Amsoft Business Control SystemApplications Divers
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Down to business

A full appraisal of as product such as the ABC package would overrun the available catalogue space so we provide an opportunity for suppliers of new AMSOFT software to blow their own horns.

As easy as A-B-C ...

The Amsoft Business Control system (ABC) was developed by Quest International Computer Technology Ltd at Camberley, Surrey. The ABC system is a major breakthrough in offering a comprehensive business accounts facility on the CPC 464.

Bear in mind that no accounts software should (or can) set about teaching users the fundamentals of accounting. In other words, if you don't know your daybook from your trial balance, then buying a computer and an accounts package could be considered as being a prime example of 'a little knowledge' being a dangerous thing.

Always, but always, check out your accountant's view of such things. If he simply dismisses computers and DIY accounts packages because of either shortage of time to appraise them or a fundamental mis-trust of the new fangled, technology, then you can either change your accountant or persuade him to mend his ways.

A properly run and thoroughly understood set of accounts management programs will save a business a lot of time and trouble. A badly implemented and poorly maintained system without regular account's checks could be the quickest way out of business yet devised. You have been warned!

On with the commercial..........

The Amsoft dual disc accounts management system has been developed from the very successful Padmede range of Business programs which is owned by Quest International. Over 30,000 installations already exist on a worldwide basis on machines like IBM, Apricot, Apple etc. Whilst the Padmede range is normally sold for a retail price of £250 per individual module, the same product is now available by special arrangement with AMSOFT for only £149.00!!

The five programs within the ABC range are being offered as a combination suite of three programs ie. Sales Invoicing, Sales Ledger and Stock Control represents the bulk of the accounts function ofany business.

Purchase Ledger and Nominal Ledger are sold separately as these are not a pivotal part of the accounts system, but are certainly useful adjuncts if you have the discipline to operate them conscientiously.

The prices for these programs are as follows:

Sales Invoicing
Sales Ledger > £99 Inc.
Stock Control /

Nominal Ledger : Purchase Ledger :
£33 inc. £33 inc.

This development has grown from Padmede's long and successful experience of writing business software for micro-computers. ABC is well and truly a system designed for today in the same tradition that has earned Padmede the reputation of international market leaders.

Sales Invoicing (ASIS)

This module is designed to produce Invoices/Credit Notes completely and efficiently for up to 100 Accounts from 250 Products, either as an integral part of the ABC system or operating as an independent system.

When integrated with the other modules in the ABC system the Sales Invoicing System automatically updates the level of physical stock as Invoices/Credit Notes are produced. Customer Accounts are automatically updated and there is also complete integration from the Product file through to the Nominal/General Ledger.

The user is asked to select the basic information such as account number, product reference and quantity. All other information such as the account name and address, product description, selling price and tax rate are generated automatically. All calculations are made instantly, the Invoice/Credit Note is produced and the Stock File is updated.

Products not on the Stock File can be input individually and there are also facilities to enter free text on any Invoice or Credit Note.

Options are allowed for special pricing, discounts, customer discount and settlement discount.

The major benefit of ASIS is that the information used to construct an Invoice together with the arithmetical calculations are all carried out automatically and accurately. Repetitive typing is eliminated and all Invoices and Credit Notes are automatically posted to customer accounts on the Amstrad Sales Invoicing System.

Sales Ledger (ASLS)

ASLS uses recognised accounting regulations and controls to easily and accurately record details of all customer accounts on a Balance Brought Forward or an Open Item basis (selectable by account).

The objective of the system is to produce a complete Sales/Creditors Ledger, for up to 100 Accounts and 200 Transactions per month, as an integral part of the Amstrad Business Control System or as an independent module. When integrated with the other modules in the ABC System the Sales Ledger is automatically updated from the Invoicing System with all Sales Invoices and Credit Notes. In turn the Sales Ledger control accounts are used to automaticaly update the Nominal/general Ledger accounts and a full breakdown of Sales Analysis is produced.

The major characteristics of ASLS are that all postings ie. invoices, credit notes, payments received etc. are made to customer accounts in a similar w&y to writing in a ledger, The user chooses the account to be posted to, makes the posting and immediately the entry is recorded to the account.

Automatically, the Balance Outstanding, Control Accounts, Daybook files, Sales Tax/VAT summaries are all updated giving full accountingc ontrol.

