traitor 2021
GAMELIST Cloud Sailor (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Jewel Warehouse II 2021
GAMELIST Bug's Quest for Tapes 2021
GAMELIST Castle of Sorrow 2021
GAMELIST Fedora Adventure (CPCRetroDev 2021) 2021
GAMELIST Moritz, The Striker 2021
GAMELIST Compilation: CPC Retrodev Contest 2020 2021/2020
GAMELIST Arctic Moves 2021/2022
GAMELIST Fitzroy and the Confounding Labyrinth 2022
GAMELIST Lala Prologue v2022 2022
GAMELIST Darkula 64 2022
GAMELIST Bestial Girl 2022
GAMELIST P4: Return to Ganymede 2022
GAMELIST Chuckie Egg 3 2022
GAMELIST Ramiro El Vampiro III 2022
GAMELIST Blinky's Scary School 2022
GAMELIST Transylvanian Castle 2022
GAMELIST Moritz on the Autobahn 2022
GAMELIST Spaceman Kerl on a Rescue Mission 2022
GAMELIST Astrocop 2022
GAMELIST Space Panic 2022
GAMELIST Chuckie Egg 4 2022
GAMELIST Red Planet 2022
GAMELIST Gates to Heaven 2022
GAMELIST The Mandarin 2022
GAMELIST Mabus Mania 2022
GAMELIST Paleto Jones II
Paleto Jones and Bartolo's Flute
GAMELIST Goody, el regreso 2022
GAMELIST Ascend 2022
GAMELIST Xyphoe's Nightmare 2022
GAMELIST Nita (CPCRetroDev 2023) 2023
GAMELIST Rigor Mortis 2023
GAMELIST Chloe Aprende a Reciclar 2023
GAMELIST Hopman 2023
GAMELIST Mr.Wong 2023
GAMELIST Shadow Hunter 2023
GAMELIST Jax The Dog 2023
GAMELIST Gates of Heaven 2023
GAMELIST Booty: The Remake 2023
GAMELIST Revenge of Trasmoz 2023
GAMELIST The Brush Brothers 2023
GAMELIST Ramiro El Vampiro IV
Ramiro el Vampiro en el Misterio del Papiro
GAMELIST Mario Bros 2023 2023
GAMELIST Jet-Paco 2023
GAMELIST The Mandarin 2: Limoncello's Revenge 2024
GAMELIST The Heart of Salamanderland 2024
GAMELIST Urok: The Legend of the White Demon
Urok: La Leyenda del Demonio Blanco

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.