WACCI Convention 1997Demoscene Party
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Our clay started at 5.30am. On waking up we knew it was going to be busy. Tea mashed and breakfast for me. Chris washed shaved and ready to leave the house by 6,15am I lis first port of call was the garage for petrol, oil and tyres checked, and a car wash, lie then headed to Mansfield to pick up Paul and Michelle Wass as arranged in the car park of The John Cockle. I le got a short rest there as he was early. While Chris fetched them, I got ready so when they got back here, Chris would get a short rest before getting me into the car and on our way. They got back here at 7.45am, we all had tea and a chat.

It was then time to get this show on the road. We all went down to the car at about Barn. Luckily we live near the M1 so just a short trip up the road to the motorway, then the M42, to the M6, then to the Walsall Stadium. We arrived at 9.30am there was no parking space at the back near bay 8, so Chris pulled in behind the van that was unloading Chris was soon told he could not park there We knew that but he had to unload me as near as possible. Paul and Michelle got out with me to help me in.

I was glad of the trolley I held on to into the stadium (Thanks lads for the lift ha ha) I was met at the bottom of the steps by Chris Owen, asking if I needed help, sure do No sooner said than Brian Watson Peter Campbell and Angie Hardwick where coming down to help Believe me their help was appreciated I seem to think there could have been others there at that time, so if you were please accept my thanks. It is a struggle up those steps for me but believe it is worth it. Angie promises me if the convention is there next year there will be a lift.

I was soon meeting old friends and making new ones. I entered the bar room meeting each and ever)' one on the way. I had made the CPC WACCI 97 for the raffle, so headed into the large room where all where busy setting things up On the left Angela and Arthur Cook had the first tables. Brian Watson and Peter Campbell the next few tables. The tables at the end of the room where Oh dear I can't remember the chaps name on the first tables there, then came Market Stall with Jacqui Owen who for the third year running sat all day working away. Here anyone with something to sell could put their wares for sale. Thanks Jacqui for all you did, and good job well done All along the right side was Dave Simpson.

Then last but not least was BTL. along to the door and the notice board. This room was very busy all day. The sales and bartering, hunting for what you where looking for. I'm sure anyone that was there found a bargain they where looking for or found there Lets face it there are not many places now, where you would sec so much CPC Amstrad goods for sale In the WACCI room was Doug Webb with the PD Library he was very busy doing people's PD disc's Thanks Doug for all the time and work you pul in I know Doug had to take some of your orders for PD but lets face it that was the original idea, that we filled in our PD form and left it to be done. I know Doug did a lot on the day as he did a lot for me. Thanks Doug for the others, they arrived through the post within the week That was service, as he had a lot to do The smoke room I believe was very busy most of the day. Here folk gathered for a good chat as well as a smoke Ok it is one room I don't use as I don't smoke, but those that do met friends There was concern for our editor and family when they had not arrived by 11.30. When they did arrive John was not feeling well, it just shows the spirit that our club has When an officer puts the club first. Our committee got together to have their meeting. Again they put the club first We must remember they come to enjoy themselves too.

The surprise of the day was a birthday cake for Carol Bowley who was 40 years old on the 25th. I hope you had a good day Carol, sorry I forgot to send your card. T here was a thank you card signed and given to Angie for organising it for us again, I hope you also enjoyed your bottle of wine.

Helen was given a bunch of flowers for doing the raffle.

This all went to making a really great day for those that made long journey's to the stadium I have been to all the three conventions and this one was the smallest attended In saying that, I have to say that it was much easier to move around.

It made it easier also not to miss someone you wish to meet have a chal with and get help that was needed. I met too many people there to mention them all by name, but to each and every one of them it was a pleasure that I would not have missed I have to say a very great thank you to everyone that gave me help through the day For those of you that were not there,

I am wheelchair bound and I have not been well for the last six months.

I could not have coped that day if people had not given me a hand Mind you what a way to make friends, to say "give me your hand to help me along" Well that's what I'm saying I also had the pleasure of meeting the BTL crew and getting to know each of them. T hey are a great bunch of guys and gal.

We left at around 5pm and that was where for me, it become hard again There was help at hand, Paul and Michelle Wass where there for me most of the day. Carol Bowley was helping me with others down all those steps when She said" Where's the camcorder.'Y No il was not on) You see I have to go down the stairs on my knee's and Carol said " See how you leave WACCI" Well Carol I was lircd HA HA. Believe me it was worth all the effort. We also had another passenger in the car coming home. We were giving a lift home to Peter Rogerson.

We got to Nottingham at about 6.30pm we all came in for a mug of tea. This was also to give Chris a break again, before he drove them back to Mansfield, Chris arrived back here at 8.30pm.

He was very tired. It was not long before we were in bed Although the day was long, and it was for many that day

We really did enjoy every minute of the day and it was worth it. I for one hope that there will be another next year. I wish to say thank you to all that helped me and made the day so memorable.

Christine Raisin , WACCI

★ YEAR: 1997

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.