You always hear about ASCII, ANSI and PETSCII. So why not a special compo for Amstrad ASCII? It's really time, isn't it? Join this fun event! Create your own Amstrad ASCII art and enjoy the limits of retro computing. This event is held online only.
28. May - 30. June 2021
The artworks will be presented and released during: 3./4. July 2021
Results: 10./11. July 2021
Prizes: There will be some prizes like steam codes or similar. More information about rules and tools can be found here: 1st Amstrad ASCII Compo Rules
You always hear about ASCII, ANSI and PETSCII. So why not a special compo for Amstrad ASCII? It's really time, isn't it? Join this fun event! Create your own AMSCII art and enjoy the limits of retro computing. This event is held online only.
You always hear about ASCII, ANSI and PETSCII. So why not a special compo for Amstrad ASCII? It's really time, isn't it? Join this fun event! Create your own AMSCII art and enjoy the limits of retro computing. This event is held online only.
Submission of entries: 27. May - 15. June 2023 (17:59 CEST)
The artworks will (most likely) be presented and released during: 16. June 2023 at VCC $18 17:00 CEST Voting until: 17. June 2023 18:00 CEST Results (hopefully): 18. June 2023 as YouTube Premier 19:00 CEST
You always hear about ASCII, ANSI and PETSCII. So why not a special compo for Amstrad ASCII? It's really time, isn't it? Join this fun event! Create your own AMSCII art and enjoy the limits of retro computing. This event is held online only. url/src:
Le 3eme concours AMSCII Compo a touché à sa fin, et les propositions ont été nombreuses et riches pour la scène CPC.
Il y a quand même un talent incroyable je trouve !
Tout ça avec juste l'utilisation de caractères ASCII et un choix judicieux de couleurs. Pour certaines compositions, le résultat est carrément bluffant !
40 years, Amstrad CPC! 4 years, Amstrad ASCII Compo!
Let's celebrate it with great AMSCII artworks. Maybe you want to create some Amstrad CPC themed ASCII picture? If there will be several of them (>3) it might turn into an additional sub compo. We'll see...
Create your own AMSCII art and enjoy the limits of retro computing. This event is held online and possibly partially in Carinthia, southern Austria.
Submission of entries: 9.-29. May 2024 (17:59 CEST)
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