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This is the first commercial game release to land on the Pilgrim's doorstep that uses Incentive's Graphics Adventure Creator. There have already been many successful games released using The Quill (Terrormolinos and Subsunk for example), so the Pilg was eager to see how Global and CAC got on together.

The storyline of The Beer Hunter revolves around - predictably drink. The luckless adventurer will have to make his way from one social blackspot to another, and the opportunities for observing other members of the human race in varying degrees of stupefaction and degeneracy are many. You even start the game in the toilet, and can only proceed in the game by first pulling the chain.

There have been a number of adventures recently (Terrormolinos, again, is the obvious example) that have attempted to show us the middle-class way of life, warts and all, and Beer Hunter is firmly in that tradition. This is a world of Escort XR3i's and pretentious winebars - definitely a far cry from Middle Earth, You make your way from the pub to the final scene via an amusement arcade, El Gringo's Wine Bar, the Barbican, and a magistrate's court.

The trouble with choosing this sort of 'everyday-life - scenario for an adventure is that to make it gripping/amusing/suspenseful or whatever, you have to have a very well-developed sense of program design. The Pilg felt that although The Beer Hunter was quite competently put together, there was a slight lack of spark. Yes, some of the locations were quite amusing, and there were one or two amusing take-offs of the traditional adventure, but I neither fell off my seat laughing at any time, nor gripped it in suspense. A pity, but then much of adventuring is a purely personal thing and others may well find it more to their liking.

Unfortunately The Beer Hunter suffers from some rather annoying programming features. The copy sent to The Pilgrim was not a production copy, however, so it is conceivable that the program has not yet been duplicated, in which case I may prevail upon Global to rectify some, if not all. of the programming deficiencies.

For example, the most serious drawback is the program's method of scrolling. Text is displayed at the bottom of the screen beneath the graphics, and when a longish description is being printed, the program whips the text up the window and out of sight in a split-second, and usually before you' ve had a chance to read it. The solution is to type TEXT, and leave out the pictures altogether, but this is only a compromise and something has to be done about it.

The next drawback is that the program simply ignores words, it doesn't understand, and redisplays the input prompt. This is a pity - it makes a lot of difference to a game if the level of communicaiton between the program and the player is kept as high as possible, and reporting errors is just part of that communication. The less communication, the less feeling of involvement. Also, what responses there are tend to be extremely brief.

Finally, a word to all programmers of adventure games. The Beer Hunter occasionally uses ink colours for the text that do not display on a green screen Arnold. This is criminal, and must be avoided at all costs. I can't enjoy a game thatlcan't read.

The Beer Hunter is, I suspect, the first of many (GACprograms. It's a reasonable effort, but goes to show one thing - the whole point of using adventure generators is to free the programmer to concentrate on design and plot. If you fall down on those two points, then all you'll have left will be a program that looks like dozens of others and doesn "t even have uniqueness to recommend it. Thank-fbily, The Beer Hunter isn't by any standard near to that dismal category, but it does alert one to the depressing possibilities of CACas a program that could encourage the production of a load of cloned codswallop.



Developer: Tube International Software
Author(s): ???

★ PRICE: £7.95

★ YEAR: 1986



» Global  Software-Beer  Hunter-Old  Scores-Operation  CaretakerDATE: 2013-02-07
DL: 311
TYPE: image
SiZE: 223Ko
NOTE: w828*h624

» Global  Software-Fourmost  Adventures-The  Beer  Hunter-Old  Scores-Operation  AlignmentDATE: 2013-02-08
DL: 311
TYPE: image
SiZE: 161Ko
NOTE: w970*h1336

» Global  Software-Notice  to  travellersDATE: 2013-02-13
DL: 523
TYPE: image
SiZE: 193Ko
NOTE: w884*h625

» The  Beer  Hunter    (Release  TAPE)    ENGLISHDATE: 2018-12-01
DL: 168
TYPE: image
SiZE: 159Ko
NOTE: Uploaded by hERMOL ; w707*h1003

Dumps disks:
» The  Beer  Hunter    (2022-07-09)    ENGLISH    NICHDATE: 2022-07-17
DL: 142
SiZE: 42Ko
NOTE: Dumped/uploaded by Nicholas CAMPBELL ; Extended DSK/Basic 1.1/40 Cyls
» The  Beer  Hunter    ENGLISHDATE: 2008-10-25
DL: 327
SiZE: 37Ko
NOTE: Extended DSK/40 Cyls

Dump cassette (version commerciale):
» The  Beer  Hunter    ENGLISHDATE: 2024-02-26
DL: 352
SiZE: 42Ko
NOTE: Dumped by Johnny Farragut for CPCManiaco ; CSW2CDT-20191102
.CDT: 1

» The  Beer  Hunter    (Release  TAPE)    ENGLISHDATE: 2018-12-01
DL: 119
TYPE: image
SiZE: 67Ko
NOTE: Uploaded by hERMOL ; w766*h504

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.