Reports from the system include:

Sales/Debtors Ledger Report

Transactions Listing providing the same information as Statements but in a condensed form

  • Alphabetic Listing of clients
  • VAT/Sales Tax Summary
  • Control Accounts
  • Daybook Listing
  • Aged Debtors Report
  • Non-buying Customers Report

Statements are readily produced by the system and formatted either for plain paper or alternatively pre-printed stationery may be used.

Stock Control (ASCS)

The object of the system is to enable the user to keep up to date on his stock situation including orders outstanding for each stock item. Meaningful reports can be produced, stock can be automatically valued at cost and selling prices, and a price list can be produced.

ASCS caters for up to 250 stock items, and for each stock item Physical Stock is calculated as a result of receipts, issues, transfers, returns to stock etc.

As an aid, Minimum Stock Level and Re-Order Level indicators are used to prompt the user to re-order and to speed-up the search for items that need re-ordering.

To help with ordering, additional assistance is provided for the user because he is able to record orders placed on his supplier by quantity and actual order number. Likewise there is a facility to record orders placed on him by his customer. As these orders are satisfied they are matched against the order number and deleted from the file.

Free Stock is automatically calculated by taking the Physical Stock less Customer Orders and plus Supplier orders that have not yet been satisfied.

ASCS uses the same stock file as the Amsoft Sales Invoicing System (ASIS) and, therefore, has the same facility for Cost Price, Selling Price, VAT Code, Discount % on Selling Price, product Group, Unit of Sale, and also the Product Description.

Each product is allocated an 8-digit alpha-numeric code with a description of 25 characters. By using a Product Group Code each stock item can be further identified into a specific category. This two digit code can also be used to allocate a stock item to a branch or Department. When printing reports on product details these can be produced by product Group Code as well as by Product Number. The user can also select the following additional informat ion for each stock item:

(a) Turnover by

  • Quantity
  • Sales Value *Cost Value

(b) Gross profit

  • Unit Gross Profit
  • Unit Gross Profit %
  • Gross Profit on Turnover
  • % Gross Profit on Turnover

(c) Valutaion

  • Free Stock at Cost Price
  • Free Stock at Selling Price
  • Customer Orders at Selling Price
  • Supplier Orders a t Cost Price
  • Grand Totals at end of reports give Stock Valuation at Selling price and Cost price

(d) Orders

  • Order Numbers that are still outstanding, i.e. Suppliers and Customers

The usercan also limit which stock items he wants to have reported by choosing from the following:

(e) Those stock items below Re-order Level

(f) Those stock items below Minimum Stock Level

(g) Those stock items that are zero or negative Physical Stock

(h) Those stock items where there has been no movement before or after a specified date

(i) Those stock items between a certain range of Turnover value.

In addition ASCS provides a full audit trail of postings, a daybook can be displayed, and a Price List can be printed.

Purchase Ledger (APLS)

APLS uses recognised accounting regulations and controls to easily and accurately record details of all supplier accounts.

The objective of the system is to produce a complete Purchase/Debtors Ledger for up to 100 Accounts and 200 Transactions per month as an integral part of the Amstrad Business Control system or asan independentmodule.

When integrated within the ABC System the Purchase Ledger control accounts are used to automatically update the Nominal/General Ledger accounts and a full breakdown of Purchase Cost Analysis is produced.

The major characteristics of APLS are that all postings, i.e. invoices, credit notes, payments made, etc. are made to supplier accounts in a similar way to writing in a ledger. The user chooses the account to be posted to, makes the posting and immediately the entry is recorded to the account.

Automatically, the Balance Outstanding, Control Accounts, Daybook files, Tax/VAT summaries are all updated giving full accounting control.

Reports from the system include:

  • Purchase Ledger Report
  • Transaction Listing providing the same
  • information as Remittance Advice but in a condensed form
  • A lphabetica I Listing of Suppliers
  • VAT/Sales Tax Summary control Accounts for Analysis of Purchases

Daybook Listing

Aged Creditors Listing

Nominal Ledger (ANLS)

ANLS is a complete, comprehensive, balance brought forward Nominal Ledger where Journal Entries are made via the keyboard to up to 400 Nominal Analysis Codes land 99 sub Analysis Codes).

