2012-08-25 | Anagram Anagrammes | Amstrad Magazine | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Infernal Micro | Amstrad Magazine | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Flipper (Benoit Piro) | CPC Revue | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Pacc Mann Pac Man | Amstrad Magazine | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Decim Cobra Soft: Disquette Educative 3 | Cobra Soft | 1986 |
2012-08-25 | Amstrad video play #7: Zone | P.P.P Ediciones / Unicornio Soft | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Salvage | Livewire | 198x |
2012-08-25 | Cauchemar | Amstrad Magazine | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Microverbe | Microfutur | 1985 |
2012-08-25 | Dungeon Walker | | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Ali-baba | 3 Pouces Software | 19xx |
2012-08-25 | Arthur | 3 Pouces Software | 19xx |
2012-08-25 | Bebert Boy | 3 Pouces Software | 19xx |
2012-08-25 | Banquise | Cpcinfos | 1994 |
2012-08-25 | Crock-laby | | 19xx |
2012-08-25 | Hypnose | | 19xx |
2012-08-25 | Snapman | Computing With The Amstrad | 19xx |
2012-08-25 | La Troisieme Dimension | | 19xx |
2012-08-25 | Jumbog | Jumbo Product / Am-mag | 1989 |
2012-08-25 | Arcadian's Revenge | | 19xx |
2012-08-25 | Colonne (CPCinfos) | Cpcinfos | 1993 |
2012-08-25 | Duel de Canons | Cpc Amstrad International | 1989 |
2012-08-25 | Never Never Land | | 19xx |
2012-08-25 | Abalone | | 19xx |
2012-08-25 | Glissando | | 19xx |
2012-08-25 | Shogun (Hebdogiciel) | Hebdogiciel | 1986 |
2012-08-25 | Shogun (CPCinfos) | Cpcinfos | 1990 |
2012-08-25 | Backup | | 1990 |
2012-08-25 | Bobib | MicroMag | 1989 |
2012-08-25 | Cyborg (Hebdogiciel) | Hebdogiciel | 1986 |
2012-08-25 | Spot | Amstrad Magazine | 1986 |
2012-08-25 | X-force Warrior Xforce Warrior | Supra-soft | 1989 |
2012-08-25 | Guante Blanco Arsene Lupin Raffles | Amsoft | 1985 |
2012-08-25 | Frak | Statesoft | 1985 |
2012-08-25 | Battle Creator | Argus Press | 1986 |
2012-08-25 | Pitstop 2 Pitstop Ii | Epyx | 1986 |
2012-08-25 | Never Minde The Nastles | Mirrorsoft | 1985 |
2012-08-25 | Ivanhoe | Ocean | 1989 |
2012-08-25 | Dossier Boerhaave | Infogrames | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Spin Ball | Merlin Soft | 19xx |
2012-08-25 | The Three Musketeers | Computer novels | 198x |
2012-08-25 | Ultimate Golf | Gremlin Graphics | 1988 |
2012-08-25 | Flashpoint | Ocean | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Ring Wars | Cascade Games | 1988 |
2012-08-25 | Trembloteur | Am-mag | 198x |
2012-08-25 | Rick Hunter | | 198x |
2012-08-25 | Umrechnungstabelle | | 198x |
2012-08-25 | Le Petit Train (Pierre Marot) | CPC Revue | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Division (Herve Durand) | CPC Revue | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Le Temple Maudit | Hebdogiciel | 1986 |
2012-08-25 | Pousse-pousse | CPC Revue | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Calcul Mental (Joel le Touze) | Amstrad Magazine | 1986 |
2012-08-25 | Aenigma | | 1991 |
2012-08-25 | Départ'Oie | CPC Revue | 1988 |
2012-08-25 | The Spanish Tutor | Kosmos | 1986 |
2012-08-25 | Fleurs (Henri Belhaire) | Cpc Hs | 1988 |
2012-08-25 | Multicourbes 3 | Bretagne Edit Press | 1987/1988 |
2012-08-25 | Maxi Master Mind (Vincent Guillet) | Amstar&cpc | 1988 |
2012-08-25 | Quik | | 19xx |
2012-08-25 | Funhouse | Pacific Software | 1985 |
2012-08-25 | Road Race | Activision | 198x |
2012-08-25 | Savage Island | Tynesoft | 198x |
2012-08-25 | Zartan | | 19xx |
2012-08-25 | Jeu de la Vie | CPC Revue | 1985 |
2012-08-25 | Vocabuscore | Microstrad | 1986 |
2012-08-25 | Mots Caches | Microstrad | 1986 |
2012-08-25 | Maze (Mankowski) | CPC Revue | 1985 |
2012-08-25 | Xrays | Tilt | 1985 |
2012-08-25 | Yrox | Am-mag | 1988 |
2012-08-25 | Solidam | Microstrad | 1986 |
2012-08-25 | Persephone | Microstrad | 1986 |
2012-08-25 | Megawar (Black System) | Genesis | 1990 |
2012-08-25 | Metalyx | Alternative Software | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Mission Jupiter | Codemasters | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Money Molch | Rainbow Arts | 1985 |
2012-08-25 | Go to Jail | Automata | 1984 |
2012-08-25 | Morris Meets the Bikers! | Automata | 1984 |
2012-08-25 | Mr. Pingo | Rainbow Arts | 1985 |
2012-08-25 | N.E.I.L Android Neil Android | Alternative Software | 1988 |
2012-08-25 | Nibbler (Mosaik Software) | Mosaik Software | 1984 |
2012-08-25 | Operation Hormuz | Again Again | 1989 |
2012-08-25 | Olli And Lissa: the Ghost Of Shilmoore Castle | Firebird | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Paladin | Bubble Bus | 1987 |
2012-08-25 | Pacplant | Potplant Productions | 1988 |
2012-08-25 | A Peasants Tale a Peasant's Tale | Crysys Software | 1988 |
2012-08-25 | Billboard Pasteman Pat | Silverbird | 1989 |
2012-08-25 | Paranoia | Power System | 1994 |
2012-08-25 | Periscope Up | Atlantis Software | 1989 |
2012-08-25 | Penggy | Chip | 1986 |
2012-08-25 | Phileas Fogg's Balloon Battles | Zeppelin Games | 1991 |
2012-08-25 | Imaginario Colectivo | Esp Soft | 2012 |
2012-08-25 | Phantomas Saga: Infinity | Cez Games Studio / Esp Soft | 2006 |
2012-08-25 | Piclos | Micromag / Ros Soft | 1989 |
2012-08-25 | Jeason | Am-mag / Ros Soft | 1989 |
2012-08-25 | Planet Rescue | | 1986 |
2012-08-25 | Popeye 2 | Alternative Software | 1990 |
2012-08-25 | Tron (Face Hugger) | CPC Amstrad International | 1991 |
2012-08-25 | Protector | Mastertronic | 1989 |
2012-08-25 | Project X | Bollaware | 1996 |
2012-08-25 | Psycho Soldier | Imagine Software | 1988 |