Last official release O.D.I.L.E. - 2024/12/14 - added new traductions - added FullScreen mode for Linux/Windows users (F11 key) - upgrade width/height limit to 512 in Graphics Explorer - added Amsdos header option for Memory import in configuration saves - now you can resize Graphics Explorer window + size saved in configuration - display an error message when a file is not supported (instead of simply discarding it) - bugfix step over in trace with HALT, LDIR, CPIR and other 'looped' instructions - bugfix number of selected Upper Rom, displayed in Gate Array window - bugfix number of selected bytes after a successful search - bugfix recovery of explorers coordinates after close/reopening
Last official release Noël - 2024/12/24 - spanish translations for the GUI (see flags with F12) - ability to use (L)abels to jump in memory from Graphics Explorer - +/- from numeric keypad change emulation output volume
Last official release JoooOOOOooonnnvier! - 2025/01/22 - upgraded iMPdraw rom pack to sept 2024 - new options for EDSK autosave and versioning - ability to save Tiles/Sprites in graphic explorer - ability to load RASM symbols chunk in Cartridge (get new Rasm!) - ability to toggle all execution breakPoints from Trace with key 'T' - execution breakPoints in watcher mode are now green in Trace
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