Doodle - Simple Drawing Program (The Amstrad User)Applications Creation Graphique
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This is a simple drawing program which will enable users who have a disc drive to design good looking intro screens or just doodle to their hearts content. The MENU for the program is not displayed on screen, so here it is:


  • Left, Right, Up and Down are controlled by the cursor keys.
  • Press '0': allows the pixel to move by one.
  • Press '1': allows the pixel to move by ten.
  • Press '2': allows the pixel to move by twenty.
  • P = Plot: plots a dot on the screen.
  • D = Draw: draws a line to plot point.
  • W = Wipe: wipes out a line.
  • S = Save: save screen to disc 17k.
  • L = Load: load screen from disc.
  • B = Border: prints a border around the screen.
  • @ = Print text to screen.
  • H = Height: used when drawing circles.
  • C - Circle: input dcg. after setting plot and height.
  • I = Pen colour or pixel.
  • CTRL-F = Fill.
  • CTRL-D = Screen Dump - if DUMP program is loaded.
Now we can see what can be achieved when using the above MENU. Lets take each command one at a time. Firstly run the program (RUN"DOODLE). Input Y/N then enter, now select a MODE. Press '0' then enter, this will allow the full use of the facilities. What you should see now is a dot in the middle of the screen, a number on the left bottom corner of the screen followed by sixteen different colours. Well, every-thing looks good so far.


Press the left cursor control key and the dot will move to the left. The up, down and right cursor keys move the dot accordingly. The dot moves around the screen twenty pixels at a time. Pressing T will now reduce the pixel movement to ten. Press '0' and the dot will only move one pixel at a time. Pressing '2' will set the movement back to twenty pixels. You should have noticed the number on the screen change to indicate to you the amount by which the dot is moving. P 'lot: Will simply plot a point on the screen to draw to. Press 'P'. Now move the dot to the left. D 'raw: Draws a line to the plotted point on the screen. Press 'D' and you can see the line is drawn. 'W 'ipe: Press 'P' now move the dot to the right then press 'W' and the line will be wiped out. S "ave: saves screen to disc (takes 17k). Input your own file name then enter, this also applies with 'Load. Input ar.d 'R' at either prompt will return you to the main program. B 'order: Allows any character to printed around the screen. Press 'B' input 255 then enter. As you can see the character has been changed using SYMBOL.

@ ' the "at" sign: Produces a cursor on the screen allowing the input of text. The text is printed in the current pen colour of the dot. Press move the cursor to where you want it then type in you name then enter. An additional feature of the @ kev provides for scrolling your picture off the screen. If RETURN is hit, this will effectively wipe your picture and present a fresh blank screen. C 'ircle: Press 'P' then move the dot to the left say three presses of the cursor key, now up to two. Press 'H' (height of circle) then back down two. Press 'C' and at the bottom of the screen you are asked to input the degrees you want. For now input 360 and enter, the circle now will be drawn. Now move the dot out of the circle. I' Selecting Pen: Take note of the sixteen colours at the bottom of the screen. These colours are numbered from left to right 0 to 15. To make it a bit easier the arrowed characters indicate five and ten. Press 'P' so as to not upset any of the previous works of art. Now Press T then input the pen colour you have chosen and enter. Note the dot has changed colour. Now draw a square. When drawing from point to point there is no need to plot each time, just move the dot and press 'D'.

F 'ill: Move the dot into the square and then choose a colour from the pallet. Now Press 'CTRL-F, input the colour number then enter, and the shape will be filled with the colour you selected. Note when you wish use to FILL, be sure the section you are going to FILL is totally enclosed and the dot is the same colour as the the outline of the shape.

CTRL-D': Screen Dump to printer: This function can only be used if you load your own screen dump program before loading and running DOODLE. If you do decide to load a screen dumpprogram, then replace line 980 with your DUMP COMMAND.

Here is a short LOADER program if using your own DUMP program.

10 MEMORY 36999
20 LOAD"dump.bin"
30 CALL 37000
40 RUN"draw


  • Not pressing 'P' before changing pens.
  • Not pressing 'P' when using the wipe facility.
  • Not having a shape totally enclosed when using FILL.
  • Flashing dot must be the same colour as the outline of the shape to be filled.
  • When inputting text, moving the cursor too high or too low will scroll the screen.

Note for CPC464 owners with a disc drive. You machine docs not have a FILL facility. However, a short machine code FILL program was published in the MARCH 1985 edition of the English Amstrad User Magazine.


★ PUBLISHER: The Amstrad User (Australia)
★ YEAR: 1986


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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.