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Solution provided by Merry Vale PD, played on the Amstrad
Start at the Entrance to the Stygian Shores.
N - TAKE CROWBAR - S - E - N - N - N - TAKE PARCHMENT - READ PARCHMENT - N - E - E - TAKE MUSHROOM - EXAMINE MUSHROOM - E - TAKE SUIT - WEAR SUIT - S - TAKE COINS - S - TAKE HEEL - S -S - LISTEN - (to hippo's) - W - TAKE GOAT - W - EXAMINE VAULT - (to find a mat) - TAKE MAT - (to find a trapdoor) - OPEN TRAPDOOR - (with crowbar) - DROP CROWBAR - DROP MAT - N - TAKE SLING - TAKE SHOT - E - N - TAKE GAS MASK-WEAR GAS MASK-W-N-E-TAKE BLOWLAMP-W-S-E-S- W-S -E - E - E - TAKE KEYS - N - TAKE SWORD - S - E - N - TAKE HARNESS - S - W - W - N - HARNESS DRAGON - N -N-N-W-W-W-S-S-S-S-W-N-N - N - N - N - TAKE MIRROR - N - E- E- DROP HEEL- (to help Achilles) - E - E - TAKE PADDLES - W- W- W- W- S- E- TAKE JOURNAL - READ JOURNAL - E - TAKE TRUMPET - EXAMINE TRUMPET - E - TAKE CARVING - E - DROP GOAT - (to kill python) - E - S - USE BLOWLAMP - (to melt icicles) - DROP BLOWLAMP - E - TYPE "DLONRA" - N - USE MIRROR - (to kill Cerebus) - DROP MIRROR - N - N - N - N - TAKE CREST - W - S - S - EXAMINE PIGEON - W - N - N - W - N -N - N - E - S - S - TAKE PLANK - EXAMINE PLANK - E- E- N- N-N-W - TAKE SHROUD - EXAMINE SHROUD - W- W- W- S- S- S- S- S- W- W- GIVE COINS TO CHARON - (to board ferry) - N - E - TYPE "DLONRA" - CALL ACHILLES - (to kill Jason) - N - USE DRAGON - (to melt icebergs) - E - USE PADDLES - (to get back on course) - DROP PADDLES - TAKE CORPSE - (of Dragon) - S - DROP CORPSE - DROP SHROUD -DROP PLANK - TYPE "BURY DRAGON" - N - N - USE SLING - (to stun Cyclops) - N - EXAMINE SOULS - TYPE "DLONRA" - N - DROP JOURNAL - (at Chief Dryad to go North) - N - E - E - TAKE PUMICE STONE - E - TAKE ROPE - E - TAKE WREATH - E - TAKE SCEPTRE - E - N - DROP CARVING - (to go West) - W - TYPE "DLONRA" - USE SWORD - (to kill warrior) - DROP SWORD -W-W - TAKE AMULET -W-W - TAKE WATER BOTTLE - N - TAKE LAMP - E - E - DRINK WATER - EAT MUSHROOM - TAKE TRIDENT - E - TAKE TALISMAN - E - DROP WREATH - (the tree will bow and allow you to go East) - E - USE ROPE - (to cross water) - E- N- W- N- W- W - TAKE BROOM - W- W- W- N- E- N- W- DROP SCROLL - (to go North from here and North from the Tree of White Knowledge) - E - S - W - S - E - S - W - TAKE TABLETS - E- E- E- E- E- N- N- GIVE PUMICE STONE TO BLONDE - (she will clean the floor) - W - W - W - W - TYPE “SUICIDE' - E - TAKE ROBES - WEAR ROBES - E - DROP SCEPTRE - DROP TALISMAN - DROP CREST - (to pass) - E - USE BROOM - (to clean windows) - LAMP ON - N - READ PROCLAMATION - OPEN DOOR - (with trident) - E - E - E - OPEN DOOR -(with keys) - E... to complete the adventure!
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