The object of the system is to produce a complete and accurate set of accounts for your company (or an individual), with a maximum of 800 journal transactions per month being input to the system.

The system is very similar to any Nominal General Ledger, where transactions can be analysed to Nominal ledger codes in the range 100-299. You can choose the description for each Nominal Ledger Code, and you can alter them as the need arises. An additional facility is the ability to do sub-analysis using Code No.s 1-99, these codes can also have their own descriptions. This feature is useful where you have branches in a Company and you want a separate set of accounts for each branch as well as overall.

ANLS is fully integrated automatically with the Sales and Purchase Ledgers in the ABC System but has also been designed to run independently from the other systems if so desired.

Entries are made by batch, each containing up to 56 postings, and the computer ensures the batch balances to zero, thus maintaining double entry in the system.

Actual value updates to the ledger are made to a specific month/period in the year. Budgets are entered by quarter, and the system will apportion these budget figures on a monthly basis. To produce variances the actual values of each account is maintained as the 'comparative', and this is also used for comparisons against Year to Date (YTD) Actual Values

Profit/Loss is calculated automatically and saved to Nominal Accounts of your selection at month end.

You can view a Nominal/General Ledger Code and associated postings on the screen at any time and produce reports on demand. The main reports are Trial Balance, Profit/Loss Trading Accounts, together with Balance Sheets. Reports are produced for specific periods/months as well as year to date.

For any organisation, control and proof of control over the accounts is essential. Complete control is maintained in ANLS together with audit trails regardless of input automatically made from the Sales/Debtors Ledger System (ASLS) and the Purchase/Creditors Ledger System (APLS) or through the keyboard for journal entries.

Reports from ANLS can be produced on any printer (sheet fed or continuous), have a maximum of 80 characters to any print line, and can be produced on demand. The various reports that can be obtained are as follows:

  • Audit Trail of all Journal Entries
  • Print Postings - range selectable by Nominal Code range and
  • Sub-Analysis Code range
  • Report by Nominal general Ledger Codes postings, descriptions, totals etc. - range selectable by Nominal Code range and Sub-Analysis Code range
  • Print Final Accounts:
    • Trial Balance for period (Profit Loss)
    • Trial Balance for period (Balance Sheet)
    • N/L Analysis 1 for period (Profit/Loss)
    • N/L Analysis 2 for period (Balance Sheet)
    • N/L Analysis 1 and 2 for Year to Date to period

ABC includes many features which are not only unique but represent the real needs of users in that it is:

Fast, reliable and easy to use. Comprehensively documented and requires minimum operator training. Fully supported by Quest's 'Hot Line' and optional after sales service.

Fully integrated, each module can be linked or operated independently of the others.


★ YEARS: 1984 , 1985
★ CONFIG: 64K + CP/M V2.2
★ DEVELOPERS: Quest International Computer Technology Ltd , AMSOFT
★ AUTHOR(S): ???
  1. ASCS is a suite of programs that will enable you to easily and accurately record stock details, provide [+] ...
  • SOFT1002 (1984/DISC/CPM 2.2)
  • SOFT07035 (1985/DISC CPM+)


» Amsoft  Business  Control    (Combined  Business  Package)    (SOFT07035)    ENGLISHDATE: 2019-03-04
DL: 237
SiZE: 152Ko
NOTE: Extended DSK/43 Cyls

» Amsoft  Business  Control    (Combined  Business  Package)    (SOFT1002)    ENGLISHDATE: 2019-03-04
DL: 282
SiZE: 137Ko
NOTE: Dumped by DLFRSILVER for Loic DANEELS ; Extended DSK/42 Cyls

» Amsoft  Business  Control    (Combined  Business  Package)    (SOFT1002)    ENGLISHDATE: 2014-05-05
DL: 210
TYPE: image
SiZE: 438Ko
NOTE: w1677*h1068

» Amsoft  Business  Control    (Combined  Business  Package)    (SOFT1002)    ENGLISHDATE: 2015-11-11
DL: 164
TYPE: image
SiZE: 282Ko
NOTE: Scan by Loic DANEELS ; w1864*h585

Manuel d'utilisation & doc:
» Amsoft  Business  Control    (Combined  Business  Package)    (SOFT1002)    ENGLISHDATE: 2014-09-12
DL: 570
SiZE: 25556Ko

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.