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EAST. SOUTH. Gel Shovel. Dig. You find a skeleton, it's not needed. NORTH. WEST. WEST. Dig. Get Flint. SOUTH. The king tells you that the Crown has been stolen, he gives you a sword. NORTH. EAST. EAST. EAST. SOUTH. Gel Hatchet. Examine Trees. You see some apples, they are only needed if you wake the dwarf. NORTH. EAST. EAST. SOUTH. EAST. NORTH. Cut Rope (with hatchet), to free the boat. Drop Hatchet. Board Boat. There is a net in the boat. ROW EAST. ROW EAST. You can Get and Cast Net at this point but you only catch some fish which are not needed. ROW EAST. ROW NORTH. ROW NORTH (North Bank).
NORTH. NORTH. Get Peacock. It escapes but leaves a feather behind. You can use the feather to tickle the dragon to death or you can use the sword lo kill it. NORTH. Gel Ladder. SOUTH. WEST. SOUTH. Drop Ladder. Drop Sword. Drop Flint. Drop Shovel. NORTH. EAST. NORTH. Get Anvil. You can't pick up the anvil if you are carrying anything else. SOUTH. WEST. SOUTH. Drop Anvil (on block). NORTH. NORTH. Examine Mantelpiece. Get Lamp. Get Book. Read Book. You can select 6 subjects to read about for important clues. Drop Book. WEST. Gel Radio. You drop it and it breaks. Examine Radio. You find a battery. Gel Battery. Examine Chest. Gel Tie. Wear Tie. SOUTH. Examine Stove (oil). Fill Lamp. EAST. SOUTH. Get Flint. Get Shovel. Get Sword. Light Lamp. Drop Flint. Gel Ladder. GO BLOCK. The combined weight of the anvil+you raises the wall 8ft. GO WALL. The wall closes behind you.
WEST. Examine Cave. You see an alcove above you. Drop Ladder. Climb Ladder. NORTH. Dig. You find a key which will open the brass door. II is not needed as you will fall into a pit which you can't escape from if you go through the door. NORTH. WEST. SOUTH. Dig. Get Hilt. It joins the sword. Examine Sword. The sword is now a Dragon Slayer. Gel Coins. NORTH. EAST. SOUTH. SOUTH. Climb Ladder. EAST. EAST. EAST. EAST. This location contains the brass door mentioned earlier. GIVE COINS (to Troll), he then leaves. Get Rope. WEST. Drop Battery. WEST. WEST. WEST. Climb Ladder. NORTH. NORTH. To Ring. This input ties the rope to the ring. (Talk about user-friendly parsers!) Drop Rope. Climb Rope. Dig. Drop Shovel. Gel Crown. Climb Rope. SOUTH. SOUTH. Climb Ladder. Gel Ladder.
EAST. EAST. EAST. Gel Battery. NORTH. Drop Ladder. Although you do not see it, there is a pit in front of you. The ladder makes a bridge across it - you aren't told this either! NORTH. Kill Dragon. You must have the hill attached to the sword to do this. NORTH. NORTH. Give Battery (to Wizard). He leaves a parchment. Gel Parchment. SOUTH. SOUTH. SOUTH. SOUTH. WEST. Read Parchment. You are (old to take it to somewhere that is free of water and evil and to say what you feel. Say Warm. There is a light from the South. SOUTH. WEST. WEST. WEST. SOUTH. Give Crown (to King).
NOTE: If you wake the Dwarf he will put a curse upon you. II you give him the apples he will tell you that he is unable lo remove the curse, but he will help you by making an opening appear in the rock. This opening takes you to the same location as the rising wall in the cellar on the North Bank. The Wizard will remove the curse when you give the battery to him.
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