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GAMELIST The Khangrin Plans 199x
APPLICATIONSPrint Enhancer199x
PAPERMAGAmstrad Print-Out #11199x
GAMELIST Compilation: MegaMix
Operation Wolf+Barbarian II+Dragon Ninja+The Real Ghostbusters
Altered Beast+Rainbow Islands+X-Out+Chase HQ+Turrican 1
GAMELIST Compilation: Serie Oro volumen 3
Quadrel+Sherman M4
GAMELIST Compilation: Mega-mix
Altered Beast+Shadow Warriors+Turrican 1+Chase HQ 1
PAPERMAGCPC-Challenge 4199x
HARDWAREThe Trojan Phazer199x
PAPERMAGM&C n°15199x
GAMELIST Compilation: Top Action
Pick'n Pile+Permis de Tuer+Strike Force Harrier+Hard Drivin'+Operation Hormuz+Tarzan
GAMELIST Compilation: Crazy Cars II Compilation BCA Exclusive Pack 199x
GAMELIST Compilation: Barbarian II Compilation BCA Exclusive Pack 199x
DISCMAGZ80 2 199x
DEMOSCENEAms'Dem 4 Turn Disk Preview199x
SLIDESHOWDompub 2199x
GAMELIST Compilation: Adventure PD 199x
SLIDESHOWDie Monster Galerie199x
SLIDESHOWEB's ALF-Diashow - Set 1199x
DEMOSCENEDCS Last Demo (DCS Demo 3)199x
PAPERMAGBaba Fanz 1199x
PAPERMAGD.K.S. New's #5199x
SLIDESHOWAdaptation de Shadow of the Beast II199x
SLIDESHOWCrystal Slideshow Preview199x
DEMOSCENEBad Mag Muzic Player199x
DEMOSCENECatloc Cracktro v1.5199x
DEMOSCENECatloc Cracktro v1.6199x
DEMOSCENECatloc Cracktro v1.9199x
DEMOSCENEJFMC basic Megademo 199x
PAPERMAGGazette Chalonnaise du CPC 1199x
PAPERMAGM&C n°12199x
PAPERMAGM&C n°13: Le retour199x
PAPERMAGM&C n°14199x
PAPERMAGM&C n°16199x
PAPERMAGM&C n°19199x
PAPERMAGM&C n°20199x
PAPERMAGM&C n°21199x
PAPERMAGLooky Strad 4199x
APPLICATIONSBMP Convert v2 (Joker/Beng!)199x
GAMELIST Compilation: CPC Infos 35 (numeros 31-32) 199x
GAMELIST Compilation: CPC Infos 33 (numeros 27-28) 199x
GAMELIST Compilation: CPC Infos 32 (numeros 25-26) 199x
GAMELIST Compilation: CPC Infos 31 (Am'Star 48 et CPC Infos 24) 199x
LITTÉRATUREMicro Application - 6128 plus: Autoformation au Langage Basic199x
PAPERMAGBonzo's Scrapyard Issue 12a199x
PAPERMAGBonzo's Scrapyard Issue 12199x
PAPERMAGBonzo's Scrapyard Issue 11199x
GAMELIST Compilation: Shadow Dancer+Alien Storm 199x
APPLICATIONSCompilation: Robot PD AMS37/Clip Art 199x
APPLICATIONSCompilation: Robot PD AMS32/Serious 7 199x
APPLICATIONSCompilation: Robot PD AMS19/Serious 6 199x
APPLICATIONSCompilation: Robot PD AMS43/Serious 9 199x
APPLICATIONSCompilation: Robot PD AMS45/Serious 11199x
APPLICATIONSCompilation: Robot PD AMS93/Clip Art 199x
APPLICATIONSCompilation: Robot PD AMS90/The Design EP 199x
APPLICATIONSCompilation: Robot PD AMS88/Pagemaker Plus 199x
APPLICATIONSCompilation: Robot PD AMS87/PowerPage v1.3 199x
APPLICATIONSCompilation: Robot PD AMS13/Serious 4 199x
APPLICATIONSCompilation: Robot PD AMS70/Serious 13 199x
APPLICATIONSCompilation: Robot PD AMS66/AMSDOS Comms 199x
PAPERMAGRoolstrad 11199x
HARDWAREAmstrad PC2386199x
PAPERMAGLe Fanss 7199x
SLIDESHOWAnother Angel Show199x
GAMELIST Tron4 199x
GAMELIST Compilation: Bollaware PD Disc 199x
GAMELIST Sleepwalker PDS Games Disc #1 199x
DEMOSCENEThe Mega Pack of Games' Musik 4 (Zabor) 199x
DEMOSCENECrown Cracktro (Way of the Tiger)199x
DEMOSCENEThe Mega Pack of Games' Musik 3 (Zabor)199x
DEMOSCENEThe Mega Pack of Games' Musik 2 (Zabor) 199x
GAMELIST Compilation : 10100 AMSDOS Educational 199x
PAPERMAGCPC-Fastloader 2199x
PAPERMAGCPC Power #3199x
PAPERMAGAmstrad Print-Out #1199x
PAPERMAGLes P.A. Magazine199x
PAPERMAGThe Universal Fanz199x
APPLICATIONSPowerpage 64199x
DEMOSCENEAtlantica Demo199x
PAPERMAGAmstrad Print-Out #10199x
SLIDESHOWVideo Girl AI (Digital Dream)199x
SLIDESHOWH.S.M Slideshow (Digital Dream)199x
GAMELIST Sleepwalker PDS Games Disc #10 199x
GAMELIST Sleepwalker PDS Games Disc #16 199x
GAMELIST Sleepwalker PDS Games Disc #17 199x
GAMELIST Sleepwalker PDS Games Disc #30 199x
GAMELIST Sleepwalker PDS Games Disc #14 199x
GAMELIST Sleepwalker PDS Something Good 199x
APPLICATIONSSleepwalker PDS Serious Disc #9199x
APPLICATIONSSleepwalker PDS Serious Disc #12199x
GAMELIST Space Dodger XL 199x
PAPERMAGRoolstrad 6199x
PAPERMAGRoolstrad 9199x
GAMELIST E-Crypt 199x
GAMELIST Educational Pack 1 199x

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.