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Dizzy The Last Hero
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Auteur :  hERMOL [ 04 Juin 2015, 21:15 ]
Sujet du message :  Dizzy The Last Hero

Le gagnant de la "Dizzy Age Easter competition 2015"
Citer :
The May festival arrived. The construction on Rindex' summer house was finally complete, and it was decided to throw a housewarming with all friends invited.

However, citing one festival chore or other, only two were able to RSVP to Rindex' party. And so what - you don't need a large crowd to enjoy and relax at the festival, especially since Dizzy himself was rumored to be coming to the party.

The preparations were in full swing, and becoming more and more ambitious, and thanks to Rindex' social network push, even the wizard Zaks found out about the event.

Always happy to ruin any fun for Dizzy, Zaks has quickly come up with a cunning plan. He knew that any sabotage at the Yolkfolk village might currently not be a good idea, as wizard Teo is visiting Grandpa Dizzy there, so he centered his gaze on Rindex' summer house.

Before Dizzy could get there, Zaks has put all his friends under a spell, and locked them away in the sewer. And just so Dizzy would feel sufficiently welcome, he also summoned all kinds of monsters from the local graveyard to greet him at Rindex'.

Finally, all packed, Dizzy was ready to set off to his friend's party.
Right outside his door, however, he ran into Teo. The kind wizard wasn't fond of Dizzy's long trips, and long periods of absence from the village, but valued their friendship over his piece of mind.
This time too, he kept quiet, and only smiled and waved his magic wand: "Bristy-mysty, shvisty-mysty!".

A million stars rushed past Dizzy's eyes, after which he found himself in a middle of a road. All was ominously quiet...

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http://www.yolkfolk.com/bb/showthread.p ... WNLOADABLE

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