au l'label "songlist" (fichier CHIPNSFX.S80) , essai de modifier le "db" par 0 , 2 , 3 , 4 ou 5. C'est peut-etre ca ...
Merci pour le suivi, et bien vu ! Mais à 1 (sans changement), c'est trop rapide, et à 2 ... c'est trop lent Damned !
Tu notes bien que je comprends pas du tout ce que je fais (ASS-EM-BLEUR??!), j'ai essayé 1.5 héhéhé = pas de compilation :/
Me suis mis en colère toute rouge, j'ai mis ma piste à 025/04 Hz dans CHIPNSFX (le tempo est équivalent à ce que je voulais) Puis le songlist db 3 dans CHIPNSFX.S80 et le tempo est acceptable sur Arnold. Le son gratte / glitche un peu, l'arpeggiator est mollasson ... mais ma foi, je progresse Je suppose que même si CHIPNSFX le permet, je peux produire des incohérences en terme de tempo en faisant le foufou sur les Hz ?
Il me manque un tas de connaissance, ma puissance de feu sur les trackers Amiga/Windows/OSX et LSDJ Gameboy ne suffisent pas à dompter le vrai croco !
Bon par contre, c'est sous Windows, ce qui me condamne sous OSX à du VirtualBox, et j'arrive pas à le faire tourner sous Wine Je vous mets en fichier mp3 le rendu et l'export YM
Aucune idée de comment fonctionne wine sous mac en comparaison de linux. en tout cas, pour linux, il ne faut pas utiliser wine mais wineconsole pour faire tourner chipnsfx
Aucune idée de comment fonctionne wine sous mac en comparaison de linux. en tout cas, pour linux, il ne faut pas utiliser wine mais wineconsole pour faire tourner chipnsfx
Muhahahaha YES !!!
Pour les visiteurs venus depuis Google sous OSX : on a installé WINE, on a le menu en haut à droite : WINE (verre de vin !) / DOS Prompt
Code :
J'envoie les options -P pour le défilement que c'est trop la classe, -k2 pour l'azerty que c'est bin pratique
Code :
C:\>MonDossierChipnsfx/CHIPNSFX.EXE -P -k2
Ça tourne super, merci Krusty ! Je pense que ça va me servir pour d'autres softs en CLI / windows en cadeau Bonux, comment j'ai vécu sans ça ??!! J'aurai plus jamais peur des clowns
20180113: minor patch further improving compression of single-note patterns and extending the logic of Control-D, Control-E and Control-W to entire selections rather than just the current pattern; Control-E can duplicate instruments, too. Added BOSCONIA.CHP, FOTYEAR1-2.CHP, GNG0-2.CHP, LAZRTAG1-2.CHP and LINEKER1-2.CHP. 20180111: 21st public release. Fixed the file dialog (it crashed if it had to show more than 256 entries). Control+F5 starts playback at the looping point. Slightly better compression when one pattern shows in a long string and nowhere else. Added ADDAMSF0-3.CHP, ARKANO-Z.CHP, CMDTRACR.CHP, DELTA-IN.CHP, DELTA-SL.CHP, DELTA-ZK.CHP, HOPRCOPR.CHP, HYPERBWL.CHP, ROCKNRLR.CHP, METROCRT-U.CHP and QUARTET6.CHP. 20180101: minor patch making the parameter panel more intuitive to navigate (Left/Right to choose element, Up/Down/Page Up/Page Down to set its value) and moving -P and -Z runtime toggling to Control-P and Control-F respectively, at least temporarily. Added ARKANOIE-H.CHP, GEOFFSC1-6.CHP, METROCRS.CHP, NEBULUS.CHP and ROBOCOP1.CHP. Rewritten the paragraph about "writepsg" and fixed the Spectrum 128 example (one POP AF too many). Extended parsing of parameter "-B: -B1 -B8- -B3" can be written as "-B18-3". 