HARDWAREJOYSTICKS ★ Joystick Konix Speedking ★

KonixKonix MegablasterKonix NavigatorKonix Speedking
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Très maniable , très précise et très robuste
avec un bouton de tir automatique

New joysticks from Konix soon

ONE criticism that has been levelled at the new Sega and Nintendo games consoles is that the tiny joystick 'cards'supplied with them aren't really suitable for high-speed games playing.
However, Joystick manufacturer Konix is about to launch new versions of its successful Speed King for both games machines, and also for Apple and IBM PCs.

The new joysticks are based on the original Speed King design, with variations for the different machines also available.
The IBM and Apple versions have been enhanced so that the sticks can be used for graphics design as well as playing games.
Konix have already received orders for 150,000 Nintendo sticks from America and also expect the Sega version to do well.
The original Speed King has been dropped in price to £11.95 and now comes bundled with a copy of Gremlin Graphics'Thing Bounces Back game.


★ ANNÉE: ???


» Konix-Navigator    FRENCHDATE: 2015-01-30
DL: 681
TYPE: image
SiZE: 991Ko
NOTE: w1600*h2256

» Konix-Speedking-Il  joystick  ultrasensibile    ADVERT    ITALIANDATE: 2014-04-30
DL: 598
TYPE: image
SiZE: 420Ko
NOTE: w1341*h1887

» Konix-SpeedkingDATE: 2023-08-06
DL: 714
TYPE: image
SiZE: 3003Ko
NOTE: w4731*h6908

» Konix-Speedking    (Micropool-Serma)    SPANISHDATE: 2016-10-13
DL: 320
TYPE: image
SiZE: 114Ko
NOTE: Uploaded by hERMOL ; w949*h662

» Konix-Speedking    (SERMA-Micropool)    SPANISHDATE: 2016-10-13
DL: 391
TYPE: image
SiZE: 101Ko
NOTE: Uploaded by hERMOL ; w954*h676

» Konix-Speedking    ADVERT    ITALIANDATE: 2014-01-19
DL: 544
TYPE: image
SiZE: 397Ko
NOTE: w982*h1402

» Konix-Speedking    ITALIANDATE: 2016-08-23
DL: 529
TYPE: image
SiZE: 81Ko
NOTE: w656*h932

» Konix  ProductsDATE: 2015-01-08
DL: 616
TYPE: image
SiZE: 286Ko
NOTE: w886*h1326

» Rushware-Konix  Speedking-Joystick  Mouse    GERMANDATE: 2017-03-27
DL: 339
TYPE: image
SiZE: 192Ko
NOTE: Uploaded by hERMOL ; w961*h1347

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.