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Solution provided by John R. Barnsley, played on the Amstrad
(Start alongside an ivy-covered stone wall) - W - N - EXAMINE SANDBIN - TAKE MONEY - EXAMINE SANDBIN - TAKE SCREWDRIVER - N - READ NOTICE - E - TAKE STENGUN - TYPE “YES" - TAKE STENGUN -TAKE CLOAK - STEAL KEYS - E - EXAMINE TROLLEY - (to find beer) - TAKE BEER - W - W - UP - S - E -TAKE SHOVEL - E - N - EXAMINE PIT - TAKE BOOTS - WEAR BOOTS - N - W - W - DIG GRAVE - (to find a coffin) - OPEN COFFIN - (with screwdriver) - E - E - DROP SHOVEL - DROP SCREWDRIVER - TAKE DAFFODILS - W - DROP DAFFODILS - W - TAKE CROWBAR - TAKE COFFIN - OPEN TRAPDOOR - (with crowbar) - DROP CROWBAR - DOWN -E-S - PICK LOCK - (with hairpin) - DROP HAIRPIN - TAKE TORCH - S - OPEN BOX - (10 times to find gloves) - TAKE GLOVES - W - W - N - TAKE HOSE - TORCH ON - N - DOWN - DOWN - N - W - W - W - TORCH ON - UP - E - DROP COFFIN - TAKE PEPSI - DRINK PEPSI - (for Lord Erebus to appear) - TAKE COFFIN - E - DOWN - DROP COFFIN - UP - W - W - DOWN-E-E-E-S-UP-S-TAKE UMBRELLA - N - DOWN - N - W- W- W-TORCH ON - UP- E- E- DOWN - LAUNCH COFFIN -N - E-E - (the Firemen will nick the beer but give you a set of darts as a present) - E - DROP HOSE -W-W - TAKE JAVELIN - E - E - UP - W - DOWN - W - DROP JAVELIN - DROP DARTS - DROP KEYS - N - W - UP - TAKE STILTS-N-E-E-N-W-W-W-S-S-W-W-N-HOLD BREATH- (to go East) - E - TAKE SWORD - W - N - E - N - W - N - DROP GLOVES - DROP SWORD - N - USE STILTS - (to cross brook) - N - N - E - LOWER HEAD - (to go East) - E - TAKE FLAMETHROWER - E - E - WALK SIDEWAYS - (to go through the Arch) - E -TAKE BAZOOKA - W - W - W - S - E - (the red cloak protects you from the Bull) -E-S - DOWN-N-N-E-E-E - S - W - W - S - E - E - E - E - N - W - N - E - TAKE ROPE - N - N - N - N - N - W - S - USE FLAMETHROWER - (to bum the shrubbery) - DROP FLAMETHROWER - DOWN - W - USE ROPE - (to go down) - DOWN - DOWN - TAKE PLIERS - UP - UP - E - USE UMBRELLA - (to go down) - DOWN - DOWN -TAKE MICRO-LITE-UP-UP- UP- N-E-S-S-S-S-S-W-S-E-S-W-W-W-W-N-E-E-N-W- W-W-S-S-W-W-N-N-E-N-W-N-DROP JEANS-TAKE GLOVES-E - CUT FENCE - (with pliers and gloves) - DROP PLIERS - DROP GLOVES - DROP CLOAK - W - WEAR JEANS - S- E- S- W- S- S- E- E -N-N-E-E- E - S - W - W - S - DOWN - E- E- E- E-UP-W - DOWN - GIVE BAZOOKA TO ROMMEL -(to get bow tie) - TAKE BOW - DROP UMBRELLA - W - TAKE JAVELIN - TAKE KEYS - TAKE DARTS - N - W -UP-N-E-E-N-W-W-W-S-S-W-W-N - N- E-N - W- N - DROP JEANS - TAKE SWORD - E-E - DROP SWORD -W-W - TAKE JEANS - E - E - WEAR JEANS - DROP MICRO-LITE - TAKE SWORD - FLY MICRO - USE STENGUN - (to eliminate mines) - E - USE STILTS - (to cross moat) - E - TORCH ON - (you will now unlock the door with the keys) - N... to complete the adventure.
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