20171228: minor patch with a new parameter -n N that sets how many loops must be exported to a WAVE or YM3b file. Added ARKANO-M.CHP, F_O_F_T_.CHP, GALAX_3D.CHP, GNG2-ALT.CHP and HEADHEEL.CHP. 20171223: twentieth public release. Added glissandos and inverted behavior of vibratos to provide consistency within all effects (high values are treble, low ones are bass). Inverted compile time flag +4 (ABRIDGED) on player (extended mode is enabled by default rather than disabled) and added flag +16 (SLIDELESS) to support all effects but portamentos and glissandos. Ctrl-W in parameter panel applies the global portamento to every order in the list. Added FOTYEAR1-2.CHP, BOSCONIA.CHP, MAZEMANI.CHP, MUNSTERS.CHP and POWERPLY.CHP. 20171215: minor patch fixing vibratos when the wavelength (1MHz) is between 256 and 512 (several songs needed artificially heavy vibratos before the fix), and improving compression by detecting and avoiding false positives; added ARKANOID.CHP (it also plays within the demo), CHARDESI.CHP, MERMAID1-5.CHP and WECLMANS-T.CHP. 20171214: nineteenth public release. When redundant, INCLUDE output skips SFX information on noise-only notes, resulting in shorter data. Parameter panel shows a dynamic volume meter during playback. Added FEUD1-2.CHP, MONTYRUN.CHP, ONEMANDR-S.CHP and SCUMBALL.CHP. 20171208: minor patch allowing longer title and description strings and accepting keys O, S and J as synonyms of Y on "yes/no" questions. Added BEYNDIP1-2.CHP, CRAFTON1-2.CHP, GONZALZ1-4.CHP, JUPITERP.CHP, MASK3.CHP, SEPULCRI.CHP and ZUB1-7.CHP.
20180220: 22nd public release. Added command line parameter -U to enable manual undo/redo behavior (rather than the old automatic mode) and -t to abridge output timings when feasible; deep vibratos and glissandos (4/5/6/7) are deeper now (5/7/9/11). Added AMC0.CHP, AMC3.CHP, AMC4.CHP, BMXSIM1.CHP, BMXSIM2A.CHP, BMXSIM2B.CHP, BMXSIM2C.CHP, DALEYTOC.CHP, DRGNINJA.CHP, ELIMNTR3.CHP, ESPADA.CHP, HATE-AST.CHP, KRAKOUT.CHP, KRAKOUU.CHP, LORNA.CHP, NINELIVE.CHP, NINELIVS.CHP and SHRTCRCT.CHP. 20180128: minor patch extending the new wavelengths to the player. Added DOORDOOM.CHP, DRAZEN64-5.CHP, MRHELI.CHP, POOGABOO.CHP and WHOPPERC.CHP. 20180123: minor patch featuring slightly finer wavelengths during note playback. Added HELTERSK.CHP, HISTEEL1-2.CHP, PREHIST0-3.CHP, RAMPAGE-F.CHP, SWTCHBLD-E.CHP and VIAJECEN.CHP. 20180117: minor patch setting the instrument duplication shortcut to Control-Shift-E to match its pair Control-Shift-D and avoid accidents. Added SABOTUR1-2.CHP and THUNCATS.CHP.
20180324: minor patch fixing a rare bug when instrument noise is XX80. Added CHICAG30.CHP, DARKFUSN.CHP, DTHWISH3.CHP, LEDSTORM-O.CHP, NORTHST1-2.CHP, PODEROSC.CHP, RASTRSCN.CHP, SAVAGF.CHP, SAVAGG.CHP, SLNTSHDW.CHP, TROLL1-3.CHP and TUAREG.CHP. 20180305: minor patch fixing a bug in the -t option that failed to handle several cases. Added COSTACP1-2.CHP, EXTRMNTR.CHP, JSW1-2.CHP, MANICMN1-2.CHP, MRWINO.CHP, NEMESTWL.CHP, PUZZNIC1-2.CHP, STARBOWL.CHP, TANGRAM1-2.CHP, TECHTED1-2.CHP and TITANIC.CHP.
20180417: 24th public release. Ditched the last remainder of AS80 compatibility: player code, song headers and calls expect "$" to stand for the current target address rather than the current line's target. The assembler UZ80 has been modified accordingly. 20180414: minor patch with slight tracker speed and size optimisations: source is 96k, binary is 62.5k. Added CHIMERA1-2.CHP, CPC-1942-3.CHP and TNZS1-6.CHP. 20180408: 23rd public release. Completely rewritten INCLUDE output: BOSCONIA.CHP no longer generates corrupt data, overall compression is slightly better. Added BEACHBUG.CHP, BOSCONIB.CHP, DYNADAN1.CHP, IBALL2ST.CHP, NINJSCTR.CHP, POGOLYMP.CHP and TURBOGRL.CHP.
