“Turbo Rascal Syntax error, “;” expected but “BEGIN” (Turbo Rascal SE, TRSE) is a complete suite (IDE, compiler, programming language, image sprite level resource editor) intended for developing games/demos for 8 / 16-bit line of computers, with a focus on the MOS 6502, the Motorola 68000, the (GB)Z80 and the X86. TRSE currently supports application development for the C64, C128, VIC-20, PLUS4, NES, Gameboy, PET, ZX Spectrum, TIKI 100, Amstrad CPC 464, Atari 2600, 8086AT, Amiga 500 and the Atari ST 520 (complete list here). With the benefits of a modern IDE (error messages, code completion, syntax highlighting etc) and a bunch of fast built-in tools, it has never been easier to program for your favorite obsolete system!
TRSE runs on Windows 64-bit, Linux 64-bit and OS X. Development began on Feb 24th 2018. The TRSE framework contains a number of project examples for multiple platforms, including almost 200 runnable tutorials. TRSE also contains a real-time ray tracer that can export (compressed) data for demo and game production.
TRSE showcase - "Mørketid" is a one-file 40kb demo released at Syntax 2020 (Music by Mibri, code by Leuat):
Added more demo effecst to the c64 "demo effects" sample project
The C64 has an updated version of Krill's loader, now always using shadow directories
C1541 phased out - TRSE now uses internal source code for generating disks. No need for VICE's c1541.exe anymore.
Loading compressed raw data on the c64 should now work
Automated directory art support: in the project settings, simply point the dir art setting to a .flf c64 text/animation image and the .d64 will be generated using this art
Atari 520 ST fixed up for windows. Added new tutorial, tutorial6
short hand SHL SHR implemented: a<<=1; for a := a << 1
Z80 bugfixes. Casting between int/byte works for functions, int/byte arrays, array pointers, conditionals calling functions of various types.
Z80 16 bit shifts properly implemented
New unit tests for casts. Caught and fixed a bug with integer assignment on the 6502
Compiler more strict: "global" keyword parameters must have the same type as the originally declared variables
Z80 "ret nz", "ret po" etc implemented properly
A bit stricter compiler: erroneously assigning references to constants (#$2000) is no longer allowed.
65c816 "long" type
65×816 bugfix when addressing 24-bit addresses
New Amstrad CPC sprites container image type
If a help window is opened, pressing F1 will keep using the window when looking up help text
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