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If you are in the habit of getting up on Sat urday mornings you will have seen the Space-age cartoon "Battle of the Planets". Mikro-Gen have used this programme as the theme for their latest program. If you are expecting a Wally type sprite game then think again - this is a new deéparture for Mikro Gen, and an excellent one at that.

The first thing that strikes you about this game is the fact that it is so smooth and fast. It is better than Starion and has hidden line removal, which makes the objects appear to be solid and not just made of wire. From the fleeting glance I have had of Elite, I would say it is faster than that. After a loading screen you are presented with the front menu showing all the controls, and a variety of your opponents rotat ing in a window at the top right of the screen.

The plot portrays you as the latest member to be recruited into G-FORCE, The Galaxy Savers. Unfortunately they are busy elsewhere and so you have to solve this particular problem, cooked up by their Arch enemy, Zoltar, alone.

You are in a mini Solar system with five planets and Zoltar has sent out a part of his fleet to try and destroy the inhabitants. The ships will fly from planet to planet, and you must intercept them before they beam down to the surface. If you miss them in space, you must follow them down to the planet surface and then shoot it out 'Battlezone' style, avoiding the futuristic looking tanks and the other craft.

You can either shoot them with your laser, being careful not to let it overheat, or dispatch them with a rocket or two. This is a quicker alternative, but you can only carry a limited number at a time.

While you are on the planet you should replenish your fuel in the fuelship, and have your rockets and shields seen to in the repair ship. The five charts that can be called up into the bottom part of your status window tell you how your three shields are doing, what your speed is, how much fuel you have left and whether the engines are overheating, how many rockets you have left and how many enemy landing craft are on the nearest planet as well as letting you know how much of the population is left alive.

You have a separate chart telling you what your laser temperature is and how many laser cells you have left. If you allow your laser to overheat by shooting too fast it will not work until it has cooled down. As you use it you will gradually destroy the bank of laser cells that provide the power, rendering you weaponless until you visit a planet for repairs.

Near each planet there is a hyperspace gate which will lead to whichever of the five planets you select. It is a never ending battle as you shoot all the ships around one planet then chase off to one of the other planets before the remaining forces can do too much damage there. If Zoltars'ships succeed in killing off all the inhabitants on a planet then you have lost the battle. That is if you don't get blown out of the stratosphere first.

When playing, the bottom third of the screen is divided into two windows. The left hand one shows whichever of the five status charts you have currently selected, and the right shows you the state of the fuel, lasers, shields and what condition of the planet in an easy to understand, at a glance format, i.e. if your shield light is flashing then get to a planet fast before something hits you.

On the main display you only have a forward view, but there are hovering icons that flit around the borders of the main display to indicate what is out of view. For instance if there is an enemy icon flitting up and down the left hand border of the display then there is an enemy to your left. Turn left and when the enemy is in sight the icon disappears. This very soon becomes second nature. Simply point your ship in the direction of the icon you want, whether it is enemy, planet or hyper-space gate.

This game was selected for the National Computer Games Championship which took place on December 12, 1985 and if you think your score is especially good, then send both score and the code that appears with it, to Mikro-Gen, and you may be selected for the finals of next year's Championship.

Altogether, if you want a good enjoyable blast with some amazingly smooth and fast graphics, and enough plot to keep you occupied but not snowed under with complexity, then I recommend you buy this game.

ACU #8602


Author: Chris Hinsley
Cover Art: Steinar Lund

★ YEAR: 1986


» Battle  of  the  PlanetsDATE: 2012-10-18
DL: 537
TYPE: image
SiZE: 181Ko
NOTE: w970*h1401

» Battle  of  the  Planets    (Release  ERBE)    SPANISHDATE: 2018-02-03
DL: 576
TYPE: image
SiZE: 158Ko
NOTE: Scan by Abraxas ; w1100*h721

» Battle  of  the  Planets    (Rerelease  TAPE-ERBE-SERIE  LEYENDA)    SPANISHDATE: 2017-12-27
DL: 304
TYPE: image
SiZE: 209Ko
NOTE: Scan by Abraxas ; w1233*h1184

» Battle  of  the  Planets    ENGLISHDATE: 2019-11-29
DL: 363
TYPE: image
SiZE: 882Ko
NOTE: Scan by Loic DANEELS ; w2151*h1420

Dumps disks:
» Battle  of  the  PlanetsDATE: 2013-08-30
DL: 305
SiZE: 18Ko
NOTE: 42 Cyls

» Battle  of  the  Planets    (2013-12-15)    CNGSOFTDATE: 2014-02-13
DL: 286
SiZE: 22Ko
NOTE: 5 Cyls
» Battle  of  the  Planets    (2024-03-07)    NICHDATE: 2024-03-10
DL: 45
SiZE: 23Ko
NOTE: Supplied by Nicholas CAMPBELL ; 40 tracks/Extended DSK
.DSK: √
» Battle  of  the  Planets    XORDATE: 2015-07-11
DL: 256
SiZE: 38Ko
NOTE: Trainer +4: Invulnerabilite , Missiles infinis , Laser infini , Fuel infini ; Le crack ne fonctionne pas correctement. Si l'invulnerabilité est activée, il n y a aucuns ennemis a tirer et le jeu n'a aucun interét. ; Extended DSK/40 Cyls

Dumps cassettes (version commerciale):
» Battle  of  the  Planets    (Release  ERBE-SERIE  LEYENDA)    ENGLISHDATE: 2017-12-17
DL: 237
SiZE: 22Ko
NOTE: Dump by Abraxas ;

» Battle  of  the  Planets    ENGLISHDATE: 2016-08-31
DL: 266
SiZE: 22Ko
NOTE: Dumped by Dlfrsilver ; CSW2CDT-20160716

» Battle  of  the  Planets    (Release  TAPE)    ENGLISHDATE: 2019-11-17
DL: 235
TYPE: image
SiZE: 38Ko
NOTE: Scan by Loic DANEELS ; w574*h710

» Battle  of  the  Planets    (Release  TAPE-SOFT-LY)    ENGLISHDATE: 2017-12-08
DL: 139
TYPE: image
SiZE: 156Ko
NOTE: Scan by Pinace ; w1205*h756

» Battle  of  the  Planets    (Rerelease  ERBE-SERIE  LEYENDA)    SPANISHDATE: 2017-12-19
DL: 141
TYPE: image
SiZE: 67Ko
NOTE: Scan by Abraxas ; w1193*h770

Notices d'utilisation:
» Battle  of  the  Planets    (Operating  Manual)    ENGLISHDATE: 2011-07-22
DL: 249
SiZE: 434Ko
NOTE: 8 pages/PDFlib v1.3

» Battle  of  the  Planets    (Release  TAPE)    ENGLISHDATE: 2022-08-26
DL: 240
SiZE: 540Ko
NOTE: Scan by Pinace ; 2 pages/PDFlib v1.6

» Battle  of  the  Planets    (Rerelease  TAPE-ERBE-SERIE  LEYENDA)    SPANISHDATE: 2019-01-17
DL: 187
SiZE: 672Ko
NOTE: Scan by Abraxas ; 2 pages/PDFlib v1.6

» Battle  Of  The  Planets    SPANISHDATE: 2010-03-29
DL: 193
SiZE: 303Ko
NOTE: 1 page/PDFlib v1.6

» Battle  Of  The  Planets    SPANISHDATE: 2021-01-01
DL: 248
TYPE: text
SiZE: 7Ko
NOTE: Retyped by hERMOL ;

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.