20180505: 25th public release. Changed vibrato and glissando scale from 1,2,3,5,7,9,11 (gaps 1,1,2,2,2,2) to 1,2,3,5,7,11,15 (1,1,2,2,4,4): songs such as PACMANI1.CHP sound closer to their models. Inverted roles of -r and -R flags to match other options' behavior. Added DROIDS.CHP, GLIDERDR-S.CHP, GUNFRITE.CHP, HATTRICK.CHP, MEGAPOCL.CHP, MEGAPHNV.CHP, PINKPANT-PNTH.CHP and PROHIBIT.CHP, plus CHIPNSFX.TZX for Spectrum.
20180510: minor patch fixing a bug storing useless instrument data on empty notes. Made tracker playback slightly softer to avoid noise in some computers. Added C64-180A-C.CHP, COMBASC1-2.CHP, DESPERA3.CHP and GUNFRITF-K.CHP.
20180808: 27th public release. Special case "[1x] A 2x B 1x C" produces the output "[1x] A B 128 C", saving one byte. Consistency fixes: typing a silence zeroes its instrument, Control-E shows valid messages and Control-Shift-D won't erase empty instruments. Inserted two optional features (disabled by default with "IF 0" preprocessing statements) in tracker and player sources: exact portamento (instead of quick 'n dirty calculation) and half vibrato (whereby X0/X8 plays two steps N N+1/N-1 instead of the usual four steps N N+Y N N-Y). Added a paragraph about reentrancy to the documentation. Added BATMAN10-36.CHP, BEVERLYH.CHP, BOBO0-6.CHP, BUMPY.CHP, CRAZYCM1-2.CHP, DEFCOM.CHP, DRLAIR10-29.CHP, FIRELORD-E.CHP, FUMIGATR.CHP, GRYZOR1-2.CHP, GUILTELL.CHP, IMPOSSML.CHP, LEVIATHN.CHP, MARACAIB.CHP, MATCHDY2.CHP, MAZEMANJ-L.CHP, OCTOPLEX.CHP, OPTBOLT0-2.CHP, OPWOLF0-3.CHP, PROHIBIU.CHP, RAMBO30-2.CHP, RAMPAGG.CHP, ROBIN.CHP, RENEGA30-8.CHP, ROBOCOP0-3.CHP, ROBOTCP0-3.CHP, SHINOBI0-9.CHP, SIDEWALK.CHP, SKATECRZ.CHP, SOLO.CHP, STIFFLIP-Q.CHP, SUBBUTEO.CHP, SUPRTRPR.CHP, SUPSTOCK.CHP, TRIGGER.CHP and TT-RACER.CHP: 512 sample songs!
20181109: 28th public release. Major changes in the tracker and the player: octaves above 8 are no longer valid (C-B becomes C-9), pattern length was raised from 96 to 128, and new special note "===" ("brake", key A by default) switches the volume envelope off and on. Multiple consistency bugfixes: playback within the tracker now fits the player's timings (such as ensuring that portamentos are obeyed since the first tick rather than one tick later). Command line is more strict, such as "chipnsfx -w song.chp" raising an error because there's no "output.wav" parameter. -X shows hexadecimal volumes during playback. Removed linear amplitudes (nobody was using them) and changed -T to behave like -t and raise an error if timings cannot be simplified, in the same fashion -R is a strict version of -r; -N N now sets the transposition rather than the old -T N. Added a compile time flag (TEMPOLESS) to the player that removes tempo handling and reduces footprint but songs require -T when generated. Merged GETOPT--.H within CHIPNSFX.C. Added BALLBRKR.CHP, BB128K-0-3.CHP, BRAVSTAR.CHP, CATABALM.CHP, IKARIWAR.CHP, LITECORE.CHP, COMMANDO-T.CHP, GUNFRITL-M.CHP, MAGICJS1-2.CHP, RESCATLB.CHP, SPOTS94A-B.CHP, STARION1.CHP, STORMLRD.CHP, TECHTED3.CHP, THANATOS.CHP, VICTROAD.CHP and WHERTIME.CHP.
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