CPC Retrodev Contest 2016

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GAMELIST GeNe (32th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST Space War (34th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST Dead Warrior (33th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST Ring Ring Warrior 2016
GAMELIST RetroBoom (12th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST The Great Battles of Magistar (20th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST The Leyend of Anubis (13th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST Firewall Wars (15th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST Robobit Game (19th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST Haciendo Campaña (16th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
Project X (24th CPCRetroDev 2016)
GAMELIST Next Track (27th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST Cannibalator (28th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST Banana's Recovery (22th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST El Reino del Color y sus Combinaciones (11th @ CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST 464 Crusader (25th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST Hero Magic (30th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST Picrocs 2016
GAMELIST The Last Fighter (31th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST Sidegun (29th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST Tradworld (14th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST KillField (18th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST The Grenades Conquest (6th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST VirusDog (3rd CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST Ice Slider (7th CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
GAMELIST Maze Adventure (10th @ CPCRetroDev 2016) 2016
DEMOSCENETarget Renegade Title Music C64 (Epyteor)2016
GAMELIST Neptune's Caverns 1985/2016
GAMELIST The Wizard's Castle 1980/2016
GAMELIST Tower of Despair 2016/1984
GAMELIST Four Mile Island 2016/2002
GAMELIST Escape from Soviet Science and Detention Base 2016/1985
GAMELIST Green Falls 2016/2006
DEMOSCENEThing on a spring C64 Musicdisk (Epyteor)2016
DEMOSCENEThe Secret Of Monkey Island Musicdisk (Epyteor)2016
DEMOSCENEThe Last V8 C64 Musicdisk (Epyteor)2016
DEMOSCENEThe Last Ninja The Wastelands Musicdisk (Epyteor)2016
DEMOSCENERobocop 3 C64 Musicdisk (Epyteor)2016
DEMOSCENEPinball Dreams Beat Box Musicdisk (Epyteor)2016
DEMOSCENEParallax C64 (Epyteor)2016
DEMOSCENEKong Strikes Back & Friends Musicdisk (Epyteor)2016
DEMOSCENEGhosts'n Goblins Musicdisk (Epyteor)2016
DEMOSCENEDonkey Kong Country Aquatic Ambience Musicdisk (Epyteor)2016
DEMOSCENECybernoid II: The 8-Bit War Musicdisk (Epyteor)2016
DEMOSCENEBruce Lee Musicdisk (Epyteor)2016
DEMOSCENEScoopex Anty Musicdisk (Epyteor)2016
DEMOSCENEAdvanced Combat Emulator/ACE 2 Musicdisk (Epyteor)2016
LITTÉRATUREVideogames Hardware Handbook2016
DEMOSCENEDiHalt 2016 - Music Compo2016
DEMOSCENECrazy Siberian Party 2016 - Music Compo2016
GAMELIST Defence 2016
DEMOSCENEBarBar (Benediction)2016
DEMOSCENERemember the 80's2016
DEMOPARTYReset 2016 (#28)2016
DEMOSCENECPC vs Virgill (1st @ Nordlicht 2016 Wild compo)2016
GAMELIST CIA Adventure 2016
GAMELIST SceptreQuest I
SceptreQuest 1
GAMELIST The Night of the Vampire Bunnies
The Vampire Bunny
GAMELIST Imperial Mahjong 2016
GAMELIST Space Invaders Arcade Emulator 2016/1978
DEMOSCENEAsic Intro 2 (Roudoudou)2016
DEMOPARTYAmstrad Eterno 20162016
GAMELIST Zombi Terror Reloaded 2016
DEMOPARTYRevision 20162016
DEMOSCENEOut (Revision 2016)2016
DEMOSCENESound of Cracktro (Revision 2016)2016
APPLICATIONSHDOS drivers for SymbiFace-II/X-MASS2016
CODING8BP (8 bits de poder/8 bits of power)2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022
GAMELIST The Adventure of Amy - A Prelude to Chaos 2016
GAMELIST Out of this World (Andrew Richards) 1987/2016/
GAMELIST Mutante Montoya 2016
GAMELIST Der Rote Rubin 2016/1987
GAMELIST Venturemax 2016/1987
GAMELIST The Crystal of Nebumeth 2016
GAMELIST Jumping Jack 1983/2016
GAMELIST TVball 2016
HARDWAREDDI3 USB floppy emulator2015/2016
GAMELIST Railways 2016
GAMELIST ELF: La aventura
ELF: The Adventure
CODINGZeus Z80 Assembler1983/1989/2012/2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2022
APPLICATIONSFirmware v3.1x2012/2016
GAMELIST Compilation: CPC Retrodev Contest 2014 2016
GAMELIST Compilation: CPC Retrodev Contest 2016 2016

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.