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Examine rail, get thong, W, examine bush, get milkwort berries, W, mount “talk to Harg” drop sword, get sword "talk to Harg" W, W "talk to Harg" get hebal orb "talk to Harg” give Variol hebal orb (Harg dies and the hebal orb floats above your head), E, mount, E, E, E, E, mount, examine marks, examine bushes, move log, climb hole, examine Berris (he tells you Arret is hurt and held captive and that you need the parchment he has to be able to see him, he then dies).
Get parchment, move body, get wineskin, climb cave, mount (arrows are fired at you), E, E (your horse is killed as you go into the water but its body protects you from harm), W, S, E, S, S, W, give Ragar parchment (he returns it and gives you a token), E, S, W, give Tirlan parchment (he pins the token on you and says to meet him at Arrel's door), E, S, W, W “talk to hebal orb” examine Arrel (the Orb draws an arrowhead from Arrel's wound), get arrowhead.
E, N, N, N, N, W, W, W, W, W. give Variol arrowhead, get amness powder (the Orb now stays with Variol), E, E, E, N, get food, talk to Persis (you are tied up and put in the taproom), examine barrel (you see a sharp hoop), cut twine (you get free), open barrel, fill wineskin, put milkwort berries in barrel (now waste moves until the Innkeeper has had time to take some of the drugged wine from the barrel, go out, drink it and return), fight Innkeeper (the drugged wine makes him collapse. Persis has also drunk the wine. He staggers in and also collapses), examine Innkeeper, get parchment, examine Persis, get cowl.
E, S, E, E, E, S, give Basa gold, give Basa gold, S, S, W, use amness powder, give Tirlan parchment (the amness powder makes Tirlan forget that you have already seen Arrel), E, S, W, W “talk to Tirlan" drop staff "talk to Tirlan" drop cloak “talk to Tirlan" drop key, fight Tirlan, get staff, get cloak, get key, lock door (if you do not lock the door, Arrel goes out when he is freed and gets killed), tie Arrel, give cloak to Arrel, give staff to Arrel “talk to Arrel" wear cloak (Arrel now looks like Tirlan so he can leave the room), lock door.
E, E, N, N, W, wear Cowl of Venom, examine tapestry, open door "talk to Arrel" West, W, examine statue, move lever (you are poisoned), use Cowl of Venom, get circlet, give circlet to Arrel "talk to Arrel” wear circlet “talk to Arrel” examine wall (Arrel sees a serpent hand through the wall) “talk to Arrel" move hand (the wall dissolves), W Morasalia passes a cup to Arrel, he drinks and is cured.
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