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GAMELIST Imperial Mahjong 2016
GAMELIST The Knights Abode 19xx
GAMELIST The Domes of Sha 199x
GAMELIST Death or Glory (Martin Freemantle) 19xx
GAMELIST Run Bronwynn Run!! 19xx
GAMELIST First Past the Post (Ernie Spludge 1) 1991
GAMELIST The Life of a Lone Electron 1992/1993/2018
GAMELIST The Quest for the Holy Snail 1991/1993/2018
GAMELIST Larry the Lemming's Urge for Extinction 199x
GAMELIST Snow Joke 1993
GAMELIST The Jade Stone 19xx
GAMELIST The Unborn One 198x
GAMELIST The Inner Lakes 19xx
GAMELIST Crown Jewels 19xx
GAMELIST Journey to Death 1992
GAMELIST Dance of vampires 19xx
GAMELIST Sherlock Holmes in the Case of The Beheaded Smuggler 19xx
GAMELIST The Four Symbols 19xx
GAMELIST The Spectre of castle Coris 19xx
GAMELIST Dragon Slayer 19xx
GAMELIST Agatha's folly 19xx
GAMELIST Supastore 19xx
GAMELIST Mell 19xx
GAMELIST The Caves 19xx
GAMELIST Traekk 19xx
GAMELIST Escape: Planet of Death 19xx
GAMELIST Crash Landing 19xx
GAMELIST Steinburg Files 19xx
GAMELIST Satan's Domain 19xx
GAMELIST Ship Wrecked 19xx
GAMELIST Golden Ikon of Ramisis 19xx
GAMELIST Dungeons Of Hell 19xx
GAMELIST Witch Hunter 19xx
GAMELIST Quest 19xx
GAMELIST Drake 19xx
GAMELIST Yawn 19xx
GAMELIST City of Flames 19xx
GAMELIST Boss 198x
GAMELIST Langue Francaise Ecole CM1 1989
GAMELIST Langue Francaise Ecole CE1 1989
GAMELIST Soccer Supremo 198x
GAMELIST Herobotix 1988
GAMELIST L'apprentissage de l'écriture de l'alphabet 198x
GAMELIST Sherlock Holmes
Das Mörderschloβ
Das Moerderschloss
GAMELIST Spations 1986
Maths Second Cycle
GAMELIST Mathsoft 1988
GAMELIST El Mejor Amstrad #6: Aton
GAMELIST Speedway - League Cup Knockout
British League Cup Knockout
GAMELIST Speedway Team Championship 1991
GAMELIST The Assassins' Guild 199x
GAMELIST Kuma Bridge 1985
GAMELIST Curso de Mecanografia 198x
GAMELIST El Cuerpo Humano: Sentidos 198x
GAMELIST Mathématiques 3eme Algèbre 1989
GAMELIST Athanor 2: La légende des Hommes-Oiseaux
Athanor II: Legend of the Birdmen
GAMELIST Kit Bac Maths D 198x
GAMELIST Kit Bac Physique/Chimie 198x
GAMELIST Kit Bac Maths C/E 198x
GAMELIST Kit cm2/6eme 198x
GAMELIST Sputnik 1988
GAMELIST El Mejor Amstrad #3: Axy 198x
GAMELIST Les Cavernes de Thénébé 1986
GAMELIST Orthographe: Ecrire sans fautes volume 2 198x
GAMELIST Orthographe: Ecrire sans fautes volume 1 198x
GAMELIST Barcos 19xx
GAMELIST El Comecocos 19xx
GAMELIST Tiro al Blanco 198x
GAMELIST Cultez 198x
GAMELIST El Oasis 1986
GAMELIST Mathex n1 19xx
GAMELIST Juegue con su Amstrad #6: Mad-Car 1987
GAMELIST Arnold Quest 1986
GAMELIST H Myga 1988
GAMELIST Francais-CM2 19xx
GAMELIST Maths-5 1988/1986
GAMELIST Kit Educatif 3eme/2nde 1988/1987
GAMELIST Anglais Top Niveau (Anglais 2e-1ere)
Top Niveau Anglais
GAMELIST Am-Monopoly 1985
GAMELIST Maths-CE2 19xx
GAMELIST General Military Simulator 1991
GAMELIST MicroBrevet: Algèbre 1989
GAMELIST The Staff of Power 199x
GAMELIST Grammaire-65
Grammaire en classe de 6e - 5e
GAMELIST Kick Off World Cup Edition
World Cup Kick Off
GAMELIST L'Italie 1990
GAMELIST Le Labyrinthe des Sciences 1988
GAMELIST Linkword Language Courses - German
The Gruneberg LinkWord Language System: German
GAMELIST Los Planetas (El Sistema Solar) 198x
GAMELIST Alsim 198x
GAMELIST Blindado 198x
GAMELIST Parabola 198x
GAMELIST Mr. Foo 198x
GAMELIST Paranoid Pete 198x
GAMELIST Cloaker 1992
GAMELIST The Axe of Kolt 199x
GAMELIST Battlefront 198x
GAMELIST Star Sabre Enhanced version 2009

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.